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- Количество слайдов: 14
South Kazakhstan State University of M. Auezov PREZENTATION Group: ИП-13 -3 к 1 Performed: Turarov B.
The Phraseology as a linguistic research 1. Subject and objectives of phraseology Phraseology (Greek phrasis"expression", logos, "study") is a section of linguistics that studies language noun. Phraseology is also called a sustainable combinations in the language as a whole, in the language of a writer in the language of an individual work of art, etc. Phraseology is developing principles for the selection of phraseological units, methods of their study, classification and frazeografii-descriptions in dictionaries. Phraseology is different research methods, such as component analysis values.
Based on existing research methods in Linguistics "are actually the phraseological analysis techniques and descriptions" (# 12, page 49): 1. method of identification is to establish identities of words and syntax, idioms, with their free counterparts; 2. method of application, which is a kind of identification method, the method is limited in the choice of variables, providing excellent structural-semantic organization of combinations they formed in accordance with the regular patterns of choice and combination, etc.
Theory of phraseology s. Charles Bally (1865 -1947) was a French linguist, coined the term "phraseologie" meaning "in the style of studying the phrases" (# 5, page 58), but this term was not adopted European and American linguists in the works used in the other three values: 1. choice of words, form of expression, phrase; 2. language, style; 3. expressions, phrases. It should also be borne in mind that proverbs and sayings, i. e. see the structure of sentences, can be identified only through proposals such as birds of a feather flock together "people who have the same interests, ideas, etc. are attracted to each other and stay close together; the blind leading the blind-a situation in which the person who is leading or advising others knows a little as they do.
The semantic integrity of FE can be installed when comparing its value with the value of its components as separate words, as well as identifying its use in context. In the idiom and the word "there are basically two components: a narrow, leksikologičeskoe grasp of language as an integral part of Lexicology, FE as the equivalent of the word, and a broad understanding of phraseology as a linguistic discipline.
Phraseological seam or idioms are absolutely indivisible, nerazložimye ru, the total value of which does not depend on the value of their constituent words: kick the bucket (synonym) kick the bucket, die; = to stretch your legs; send smb. to Coventry-boycott anyone, stop communicating with anyone; at bay is hunted in a bind; be at smb's beck and call-always be prepared it; = be running errands; to rain cats and dogs-pour in buckets (for rain); be all thumbs to be awkward, clumsy; Kilkenny cats-mortal enemies. Phraseological seam emerged on the basis of the portable values of their components, but subsequently, these values have become portable incomprehensible from the point of view of modern language.
Phraseological seams have a number of characteristics: 1. they can contain so called nekrotizmy-words anywhere but the seam is not used, the incomprehensible from the point of view of modern language; 2. the adhesions may include arhaizmy; 3. they syntactically are indecomposable; 4. it is not possible in most cases replacing components; 5. they are liquid impermeability-do not allow the extra words.
Phraseological unity is such stable combinations of words that have a common portable signs are clearly the semantic values of the separation of components: to spill the beans-issue secret; to burn bridges; to have other fish to fry-a carriage; to throw dust into the smb's eyeszagovarivat′ teeth; to burn one's fingers-burn yourself on something; to throw mud at smb. water mud; to be narrow in the shoulders-not understand jokes; to paint the devil blacker than he is-thickening paints; to put a spoke in the wheel's smb-put a spoke in the wheel; to hold one's cards close to one's chest to keep anything secret, not to disclose anything, keep quiet, keep your mouth shut ~; to gild refined gold is pure gold gild, try to improve, decorate something rather good; to paint the lily-Lily color tint, to try to improve or embellish anything not in need of improvement.
"The unity of several converging with Phraseological phraseological sraŝeniâmi his vivid imagery, metaphor" (# 25 p. 50. ) But unlike phraseological adhesions, which shaped the content is only diahroničeski in phraseological unity imagery, perenosnost′ understood from the point of view of modern language. No wonder the academician V. v. vinogradov considers the imagery of the sure sign of a phraseological unit.
Characteristics of phraseological unit: 1. bright figurativeness and the resulting possibility of coincidence with the parallel existing phrases (cf. to throw dust into the smb's eyes, to be narrow in the shoulders, to burn one's fingers, to burn bridges); 2. preserving the semantics of the individual components (to put a spoke in the wheel's smb); 3. inability to replace some other components (to hold one's cards close to one's chest); 4. emotionally-expressive richness is critical (to throw dust into the smb's eyes, to paint the devil blacker than he is); 5. ability to enter into a synonymous relationship with single words or other frazeologizmami (to gild refined gold, to paint the lily =).
Phraseological combinations is a sustainable pace of speech and the free and frazeologičeski bound value: a bosom friend-crony, a pitched battle-hardened Warrior, (to have) a narrow escape-escape miraculously to frown one's eyebrows-eyebrow nasupit′, Adam's apple-the Apple of Adam, a labor of Sisyphus-Sisyfean, rack one's brains (intensively think, remember), to pay attention to the smb. -draw any attention, etc. Unlike phraseological adhesions and phraseological unit with integral non-decomposable phraseological combinations, the value has meaning razložimost′û "(No. 32, p. 75). In this regard, they converge with loose phrases.
Characteristics of phraseological combinations: 1. There is one of the components of variance (a bosom friend-crony, a bosom buddy-a bosom buddy); 2. can sinonimičeskaâ replacement core words (a pitched battle is a fierce Warrior, a fierce battlefierce Warrior); 3. possible inclusion of definitions (he frowned his thick eyebrows, he nasupil thick eyebrows); 4. is swapping components (a labor of Sisyphus. Sisyfean, a labor of Sisyphus labour-Sisyphus-); 5. be sure the free use of one of its components, and the use of another (a bosom friend-crony: best can be the enemy or anyone else).
|The apple of Sodom |- красивый, но гнилой плод; |The beam (the mote) in one’s eye |- «бревно» в собственном глазу; |собственный большой недостаток | |The blind leading the blind |- Слепой ведет слепого. |By the sweat of one’s brow |The camel and the needle’s eye |- в поте лица своего |изречение, получившее такой вид | |в переводе с латинского: Легче | |вер-блюду пройти сквозь игольное| |ушко, чем бога-тому войти в царствие небесное.
A crown of glory |- венец славы Daily bread |- хлеб насущный, сред-ства к существованию A drop in the bucket |- (букв. капля в ведре); ~ Капля в море. A fly in the ointment |- (букв. муха в мази); ~ Ложка| |дегтя в бочке меда. | |- земные блага (хлебцы и рыбы, | Loaves and fishes |которыми Христос, по | |евангельскому преда-нию, | |накормил сотни людей, | |собравшихся слу-шать его) | |- Двум господам не служат. | |- блудный сын |