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Southwest District Updates Joan Wallner District Channel Manager-Southwest, Pacific Western and Terra Grande Districts Southwest District Updates Joan Wallner District Channel Manager-Southwest, Pacific Western and Terra Grande Districts

Value of APICS Research, Education, Certification According to US News and World Report-Supply Chain Value of APICS Research, Education, Certification According to US News and World Report-Supply Chain Industry: § 244, 100 jobs in the US § 12. 4% growth rate between 2012 - 2022 § $95, 440 median salary ($46, 890 - $187, 199) § 4. 1% unemployment rate § #5 best business job § #42 best job overall § Above average upward mobility § Above average stress § Average flexibility § Bachelor’s or master’s degree § APICS certifications often preferred 2 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Elevator Pitch APICS is the premier provider of education, certification and research for supply Elevator Pitch APICS is the premier provider of education, certification and research for supply chain and operations management professionals. APICS also is the largest supply chain association in the world with a network of more than 42, 000 members and over 290 channel partners. APICS best-in-class certifications have set the global standard for supply chain and operations management excellence for over 40 years. In fact, nearly 115, 000 individuals have earned an APICS CSCP or CPIM designation. In the realm of associations that offer supply chain research, education, certifications and professional development opportunities, APICS is the leader. 3 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Channels Channels

What Are Channel Partners? APICS services are available across the globe through APICS partners. What Are Channel Partners? APICS services are available across the globe through APICS partners. APICS works with local affiliates to provide APICS certification exams, education and training, and membership services to the local market. • Partners outside North America (100) International associates and authorized education providers • Partners in the US, Canada, and Mexico Professional and student chapters • 200 professional chapters in North America in 9 geographical districts • 214 student chapters 5 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

District Channel Nine geographic districts Mid Atlantic – 27 Canadian – 13 Northeast – District Channel Nine geographic districts Mid Atlantic – 27 Canadian – 13 Northeast – 25 Southeast – 38 Heartland – 20 Great Lakes – 20 Pacific Western – 17 Southwest – 15 Terra Grande - 24 6 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Role of District Manager and Volunteer Team • District Manager Each district elects a Role of District Manager and Volunteer Team • District Manager Each district elects a District Manager through a special nomination committee made up of chapter leaders within the district. The 9 district managers make up the district managers committee. • District Volunteer Team The District Manager has a volunteer District support staff to assist with the development and implementation of chapter management training and two-way communication between APICS corporate and the local chapter. 7 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Chapter Channel APICS chapters and student chapters are located throughout North America and offer Chapter Channel APICS chapters and student chapters are located throughout North America and offer convenient and personalized education and a strong local network of peers are easily accessible for members. Participation with local chapters enables members to pursue leadership opportunities that expand skill sets, enhance career growth, and increase marketability. 8 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Chapter Channel APICS chapters offer a variety of services in communities throughout North America, Chapter Channel APICS chapters offer a variety of services in communities throughout North America, including • instructor-led certification review classes that help prepare candidates for testing • on-site training for organizations interested in educating a group of employees • certification study groups and North American group testing opportunities • seminars and workshops specific to a particular geographic area and/or industry • plant tours that provide insight into organizational principles and practices • workshops and meetings with allied organizations that enable members to network • professional development meetings that foster local networking and career development. 9 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Chapter Structure • Tax Exempt, 501 c(3) Nonprofit organizations • Incorporated • Bylaws • Chapter Structure • Tax Exempt, 501 c(3) Nonprofit organizations • Incorporated • Bylaws • Financial Policies • Channel Partner Agreement (CPA) with APICS • Board of Directors 10 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Chapter Board of Directors Board positions and terms are outlined within the chapter bylaws. Chapter Board of Directors Board positions and terms are outlined within the chapter bylaws. Most common board positions: • President • Vice President of Education • Vice President of Membership • Vice President of Marketing • Vice President of Programs • Treasurer 11 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

How Chapters Affiliate With APICS Channel Partner Agreement (CPA) • The intent of the How Chapters Affiliate With APICS Channel Partner Agreement (CPA) • The intent of the agreement is to strengthen APICS Corporate and Chapters, by being able to legally share services and to protect the brand image of the APICS for all of its current and future customers. • Outline of key corporate and chapter responsibilities Channel Partner Agreement Compliance (yearly) • Letter of Assertion • Letter of Compliance 12 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Chapter Benchmarking and Reporting (C-BAR) Provide each chapter with a comprehensive set of activities Chapter Benchmarking and Reporting (C-BAR) Provide each chapter with a comprehensive set of activities recommended for a successful chapter. Provide an objective process to recognize chapters that meet or exceed the accomplishment of recommended activities. 13 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

North American Channel Partner Strategy North American Channel Partner Strategy

Channel Partner Strategy Networking Partner Channel Partner Premier Channel Partner Several Presentations provided to Channel Partner Strategy Networking Partner Channel Partner Premier Channel Partner Several Presentations provided to Chapters on the new strategy 1. Initial change introduction 2. 2 nd communication with more details 3. Rollout timing 4. Frequently Asked Questions 5. Criteria and Tier Status 6. Frequently Asked Questions 15 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

NA Channel Strategy Focused on sales & delivery Current APICS Chapters Premier price discounts NA Channel Strategy Focused on sales & delivery Current APICS Chapters Premier price discounts Membership sales commission Channel Partner LLCs & Consulting Firms • • Price discounts Membership sales commission Premier NFP Channel Partner • • • Premier price discounts Membership rebates Sales assistance (DBDM) NFP Channel Partner • • • Price discounts Membership rebates Sales assistance (DBDM) • • • No price discounts Membership rebates Sales assistance (DBDM) Premier Channel Partner Organization (For Profits) Qualified Instructors Local Channel Partners (Chapters) Focused on engaging through members NFP Network Partner Chapters are, and will continue to be, an important channel. However to grow the pie, we must additional channels to allow end-customers to purchase our products and services. 16 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

2015 Chapter Status Results by District Premier Partners Channel Partners Network Partners Total Chapter 2015 Chapter Status Results by District Premier Partners Channel Partners Network Partners Total Chapter Canadian Great Lakes Heartland Mid Atlantic Northeast* 2 4 1 3 11 14 15 21 25 2 4 3 1 13 20 20 27 26 Pacific Western* Southeast 2 3 10 27 5 8 17 38 Southwest 3 12 15 Terra Grande 5 16 3 24 Total 23 151 26 200 *Note: Chapters that closed or are slated to close have been removed from above table summary. 17 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

District Business Development Manager Update District Business Development Manager Update

19 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary 19 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Program Change: Discontinue partial service option (effective July 1, 2015) What is the change? Program Change: Discontinue partial service option (effective July 1, 2015) What is the change? Chapters will no longer have the ability to participate under a partial service model. Why is this change being made? To focus on providing the highest level of service to partner leaders, by removing systems and process complexities that are costly, time-consuming, and provide very little value. How will this change impact local channel partners? Starting July 1, 2015, local channel partners can enroll in the program as full service, or elect to opt-out. Current partial service partners will be contacted by their DBDM or District Channel Manager to select either full service enrollment or opt-out. 20 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Partner Leaders’ Role In The Initial Sales Cycle Partner leader supply sales lead to Partner Leaders’ Role In The Initial Sales Cycle Partner leader supply sales lead to DBDM receives lead from the local channel partner DBDM requests meeting with prospective client Resubmit the information to the partner leader with recommendation Single or multisite DBDM validates the lead Single Corporate Services Multi Site Accept request Client receive request No Yes Make contact now? Yes DBDM prepares for client meeting No Yes Partner leader assist the DBDM in nurturing the client, as needed 21 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary Continu e pursuit No DBDM communicates results and recommendations to the partner leader

Updates Updates

APICS and AST&L merger final We are pleased to announce that the merger of APICS and AST&L merger final We are pleased to announce that the merger of APICS and the American Society of Transportation and Logistics (AST&L) is final. The merger expands, extends and deepens the end-to-end supply chain body of knowledge that fuels APICS global supply chain research, education and certification programs. The merged organization offers unmatched content and subject matter expertise that will enable individuals and organizations to meet key supply chain challenges. AST&L members will be given the choice to affiliate with an APICS chapter. After this choice is made, they will be listed on your chapter roster in Partner Connect but will have a special membership type (ASTL Legacy Membership). They will have the complete suite of APICS member benefits. 23 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Scholar funding Applications for the Scholar Education program have closed, and now we need Scholar funding Applications for the Scholar Education program have closed, and now we need your support to send as many applicants as possible to APICS 2015 in Las Vegas! We received nearly 100 applications, and nearly as many volunteers have signed up to be mentors. How can you fund a scholar? Districts, chapters and individuals are encouraged to contribute to this scholar fund. Donations can be earmarked to fund a specific student or any student in your district, or general donations can be used to fund any applicant who meets the criteria. Funding for program is $1, 100 per individual student or $1, 000 per student if you sponsor multiple students. Each donation provides a scholar with the opportunity to participate in student-centered programming at APICS 2015, which includes workforce development educational sessions, one-on-one mentorship and fulfillment of community service work. Our current applicants fall within the following districts: Canadian District: 6 Mid-Atlantic District: 9 Southeast District: 5 Great Lakes District: 15 Northeast District: 19 Southwest District: 6 Heartland District: 11 Pac. West District: 7 Terra Grande District: 3 24 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS Designation Comparison Chart APICS designations give candidates a recognized industry credential that builds APICS Designation Comparison Chart APICS designations give candidates a recognized industry credential that builds on their knowledge and expertise in the supply chain industry. With the APICS Designation Comparison Chart, candidates can view each designation at a glance to determine the right program to help them gain a competitive edge in their supply chain profession. The comparison chart is available on C-Box as a PDF or in Power. Point slides. 25 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS Certification and Endorsement Comparison Chart Designation Name CPIM CSCP SCOR-P Designation Type Certification APICS Certification and Endorsement Comparison Chart Designation Name CPIM CSCP SCOR-P Designation Type Certification Endorsement Reach Global Member discount Yes Yes Program Overview Provides candidates with the ability to understand evaluate production and inventory activities within a company's global operations. Helps candidates demonstrate their knowledge and organizational skills for developing more streamlined operations across the extended supply chain. Enables candidates to learn techniques for managing and measuring the performance of a global supply chain utilizing the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR®) model. Area of content CPIM focuses on an organization’s internal operations and provides an in-depth understanding of materials management, master scheduling, forecasting, production planning and provides the knowledge to apply this information across the extended supply chain. CSCP focuses on the mastery of the extended supply chain, from organizations’ suppliers through to the end customers. The CSCP designation validates professional understanding of supply chain management and the integration of operations across the extended supply chain. Candidates learn the major process components (Plan, Make, Source, Deliver, Return and Enable) for managing and measuring the performance of a global supply chain by implementing the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR®) model. Eligibility Application No Yes No Candidate qualifications §No college degree is required Candidates must have: § 3 years of related business experience or §Bachelor’s degree or the international equivalent, or §Hold one of the following designations: CPIM, CFPIM, CIRM, SCOR-P, CPM, CSM or CPSM §Candidates are recommended to have five years of working experience in a supply chain §SCOR-Professional training is recommended but not required 26 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS Certification and Endorsement Comparison Chart Designation Name CPIM CSCP SCOR-P Supply Chain operations APICS Certification and Endorsement Comparison Chart Designation Name CPIM CSCP SCOR-P Supply Chain operations areas most suited for designation §Production and inventory management §Operations §Supply chain management §Procurement §Materials management §Purchasing §Planning §Supply chain design §Supplier management §Transportation §Supply chain management §Distribution channels § 3 PL, 4 PL §Customer management §Production management §Operations §Supply chain management §Procurement §Materials management §Inventory management Supply Chain professional titles §Supply chain manager §Buyers or planners §Materials manager §Production planner §Consultant §Business analyst §Supply chain manager §Consultant, senior consultant §Supply chain project manager §Materials manager §Supply chain analyst §Business analyst §Logistics manager §Operations manager §Buyer, purchasing manager §Supply chain project manager §Materials manager §Logistics manager §Operations manager Company benefit The CPIM program provides employees with the understanding to evaluate production and inventory activities within an organization’s global operations by improving efficiency, maximizing technology ROI and streamlining operations to address challenges and opportunities. The CSCP program helps employees master advanced supply chain management principles that extend beyond an organizations internal end-to-end operations from suppliers to customers. It provides a higher-level of knowledge and skills needed to streamline operations and produce bottom line results. The SCOR Professional program provides employees with the major process components of the SCOR framework (Plan, Make, Source, Deliver, Return and Enable) which helps companies to increase the speed of system implementations, improve inventory turns and drive measurable supply chain process improvement and business performance. Candidate benefit The CPIM program increases a candidate’s functional knowledge of production and inventory management by providing them with the tools they need to effectively evaluate and manage activities. The CSCP program provides candidates with the necessary tools to effectively manage global supply chain activities and enables them to implement best practice approaches to increase supply chain efficiencies. The SCOR-P program builds a candidates SCOR knowledge so they will be able to manage supply chain projects with more predicable outcomes, improve supply chain performance and build team credibility with senior management and other departments. 27 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS Certification and Endorsement Comparison Chart Designation Name CPIM CSCP SCOR-P Study methods and APICS Certification and Endorsement Comparison Chart Designation Name CPIM CSCP SCOR-P Study methods and guides §Self-study §Online study §Classroom study options §Exam Content Manual (ECM) §Participant workbook §Online CPIM Study Tools §CPIM Exam Simulator §Recommended references §APICS Dictionary §Self-study §Online study §Classroom study options §Exam Content Manual (ECM) §CSCP Learning System §Courseware materials §Online content and quizzes §APICS Dictionary §SOCR-P Framework §SCOR-P Quick Reference Guide §SCOR-P APP §SCOR-P courseware §Sample questions guide §On-line forums Exam type Computer-based multiple choice. Exams Must pass all five modules to become certified. 5 modules each having their own exam: §Basics of Supply Chain Management - 105 multiple choice questions. 80 operational and 25 pre-test* questions. §All other modules: 75 multiple-choice questions per exam. 60 operational and 15 pre-test* questions. §Master Planning of Resources §Detailed Scheduling and Planning §Execution and Control of Operations §Strategic management of Resources Must pass one exam to become certified. Must pass one exam to become endorsed. 175 multiple-choice questions. 150 operational and 25 pre-test* questions. 60 multiple-choice questions. 3 hours (per module) 4 hours 2 hours Exam length *Pre-test questions do not contribute to the total score, but are necessary for research purposes. The pre-test questions are randomly distributed among the scored items and are used for statistical purposes only. Candidates should answer all exam questions. 28 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS Certification and Endorsement Comparison Chart Designation Name CPIM CSCP SCOR-P Exam Content Exam APICS Certification and Endorsement Comparison Chart Designation Name CPIM CSCP SCOR-P Exam Content Exam content is developed according to the test outline included in the CPIM Exam Content Manual and validated by global subject matter experts. Exam questions are monitored through rigorous psychometric calibration and cross-referenced to industryapproved source material. A job task analysis study is conducted every 3 – 5 years to ensure content relevancy. Exam content is developed according to the test outline included in the CSCP Exam Content Manual and validated by global subject matter experts. Exam questions are monitored through rigorous psychometric calibration and cross-referenced to industryapproved source material. A job task analysis study is conducted every 3 – 5 years to ensure content relevancy. SCOR Framework (40% of exam) covers: §Key Concepts §Processes §Performance §Best Practices §Skills SCOR Project (60% of exam) covers: §Key Concepts §Pre-SCOR §Scope configure §Optimize §Ready Exam scoring APICS uses a scaled score methodology, which is a technique for equating scores in which the degree of difficulty varies from one exam form to the next. The APICS CPIM score range is 265 to 330. Fail = 265– 299 Pass = 300 -330 APICS uses a scaled score methodology, which is a technique for equating scores in which the degree of difficulty varies from one exam form to the next. The APICS CSCP score range is 200 to 350. Fail = 200– 299 Pass = 300 -350 APICS uses a percentage-correct scoring, giving the applicant a percentage based on the number of questions answered correctly. Each applicant must successfully answer 75% or higher to obtain a passing score on the exam and to receive the SCOR-P endorsement designation. Pricing per exam North America: §APICS Members $165 USD §Non-members $250 USD International: §APICS members $325 USD §Non-members: $410 USD North America: §APICS members $630 USD §Non-members $830 USD International: §APICS members $1, 050 USD §Non-members: $1, 300 USD Price includes the SCOR-P training, materials and one Authorization to Test for North America and International. The SCORP exam may not be purchased separately. §APICS Members $3, 730 USD §Non-members $4, 640 USD Retaking an exam Candidates who fail an APICS CPIM exam Candidates who fail an APICS CSCP exam must wait 14 full days before retaking the same exam. The retake price is the same as same exam. The retake fee is $450 USD. the exam price. 29 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary Candidates who fail an APICS SCOR-P exam must wait 14 full days before retaking the same exam. The retake fee is $350 USD.

APICS Certification and Endorsement Comparison Chart Designation Name CPIM CSCP SCOR-P Exam cancellation North APICS Certification and Endorsement Comparison Chart Designation Name CPIM CSCP SCOR-P Exam cancellation North America: Candidates who no longer can test before their ATT expires will forfeit their exam fees. Any exam cancelled will result in forfeiture of your entire exam fee paid to APICS and your Authorization to Test (ATT) will be consumed. However, candidates who have already scheduled an exam and can no longer take it are encouraged to cancel the scheduled exam with Pearson VUE to free up the reserved seat for other exam candidates. Candidates must pay the $45 USD cancellation fee. Candidates who no longer can test within their originally selected window must cancel the exam directly in their My APICS account by accessing the online Authorization to Test Request Form. Once logged in, candidates will have the option to cancel their current ATT. Candidates will receive a confirmation email from Pearson VUE. Candidates who no longer can test before their ATT expires will forfeit their exam fees. Any exam cancelled will result in forfeiture of your entire exam fee paid to APICS and your Authorization to Test (ATT) will be consumed. However, candidates who have already scheduled an exam and can no longer take it are encouraged to cancel the scheduled exam with Pearson VUE to free up the reserved seat for other exam candidates. A rescheduling fee of $45 USD applies to any rescheduled exam. Rescheduling an exam less than one business day prior to your exam appointment is subject to a forfeited exam fee. International: Candidates must pay the $45 USD cancellation fee. Candidates who no longer can test within their originally selected window must cancel the exam directly in their My APICS account by accessing the online Authorization to Test Request Form. Once logged in, candidates will have the option to cancel their current ATT. Candidates will receive a confirmation email from Pearson VUE. Exam rescheduling 30 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary A rescheduling fee of $45 USD applies to any rescheduled exam. Rescheduling an exam less than one business day prior to your exam appointment is subject to a forfeited exam fee.

APICS Certification and Endorsement Comparison Chart Designation Name CPIM CSCP SCOR-P Maintenance required Yes APICS Certification and Endorsement Comparison Chart Designation Name CPIM CSCP SCOR-P Maintenance required Yes No Maintenance requirements Candidates are required to maintain their certification every five years and must earn a total of 75 professional development points. The cycle starts the month the candidate becomes certified. N/A Maintenance points Candidates who hold a CPIM and CSCP designation may apply earned points to both designations when submitting their maintenance applications. Candidates who hold a CPIM and CSCP N/A designation may apply earned points to both designations when submitting their maintenance applications. Certification suspension If a candidate does not maintain their certification within five years, their credentials will be suspended. With each additional year their certification is suspended, they will be required to submit additional professional development points to reinstate their certification. N/A Maintenance application fees §APICS members $75 USD §Non-members $150 USD N/A Yes Credential Verification Yes 31 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

2016 APICS CSCP Certification Program Update A reminder for the 2016 educational year: We 2016 APICS CSCP Certification Program Update A reminder for the 2016 educational year: We are introducing an updated APICS CSCP Certification program. This will be a major update of the certification. Both the APICS CSCP Learning System and exam are changing based on information received from our recently conducted APICS CSCP Job Task Analysis, feedback from the market and changes in the business environment. Although the update process has begun, it is not complete. Detailed information about the changes and pricing will be made available to you when they are finalized. The 2016 Learning System product is scheduled for release in November 2015 in preparation for the first 2016 exam window in March. It is important to note that classes using the 2015 courseware materials will continue to be offered through the end of the year. Candidates should not be discouraged from purchasing the 2015 courseware materials. 32 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Upcoming CPIM Webinars CPIM Webinar Part 1 - Why every supply chain professional needs Upcoming CPIM Webinars CPIM Webinar Part 1 - Why every supply chain professional needs the APICS CPIM Date: Tuesday, August 18, 2015 Time: 1: 00 -2: 00 p. m. CT How to Prepare for the CPIM Exams Date: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Time: 1: 00 -2: 00 p. m. CT Presenter: Bob Collins, CFPIM, CIRM, CSCP Senior Director of Professional Development, APICS Information on apics. org>APICS Events 33 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

New SCOR App Available The SCOR mobile application is available for download through i. New SCOR App Available The SCOR mobile application is available for download through i. Tunes or Google Play for 99 cents with all proceeds going toward APICS student programs. 34 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Quarterly Incentive Awards 2 Q 2015 35 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary Quarterly Incentive Awards 2 Q 2015 35 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

APICS membership update June membership totals came in at 42, 676. New members totaled APICS membership update June membership totals came in at 42, 676. New members totaled 1, 377 and new student members totaled 241. Southwest District membership total: 2, 211 36 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary


New APICS membership model APICS will launch a new, tailored membership experience for our New APICS membership model APICS will launch a new, tailored membership experience for our members. Our website will consult with each member at the time of membership renewal to discern his or her primary motivation for affiliating with APICS. Based on this primary motivator, APICS will suggest a listing of “featured” benefits that are specifically tailored to help the member reach his or her stated goals. In addition, APICS will release a mobile app this summer to allow APICS members easy access to specific member benefits. APICS will begin offering tailored “benefit bundles” to individuals based on their motivator. Each member will be able to additional benefits to his or her base benefits bundle as desired. Our intent is to provide APICS members with the specific tools needed to succeed at every stage of their careers 38 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

39 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary 39 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Don’t miss the APICS instructor development opportunities at APICS 2015 in Las Vegas! Train Don’t miss the APICS instructor development opportunities at APICS 2015 in Las Vegas! Train the Trainer Date: Friday and Saturday, October 2 and 3, 2015 Location: The Mirage Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, NV Price: $450 USD Enrollment deadline is August 28, 2015 Learning Dynamics for Instructors Date: Thursday and Friday, October 8 and 9, 2015 Location: The Mirage Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, NV Price: $450 USD Enrollment deadline is August 28, 2015 Applied Instructor Skills (AIS) Only APICS Lead and Master Instructors are eligible to attend AIS Date: Thursday, October 8, 2015 Location: The Mirage Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, NV Price: $250 USD Enrollment deadline is September 4, 2015 40 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

Partner and Event Finder-New enhancement 41 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary Partner and Event Finder-New enhancement 41 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary

42 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary 42 © APICS Confidential and Proprietary