Spanish or Castilian is a romance language that originated in the medieval Kingdom of Castile Belongs to the Indo-European family of languages (romance group of the Ibero -Romanesque subgroup). Writing based on the Latin alphabet. According to various estimates, worldwide speak Spanish 450 -500 million people.
Spanish language, and with it the other romance languages: Italian, French, Portuguese, Catalan, Romanian - they all come from noble Latin language. Latin alphabet
In the period of romanization, Spain and the Arab invasion of the Spanish language as such did not exist. It was a mix of popular Latin languages conquerors. After the collapse of the Roman Empire on the territory of the Iberian Peninsula, lost homeland, people, ceases to be a Roman. From here originates the history of Hispano-Romans whose language is already starting to develop in isolation from the Latin language captured by German tribes Italy and other languages which separated from the Roman Empire lands.
After two centuries after the appearance of the first Spanish grammar in 1713 established Spanish Royal Academy. Its main task is consolidation of the Spanish language as the primary and normalized language of Spain, making it thus, standard and invariable for all residents of the state. From this moment stops so broad and constant variation of the Spanish language, Spanish language becomes stable, and phonetics, morphology and the system of verbal times acquire a relatively stable and the most approximate to the contemporary state of the language form.
phrases in Spanish Cuando las personas se van - dejales ir. La suerte expulsa los de mas. No significa que son malos. Significa que su papel en tu vida ya esta representado. Когда люди уходят - отпускай. Cудьба исключает лишних. Это не значит, что они плохие. Это значит, что их роль в твоей жизни уже сыграна. Siempre me voy a enamorar de quien de mi no se enamora, y es por eso que mi alma llora. Я всегда влюбляюсь в ту, которая меня не любит, и именно поэтому плачет моя душа. hoy te quiero mas que ayer. . . Y manana te voy a quierer mas que hoy. . . И сегодня я люблю тебя сильнее, чем вчера. . . А завтра буду любить сильнее, чем сегодня. . . No te esfuerces tanto, las mejores cosas suceden cuando menos te las esperas. Не прилагай столько усилий, все самое лучшее случается неожиданно.