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Sow the Seeds of Love - Unite in Service Work for Peace Presented Saturday, May 10, 2003 by Rtns. Mark Zober and Marilyn Farber
Our History Object Four *In 1921, Rotary International (RI) adopted: . . . “The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world of fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. ”
Our History Negotiator *During the 1933 -35 Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay, Chilean Rotarians worked through Rotarians in the two rival countries to form a commission to work out the basis of a peace agreement. Results: Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the commission was able to negotiate an end to hostilities.
Our History Negotiator The 1997 Rotary Peace Forum in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina Results: Encouraged the continued status of Antarctica as a continent for all people, stressing the importance of peaceful, nonpolitical international collaboration.
Our History Advocate *At Rotary's 1940 convention in Havana, Cuba, delegates adopted the "Respect for Human Rights Resolution, " a precursor to the UN's 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Our History UN Partner • The Rotary relationship with the United Nations dates back to the founding of the UN in 1945. • 49 Rotarians attended the 1945 UN Charter Conference in San Francisco, helping to shape the text and focus of the charter, particularly on economic, social and humanitarian issues. • Today Rotary holds the highest consultative status of any NGO with several UN agencies, including UNESCO.
Our History… The Rotary Foundation -The Flagship The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to support the efforts of Rotary International in the fulfillment of the Fourth Objective of Rotary: • The achievement of world understanding and peace through local, national, and international … humanitarian, educational, and cultural programs.
Sowing the Seeds of Love… Through International Programs • World Peace Scholars Program • Presidential Peace Conference • Group Study Exchange • International Youth Exchange • Ambassadorial Scholarship • Matching Grants • 3 -H Grants • Friendship Exchange
Sowing the Seeds of Love Rotary Foundation Supports Hi-Tech Knowledge… Happiness
Sowing the Seeds of Love Rotary Foundation Supports Primary Education… Income Generation
Sowing the Seeds of Love Rotary sponsored Community Programs have: Organized food pantries for the homeless. . . Provided fresh water to indigent people through wells, reservoirs, or new pipes. . . Offered adult literacy classes. . . Started food gardens to improve nutrition for inner-city residents. . . Provided agricultural training and supplies to rural residents…and so much more.
Our History Recognition The Rotary Award for World Understanding (RAWU) was: • Established in 1980 • Honors a person or organization whose actions promote International Peace and Understanding through selfless service to others.
Our History Recognition Past RAWU recipients include: Dr. Norman E. Borlaug Mohammad Yunus Nelson Mandela Sadako Ogata (former Ambassadorial Scholar) Jimmy Carter Javier Pérez de Cuéllar Václav Havel The Salvation Army The Red Cross Dr. Albert B. Sabin The Scout Movement Pope John Paul II
Our History In our Clubs Locally, Rotary clubs have initiated and sponsored a number of projects to foster more peaceful communities: • Local Rotary programs such as Friends Forever and Toward a Better Understanding encourage trust and understanding between Protestant and Catholic youth in Northern Ireland. • Rotarians in Ontario, Canada have supported the School for Peace in the joint Jewish-Arab settlement of Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam in Israel.
Our History In our Clubs * In the Philippines, Manila Rotarians conduct violence prevention efforts such as crime watch groups, police support and an anti-drug abuse campaign. * The Rotary Club of Butuan North established the Lingap Livelihood Center to provide for youth vocational training in a stable environment.
Our History Our Presidential Themes World Understand Peace Through Rotary (PRIP Stanley E. Mc. Caffrey, 1981 -1982) Rotarians - United in Service Dedicated to Peace (PRIP Charles C. Keller, 1987 -1988) Act with Integrity - Serve with Love - Work for Peace (Herbert G. Brown, 1995 -1996)
Our History Rotary Heroes Rotarian Robert Stewart, CA Okotoks, Calgary Rotary Special Ambassador for Peace Education
VISION OF PEACE: Rotarian Robert Stewart A culture of peace will be achieved when: >Citizens of the world understand global problems; >Have the skills to resolve conflicts constructively; >Know and live by international standards of human rights, gender and racial equality; >Appreciate cultural diversity; and respect the integrity of the Earth. >Such learning can not be achieved without intentional, sustained and systematic education for peace.
Our History Rotary Heroes Rotarian Geoffrey Little, Australia Wagga Rotary Club “The Smiling Policeman” Founder -Rotary Ambassador for Peace Cities Program
Our History Rotary Heroes Rotarian Moto Nishimura, Japan Rotary Club of Kobe Rocco Rotary Special Ambassador for Peace Cities
Our Sojourn…Some History Mark, A Peace Corps Volunteer in Sierra Leone Learning to Serve
Our Sojourn…Some History Marilyn, A Peace Corps Volunteer in Colombia Learning to Serve
Our Sojourn…Finding Rotary Club of Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) 1995 -1999 Promoting Peace Through Volunteer Service
Our Sojourn…Finding Rotary Club of Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) 1995 -1999 Marilyn Becomes a Rotarian……Our Fellow Club Members
Our Sojourn…Getting Involved Rotary Club of Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) 1995 -1999 Marilyn and her Students……A Rotary Project
From Jerusalem to Nazereth Jerusalem Rotary Club (Israel) 1999 -Present The Challenges of Unity and Diversity
Our District…Unity in Diversity District 2490 - Israel Jewish Muslim Christian Baha’i Fellowship and friendship among the many Faiths
Our Club…Unity in Diversity Jerusalem Rotary Club Fellowship among Jews, Christians, Bahai
Our Club…Unity in Diversity Jerusalem Rotary Club GSE in California International Fellowship a common theme
Our Club…Unity in Diversity Jerusalem Rotary Club In India or Barcelona International fellowship fosters goodwill and understanding
Sowing the Seeds of Love… In the Words of our RI Presidents PRIP Herb Brown: Serving with love and working for peace, Rotarians will continue to make a difference. With steadfast love, self-less commitment and undaunting courage Rotarians have the power to right the unrightable wrong and change our world of chaos into a world of peace…
Sowing the Seeds of Love. . . PRIP Herb Brown: Peace must begin with each of us and within each of us. When there is peace in the heart, there is peace in the family. When there is peace in the family, there is peace in the village. Where there is peace in the village, there is peace in the country. And where there is peace in the country, there is peace in the world.
Sowing the Seeds of Love. . . PRIP Glen W. Kinross (Chair TRF): “You can make Foundation programs work toward world peace and understanding. . . “Our next focus must be even stronger in the field of conflict resolution. Today we have at least 30 ongoing armed conflicts, including; the Israelis and the Palestinians, India and Pakistan, Afghanistan and anti-terrorist interests, and many more. Peace does not come naturally. . . Diane and Herb Brown, with Glen
Sowing the Seeds of Love. . . “We need to provide: ü ü ü Mediation skills Diplomacy Conflict resolution A solution for the suffering Development” (Presented at the RI Presidential Conference of Peace and Development, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia August 9 -11, 2002)
The Kuala Lumpur Declaration • Promote the endeavor of Rotarians at all levels in the arena of conflict prevention; • Work together on conflict resolution using the existing programs of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation, especially Rotary Centers for International Studies; • Enhance people-to-people diplomacy in the promotion of goodwill, world understanding, and peace; • Increase the funds available for peace research; • Develop training and educational programs for conflict prevention and resolution; and • Use Rotary resources and goodwill for the development and the alleviation of injustice, poverty, hunger, sickness, and illiteracy.
Sowing the Seeds of Love. . . RI President Bhichai Rattakul: “We must all work to provide future generations with effective, practical tools to ensure peace. “We need commitment to peace that includes solving suffering. “No one who is hungry can come to the table to negotiate conflict. No one who is ill can join the discussion. We need to work on suffering this year in our own ways: clubs setting goals that meet their areas’ needs, as well as the needs of others in the world. ”
Sowing the Seeds of Love… Reaping the Joys of Peace The Establishment of the… Peace Building Fellowship of Rotarians (in formation) Ý Founded in September 2002 Ý Mission: Promote greater awareness, involvement, commitment and support for the peace oriented programs. Ý Over 800 Charter Members from nearly 80 countries. Ý RI Recognition pending…”The Resolution. ”
Sowing the Seeds of Love… Reaping the Joys of Peace CALL TO ACTION! • Learn about and Get Involved in Rotary Peace Programs; • Join the Peace Building Fellowship of Rotarians; • Generously support Rotary Foundation Peace; • Support development and Exchange programs.
Sowing the Seeds of Love… Reaping the Joys of Peace LEND A HAND. . . FOR PEACE!