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Our Mission The Southern Early Childhood Association is committed to improving the quality of Our Mission The Southern Early Childhood Association is committed to improving the quality of care and education for young children and their families through advocacy and professional development.

The History of SECA • SECA began in 1949 as the Southern Association on The History of SECA • SECA began in 1949 as the Southern Association on Children Under Six (SACUS). • The first SECA meeting was held in a Nashville, TN church, as the mixed-race group was refused meeting space in local hotels. • In the early 1990’s SACUS changed it’s name to Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA) to include our colleagues in the primary grades.

Our States • • Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi • • • Our States • • Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi • • • Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia States listed in red are affiliated with the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

NAEYC-Affiliated States When a person joins SECA in a NAEYC-affiliated state, they also automatically NAEYC-Affiliated States When a person joins SECA in a NAEYC-affiliated state, they also automatically become members of NAEYC and their state affiliate.

Membership Benefits • Subscription to Dimensions of Early Childhood • The SECA Reporter • Membership Benefits • Subscription to Dimensions of Early Childhood • The SECA Reporter • Discounts on SECA training, including the SECA Conference • Discounts on SECA books and resources • Discounts on books and magazines through our strategic partners, Exchange Magazine and August House Publishing

. . . and more Membership Benefits! • Opportunities to contribute to the field . . . and more Membership Benefits! • Opportunities to contribute to the field of early childhood education through various volunteer SECA programs • The SECA website members-only section that contains useful information for directors, faculty, students and others who are interested in early childhood education. • Three e-newsletters, The Leadership Letter, Public Policy Notes and What’s Happening at SECA. Sign up for the newsletters at www. Southern. Early. Childhood. org. • Monthly e-mails on topics of interest to early childhood professionals.

SECA on Facebook • Find us on Facebook by searching for “Southern Early Childhood SECA on Facebook • Find us on Facebook by searching for “Southern Early Childhood Association” • Coming in 2010 o For Directors – A SECA Facebook page just for program directors will be a virtual extension of the annual Director’s Seminar. Directors can keep in touch and learn from each other all year long. Monthly mentored discussions will feature a variety of topics that would interest beginning, intermediate, and experienced directors. o For Leaders – A Facebook page for leaders will connect leaders on all levels throughout the organization with each other so that they can easily exchange questions and ideas. A monthly mentor-lead discussion will provide leaders with the chance to interact with an expert.

Monthly Informational E-mails • Each month SECA members receive an email with valuable information Monthly Informational E-mails • Each month SECA members receive an email with valuable information and resources. The August ‘ 09 email featured tips to help parents and teachers ease the back-to-school transition and stop bullying. Printable parent flyers on each topic were included.

SECA Radio • SECA has its very own podcast! Each month you’ll hear SECA’s SECA Radio • SECA has its very own podcast! Each month you’ll hear SECA’s Executive Director Glenda Bean speaking with a ‘VIP’ in the early childhood field. • With each new installment, we’ll provide relevant resources that you can really use. Go to www. Southern. Early. Childhood. org and click on the ‘SECA Radio’ icon to listen now!

SECA Board of Directors The SECA Board of Directors consists of the following 17 SECA Board of Directors The SECA Board of Directors consists of the following 17 members: – A member-elected president – The Immediate Past President OR President Elect, depending on the year – One representative from each state – 2 Members-at-Large

The Annual SECA Conference • Provides training and networking opportunities for early childhood professionals The Annual SECA Conference • Provides training and networking opportunities for early childhood professionals across the South. • Keynote speakers are nationallyknown experts in the early childhood field. • Held in a different SECA state each year.

Dimensions of Early Childhood • SECA’s nationally recognized peer-reviewed journal • Articles translate Dimensions of Early Childhood • SECA’s nationally recognized peer-reviewed journal • Articles translate "research into practice", making the latest research and early childhood data accessible to teachers and persons working in early childhood classrooms. • Provides early childhood professionals the opportunity to publish their work.

The SECA Reporter • Keeps members up-to-date on the latest SECA news and events The SECA Reporter • Keeps members up-to-date on the latest SECA news and events • Includes important information about SECA and the early childhood community in general.

For More Information or to Join SECA. . . • Go to www. Southern. For More Information or to Join SECA. . . • Go to www. Southern. Early. Childhood. org, where you will find a wealth of information. You can also sign up to be a SECA member. • Call 1 -800 -305 -7322. We’ll be glad to mail you information and a membership form. We look forward to counting you as a SECA member!