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Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System SCCOOS 2009 Regional Coordination Workshop Seattle, WA August 25, 2009
Part 1: Project Status Report Shelf to Shoreline Observatory Development Project Investigators: Julie Thomas and Eric Terrill Project Duration: July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2010 (2 years; currently in year 2)
Project Status Report Project Schedule and Milestones – RA Planning Grant and RCOOS: • • Continued operation of nearshore egg and larval surveys that complement the offshore CALCOFI survey Initiated weekly Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) shoreline surveillance at five pier sites along the coast of Southern California Development of nearshore climatologies and climate relevant indices relevant to ecosystem assessment for fisheries, IEAs, and MPA development Operations and maintenance of the 1 km resolution, realtime ocean model nowcast/forecast system (ROMS) Maintained climate-relevant glider lines Established interactive displays of data and products via SCCOOS web site SCCOOS installed six new HF radar sites and at Trinidad, Pillar Point Air Force Station, Sausalito-Marin City Sanitary District, Point Mugu, San Mateo Point, and Camp Pendleton. Trajectory tool set for HF radar based upon optimal mapping techniques 3
Project Status Report Significant Accomplishments: • • • Initiated and maintained Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) surveillance program with delivery of timely and relevant data products, including the launch of a new website: www. sccoos. org/data/habs Early detection and notification of a toxic HAB event in the San Pedro Channel using gliders, pier monitoring, and boat sampling Marine Operations web page for delivery of aggregated waves, winds, ocean current information in geospacial format. In-person training workshops this Fall. Maintained limited climate observation network within SCCOOS including a nearshore CALCOFI stations to complement routine offshore observations, three offshore glider lines that observe ocean climate including El Niño detection, operation of the ocean modeling system, and the synthesis of a decades worth of discharger CTD stations with offshore CALCOFI stations Continued management of realtime data through www. sccoos. org 4
Keys to Success and Potential Challenges Ecosystem Health & Climate Trends What worked well? • Cal. COFI surveys collected zooplankton biomass, fish and invertebrate larvae and conducted underway measurements of temperature, salinity, irradiance and fluorescence. • Extending the historically offshore stations of Cal. COFI closer to the coast brought relevance to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit discharge monitoring sites and to California’s Marine Protected Areas planning process. • Forecasts and nowcasts of ocean conditions on a range of space and time scales were made using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). The models make estimates of connectivity on bight-wide scales as a guide to understanding dispersal of materials near and below the sea surface. ROMS with observed winds were also used to estimate larval dispersion. • A multi-year model reanalysis is being conducted to assist in the development of dynamical indices that have ecosystem relevance. Describe potential and/or real challenges : • Data integration and distribution for large and complex datasets such as Cal. COFI • Validating model output, and assessing model. R&D to define products. • Integrating biological datasets with physical data sets and representing those syntheses • Continuous funding for sustaining glider lines • Determining, and development of, sensors to add to the standard suite (T, S, velocity, Chl a) to address ecosystem issues 5
Keys to Success and Potential Challenges Water Quality What worked well? • The SCCOOS HAB team has been monitoring algal species at fives sites from San Luis Obispo to San Diego for the past year – using traditional (water samples) and technological capabilities (AUVs) to provide as complete a picture as possible. • A website has been established that provides for automatic data submission and up-todate reporting of the HAB conditions at each of the five sites. • The group provided early detection and alerted the community to the onset of the HAB event (Pseudo-nitzschia). • The SCCOOS HAB team is a highly collaborative group, and is engaged with HAB monitoring efforts for the entire state (collaborations with Ce. NCOOS investigators). • During the Hyperion Treatment Plant 1 -mile diversion, SCCOOS provided a set of resources including a web site that consolidated observations for rapid access and evaluation by managers and regulators during the discharge diversion. Describe potential and/or real challenges : • Development of technological capability for in situ and/or remote sensing of HAB species and events that enables the use of autonomous vehicles, moorings, and remote sensing for early detection and warning. 6
HAB SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM HAB Product – various delivery methods (web, email)
Keys to Success and Potential Challenges Marine Safety and Maritime Operations What worked well? • A customized interactive website for the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbor that provides timely and accurate information about marine conditions to ensure the safe passage of vessels and efficient harbor navigation, including automated messages on wave conditions. • A partnership with NAVAIR and the U. S. Navy for operational access to the Naval Research Laboratory’s Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) to provide 48 hour wind and precipitation forecasts on the SCCOOS website. • After an oil spill in the Santa Barbara Channel, California's Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR) contacted SCCOOS to provide surface current data that was integrated into GIS-based support products and provided to first responders. • Participation in Area Committee Meetings to present SCCOOS products for use in oil spill preparation and drills – and continue work to integrate HF radar into the OSPR GIS and NOAA GNOME model and the usage of real-time waves, winds, currents, AIS, chart overlays, etc. • Supported the National Preparedness For Response Exercise Program (NPREP), an industry-led oil spill response exercise off the coast of San Diego, with surface current measurements and particle tracking. Describe potential and/or real challenges : • Ensuring the information is out to users in the field, training, stakeholder involvement 8
Left – OSPR generated Surface current map for the command post during the 2008 NPREP exercise • In response to Cosco Busan, a tailored GIS format of HF radar data is now available to OSPR staff and has been in use in drills (Safe Seas, NPREP) and in recent responses in the Santa Barbara Channel. • NOAA HAZMAT now can access surface currents via a national standard NETCDF format (chain of command for enviro data – USCG to NOAA)
Surface current maps available with SOCAL Platform locations http: //www. sccoos. org/data/hfrnet/
LA/LB Customized Web Interface NOAA charts integrated with Model Output Prediction Points at key transfer locations Overlay for Shipping Lanes, Swell Model, and Surface Currents
Web-based display of realtime AIS data with available NOAA Charts
Current Status: Products Level One Level Two Minimal processing Products Ecosystem/Climate Trends Value-added Model RT Decision RT Data Outputs Satellite Data Support Maps Time Series X X X X Water Quality X* X X X Marine Operations X* X* X X X Coastal Hazards X* X* X* Directions: Place an “x” in boxes that best describe the kinds of products being developed for the focus areas. See RA Presentation guidelines for terms *near real-time data (>24 hours) 13
Current Status: Products Level One Minimal processing Products Ecosystem/Climate Trends Water Quality Marine Operations Coastal Hazards Level Two Value-added Model RT Decision RT Data Outputs Satellite Data Support X X currents, COAMPS, WRF OI SST, GOES online gliders, access meteorology shore stations, waves X* X X X* NPDES, HABs TJ River MODIS online trajectory, access CDIP alongshore currents X X currents, wave model, GOES online meteorology, COAMPS, WRF access waves X X X waves alongshore online currents access Maps Time Series X Research X TJ River Trajectory, online interactive X Cal. COFI, currents, gliders, meteorology shore stations, waves X X Google maps NPDES, HABs display X X currents Google maps display, waves display, LA/LB X X CDIP alongshore currents display X currents, meteorology, waves X LIDAR Directions: Place an “x” in boxes that best describe the kinds of products being developed for the focus areas. See RA Presentation guidelines for terms *near real-time data (>24 hours) 14
Current Status: Product Examples • Provide access to near real time data for harmful algal blooms to avoid risks to public health, marine life, the environment, and the economy: www. sccoos. org/data/habs • Provide an interactive website for ports and harbors with information on marine conditions that is critical to the safe passage of vessels and efficient harbor navigation: www. sccoos. org/data/harbors/lalb • Provide HF radar derived surface current maps to assess and mitigate impacts of impaired water quality, track oil spills, assist with search and rescue efforts and monitor the physical environment to better understand ecosystem change: http: //www. sccoos. org/data/hfrnet/ • Provide intuitive, interactive multi-dimensional display of model output: http: //www. sccoos. org/data/roms/ 15
Current Status: Observations Variables/ Platforms Fixed- in water, multi. Sensor Biological 12 10 1, 154 0 0 15 0 25 724 4 40 3, 074 Geological 0 Physical Meteorological Chemical Fixed- in water single sensor Fixed – on land Remote Transects Sensing 2 669 0 27 1 N/A 4, 968 N/A 23, 184 113 3 N/A 0 904 0 N/A 0 226 N/A 0 0 2 0 Indicate the # of observations in each category. Color code: X# if funded exclusively by NOAA IOOS funds; X if combination of NOAA IOOS funds and other; X is non-NOAA IOOS funds Observation = parameter = (temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, etc… X station)/sampling period. These numbers indicate the observations collected during one sampling period. For example, there are ~23, 184 meteorological observations collected per hour = 14 parameters X 1, 656 stations. *Not represented – models 16
Observation Types Physical - water temperature, sea level, salt, beam c, waves, backscatter, transmissivity, normalized water-leaving radiance, total suspended matter, secchi, absorption Meteorological - air temperature, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, pressure, relative humidity, visibility, infrared, water vapor Chemical - O 2, ph, ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, silicate, nitrite, radioactive tracer Biological - chlorophyll, e. coli, enterococus, fecal coliforms, total coliforms, phytoplankton, phaeophytin, productivity Geological - 17
Excerpt from Observations Table NOAA IOOS TYPE Realtime, Delayed Mode, Archived, Historical, Retrospective? Instrument/Platform 1. Fixed Platform A(t) - in water fixed-in water, multisensor Automated Shore Stations Bight Water Quality Stations (various platforms - parameters fixed-in water, multi- depend on platform location/station sensor configuration) CDIP Buoys (various platforms - parameters fixed-in water, multi- depend on platform location/station sensor configuration) County Shoreline Water Quality Stations fixed-in water, multi- (hand sampled - parameters depend sensor on sampling configuration) fixed-in water, multisensor Manual Shore Stations fixed-in water, multi- Scripps Pier Harmful Algal Bloom sensor Program real-time delayed mode fixed on land temp, salt, sea level (pressure) water temperature, salinity, oxygen, contaminants (e. coli, enterococcus, fecal coliforms, total coliforms) NON-IOOS variables measured physical chemical Meteorol geolo # of ogical biological stations chlorophyll, descent rate, ph, beam c 3 delayed mode temp, salt near real-time 3 delayed mode chlorophyll waves, sea surface temperature air temperature contaminants (e. coli, enterococcus, fecal coliforms, total coliforms) near real-time fixed-in water, multisensor City of San Diego Water Quality Casts delayed mode 1. Fixed Platform A(t) - on land Meteorology Stations (various platforms - parameters depend on platform location/station configuration) IOOS Core variables measured sea surface ammonia, chlorophyll, temperature, salt, phaeophytin, nitrate, phytoplankton species phosphate, silicate water temperature, salt, optical properties (transmissivity), O 2, contaminants (e. coli, enterococcus, fecal coliforms, total coliforms) chlorophyll, ph accumulated precipitation, altimeter, barometric pressure, dew point temperature, elevation, precipitation rate, relative humidity, solar radiation, visibility, wind direction at air temperature, sea gust, wind direction, wind surface temperature, gust, wind speed, sea waves level pressure 1 4 2 2 4 219 1 15 3 542 2 19 2 5 3 2 5 4 14 143 1656 18
Observations Table Continued NOAA IOOS TYPE N/A Transects Instrument/Platform 2. Moving platform A(x, y, z, t) AIS (Automatic Identification System) Realtime, Delayed Mode, Archived, Historical, Retrospective? IOOS Core variables measured near real-time Spray Gliders - distributed by provider delayed mode Spray Gliders - distributed through SCCOOS delayed mode temp, salt, optical properties NON-IOOS variables measured meteorologi # of physical chemical biological geological stations ship positions backscatter, water velocity 4 23 4 3 Cal. COFI*** 3. Other Bathymetry static bathymetry 4. Images/2 D GIS A(x, y) Remote Sensing 5. Remote sensing A(x, y, t) GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) HF Radar Radial Vectors Remote Sensing HF Radar Total Vector Currents near real-time surface currents Remote Sensing MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) delayed mode sea surface temperature N/A Remote Sensing Models OCM (Ocean Colour Monitor) OI SST (Optimally Interpolated Sea Surface Temperature) 6. Models A(x, y, [z], t) COAMPS (Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System) 109 water vapor, visible, infrared radial currents near real-time 1 1 23 sea surface temperature near real-time (3 hr lag) Models ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System) Plume Tracking Model near real-time 2 1 1 1 winds, rainfall 1 simulated partical trajectories 2 1 4 temperature, salt, sea surface height, near real-time (3 hr lag) ocean currents Models chlorophyll, normalized waterleaving radiance chlorophyll, total suspended matter, true color delayed mode 3 1 1 19
Current Status: Modeling and DMAC subsystems Modeling* Region-wide** Sub-region Not at all Atmospheric COAMPS, WRF Circulation ROMS (ocean currents) Inundation X CDIP Hydrological X Sediment transport X Wave Water Quality/Ecosystem ROMS (temp, salinity) Fisheries X DMAC Complete In-progress Not at all RA Website that serves data X DIF - working to ensure interoperability X Regional Data Portal X * See guidelines for definitions **Regionwide = entire RA 20
Map 1 a: Existing Observing Assets 21
Map 1 b: Leveraged Assets 22
Meteorology Stations Too many dots to represent… 23
Part 2: Looking Forward: Future Plans Assuming $5 million of funding per year, please indicate what your future plans are for your RA. The $5 million should cover activities currently funded by the RA Planning Grants and the RCOOS.
Future Plans: Major Products Level One Products Ecosystem/Climate Trends Level Two Model RT Decision RT Data Outputs Satellite Data Support X Mixed layer depth, temp, salinity, fisheries data X X X ROMS and OI SST, GOES Online larval access/ transport Web services X Coliforms X Particle/ Pathogen Tracking Tool X MODIS X Winds, waves, currents, AIS X Wave nowcast/ forecasts X GOES X Pressure sensors, alongshore and surfzone currents X Inundation predictions, Monitoring & Prediction system, rip currents Water Quality Marine Operations Coastal Hazards X Fisheries Management Maps Time Series X X ROMS, Surface Cal. COFI, temp, Currents and salinity larval transport X X X Online Trajectories, Google maps access/ Plume Tracking displays Web services X X X Online Customized Navigational access/ websites for charts, Surface Web CA ports & Currents for services channels (San trajectories Diego, Santa (SAR & oil Barbara, Pt. spills) Mugu) X X X Online Automated Shoreline Maps access/ Warning Web Messages services X Historical waves, Inundation/ Shoreline change 25
Future Plans: Observations • Variables/ Platforms Fixed- in water, multipurpose Biological 12 10 1, 154 0 0 15 0 25 724 4 40 3, 074 Geological 0 Physical Meteorological Chemical Fixed- in water single purpose Fixed – on land Remote Transects Sensing 2 669 0 27 1 N/A 4, 968 N/A 23, 184 113 3 N/A 0 904 0 N/A 0 226 2 N/A 0 0 0 Future plans are focused on product development and data management with an emphasis on integrating physical and biological data. 26
Future Plan: Modeling and DMAC Modeling* Region-wide Sub-region Not at all Atmospheric COAMPS, WRF same Circulation NCOM, ROMS same Inundation CDIP Wave CDIP Sediment transport CDIP Water quality/ecosystem ROMS Hydrologic Fisheries ROMS (larval transport) DMAC Yes In-progress No RA Website that serves data X DIF - working to ensure interoperability X Regional Data Portal X * See Guidelines for definitions ** Region-wide means entire RA 27
Future Plans: Map 28
Funding Scenario Briefly describe the major CUTS to the subsystem under the reduced funding scenarios Funding Scenarios $3 million $1 million Plume Tracking & Trajectory Models Retrospective bight scale hindcast ROMS Validation Surfzone Waves and Currents Plume Tracking & Trajectory Models Retrospective bight scale hindcast Climate Reanalysis HF radar stations Gliders Underway CTD Automated & Manual Shore Stations Offshore Wave Observations Nearshore Moorings Ocean data synthesis SOS development Metadata Rapid Response & Project Products Website development Training workshops Kiosks & Informational Displays School Programs Online Educational Programs Modeling Manual Shore Stations Offshore Wave Observations Nearshore Moorings Observing DMAC and Product Development RA Management and Outreach SOS development Metadata Kiosks & Informational Displays School Programs 29