- Количество слайдов: 18
Southeast Region Pop Warner Team Book Order Updated 2017
Team Book Order for Book Check • Sleeve 1 a. Regional Book Certification (When required) • Sleeve 1 b. Empty • Sleeve 2. Certified National Roster • Sleeve 3 a. Emergency Action Plan • Sleeve 3 b. Player Safety Coach/Music Proof of Purchase • Sleeve 4. First Aid/CPR card(copy) – Sleeve 5 a. Participant ID Card – Sleeve 5 b. Participant Proof of age (Birth Certificate) – Sleeve 6 a. Participant Physical (Dr. Signature) – Sleeve 6 b. Participant Physical (Parents Signature) – Sleeve 7. Participant Contract/Parental Consent – Sleeve 8. Participant Scholastic Information – Sleeve 9. Participant Absentee Forms • Sleeve 10 a. Coach Certificates (Order on roster) SER • Sleeve 10 b. Certificate YCADA/USA • Final Sleeve. Final Skill Progression Sheet/Head Coach Declaration (Cheer Only) • (Football & Cheer participants should be listed in alphabetical order)
Certified National Roster Sleeve #2 League One Roster This is printed out from League One.
Emergency Action Plan Sleeve #3 a This is required to be filled out for every team book
Association Designated Player Safety Coach Sleeve #3 b Each park has one trained and certified USA Football Player Safety Coach. The Player Safety Coach's USA Heads Up Certificate is placed here.
CPR Certified Identification Cards Sleeve #4 There must be a minimum of one adult on each team roster that is CPR certified. Copies of the CPR certification cards from the certifying company are placed here.
Sleeve #5 a Front -Official ID card The front of this sleeve must be cut on the bottom section to allow the card to be stamped without removing the sheet each week. The Association fills out the top two sections with the exception of the ‘Certified Weight & Date’ (for football) and ‘Cheer Certified Insert Date’. The League Official will be responsible for completing these fields when signing the card to certify the participant. The League adds the ‘certified weight & date’ for football, for Cheer/Dance the League adds the ‘certified date’. The card is then signed by League Official.
Sleeve # 5 between 5 a & 5 b Waivers/Special information. All Legal paperwork including: Examples: Waivers-(1 st) Name Changes Guardianship Adoption papers
League Stamp in clear area Sleeve #5 b Back - Birth Certificate (an original certificate or a certified copy) The League Official should stamp in a clear area on the copy which verifies they have compared the original certified document to the copy. If the birth certificate is in a foreign language, a notarized document translating the vital information into English should be attached. (Sample translation form on next slide). Tip: When comparing the birth certificate to the ID card and the roster, make sure to check the spelling of the child's name and verify the date of birth was used instead of the date filed as this is a common mistake.
League Only Highlight Year of Form All this area needs to be filled out also League Stamp Here Sleeve #6 a Front- Pop Warner Physical Form- 2 nd page Doctors Signature Page No Whiteout The League Official should verify the following: the participants name, the physical section is filled out, the Dr. has signed or stamped the form, the Date of Signature is in the current year, the medical profession is on the list of approved degrees (see attached list) and if the Dr. has indicated that follow up is required that there is documentation this has been done. **NOTE: the following professions are not permitted to perform physicals - RN, Medical Assistants (MA), LPN, CAN, Athletic Trainers, Certified or Registered Chiropractor Assistants, Acupuncturists.
League Only Highlight Year of Form Sleeve #6 b Back- Pop Warner Physical Form - 1 st Page The League Official should verify that the parent or legal guardian has signed and dated the form as well as fully completing the medical history information.
Participant/Parental Consent Form Sleeve #7 a & b The League Official is verifying the following on this form: • The person signing the form is the parent or legal guardian and the form is dated • The participants name is on the form • The participant has signed the form (regardless of how young)
Sleeve #8 Front- GPA Spreadsheet with full report card behind the spreadsheet The names on the GPA Spreadsheet and the report card must match. The report card must include all 4 – 9 week periods or semesters from the previous year. This sheet can ONLY BE STAMPED by the League Scholastic Coordinator. See above for correct format of stamp.
Foreign Language Birth Certificate Sample Translation Form If applicable should be in Sleeve 5 b
Absentee Form Sleeve #9 if a person is absent they are required to have one of these forms for each absence.
All Certificates Starting with Sleeve #10 (Order of the coaches follows the national roster order) (One sleeve per coach, 10 A. Regional Clinic FB or Cheer 10 B. USA/YCADA
Skill Progression Sheet/Head Coach Declaration (Cheer Only) Final Sleeve