Скачать презентацию South Africa s Climate Change M E System Framework 19 Скачать презентацию South Africa s Climate Change M E System Framework 19


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South Africa’s Climate Change M&E System Framework 19 April 2017 BRIAN MANTLANA bmantlana@environment. gov. South Africa’s Climate Change M&E System Framework 19 April 2017 BRIAN MANTLANA bmantlana@environment. gov. za

 • Build an evidence base: To inform planning, prioritize data-collection mechanisms, including urgently • Build an evidence base: To inform planning, prioritize data-collection mechanisms, including urgently setting up mandatory monitoring, evaluation and reporting processes for all relevant stakeholders. • Monitor, report and verify to understand South Africa’s progress against national goals of the envisaged economy and society To formulate effective responses to climate change, South Africa needs a country-wide monitoring system to measure climate variables at scales appropriate to the institutions that must implement climate change responses The Mandate

OVERALL OBJECTIVE: To track South Africa’s transition to a lower-carbon economy and climate-resilient society: OVERALL OBJECTIVE: To track South Africa’s transition to a lower-carbon economy and climate-resilient society: v Cross-cutting: 1. One-stop shop for climate change information in South Africa v Climate-resilience: 1. Provide evidence base of the impact of climate change in South Africa v Lower-carbon: 1. Assess SA’s performance against the National Emissions Trajectory range (PPD) 2. Assess the implementation of DEROs & carbon budgets, including mitigation impact, implementation progress , cost , jobs created & wider SD benefits v Climate Finance: 1. Track the use, impact & effectiveness of funds in climate change response 2. Support the identification of resource requirements, allocation & opportunities Objectives of the CC M&E System

Climate change (CC) response & impact information From: - - Public & private databases Climate change (CC) response & impact information From: - - Public & private databases Project owners & implementers (government, private sector & NGOs) Research institutions, etc. GHG emissions & sinks activity data From companies, installations, land-use maps, etc. CC Response M&E System Biennial update report Web-based M&E platform 1. Climate change risks, impacts & vulnerability 2. Adaptation M&E Annual climate change report 3. Mitigation & emissions M&E 4. Climate finance M&E National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory System (NAEIS) National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Establishes and support data flows and data management for the compilation of GHG inventories. National Greenhouse Gas Inventory System (NGHGIS) National Green House Gas Inventory Report The Climate Change M&E System

System Scope: Main Page Climate Research Adaptation System Scope: Main Page Climate Research Adaptation

The web-based CC M&E SYSTEM The web-based CC M&E SYSTEM

South Africa’s National GHG Information System South Africa’s National GHG Information System

South African Approach National CC Response White Paper 2011 National Development Plan 2030 National, South African Approach National CC Response White Paper 2011 National Development Plan 2030 National, Sectoral & Local Plans National Adaptation Strategy Adaptation Goals in SA’s NDC South African Climate Resilience M&E Desired Adaptatio n Outcomes (DAOs) for M&E climate resilience

Output of the CC M&E System Output of the CC M&E System

Tracking CLIMATE FINANCE - summary 1. To provide an overview of the landscape of Tracking CLIMATE FINANCE - summary 1. To provide an overview of the landscape of climate finance supporting the country’s transition to a lower-carbon and climate-resilient society 2. To understand the resource needs for funding South Africa’s climate response actions 3. Tracking and monitoring the impact or contribution of funds deployed towards climate actions – successes and failures 4. To provide an estimate of the degree to which other funds have been leveraged by public finance 5. To help promote a country approach when mobilising financial resources TOP-DOWN MONITORING: - Tracking flows from source or implementing agency - Public spend, bilateral, multilateral, etc. CC M&E system Database BOTTOM-UP MONITORING: - Tracking flows at project-level together with mitigation & adaptation monitoring

National Public Fiscus Mo. U with NT Multilateral Databases Private Bi-lateral Requests to Embassies National Public Fiscus Mo. U with NT Multilateral Databases Private Bi-lateral Requests to Embassies OECD Research Collaborative project Web-based M&E SYSTEM DATABASE Mitigation Indicators: • Mitigation impact • Co-benefits • Effectiveness: = CO 2 e / Cost ? ? ? Requests Programme level – mitigation & adaptation Capacity building Research Awareness Policy / Strat dev.

1. National System for GHG inventory 2. MRV guidelines 3. Desired Adaptation Outcomes 4. 1. National System for GHG inventory 2. MRV guidelines 3. Desired Adaptation Outcomes 4. Institutional arrangements (M, A, F) 5. Carbon tax Verification of GHG emissions to support Carbon tax 6. National Atmospheric Emission Information System – reporting tool of emissions by the industry 7. GHG Reporting regulations 8. GHG Technical guidelines 9. Web-based CC M&E system Methodological Tools to support CC M&E system

The objectives of these climate change annual reports are: § To recognise, profile and The objectives of these climate change annual reports are: § To recognise, profile and showcase climate change actions in South Africa Main output of the CC M&E System § To broaden the understanding of impact, effectiveness, lessons learnt and gaps of climate change actions so as to better understand the context and progress towards South Africa’s transition towards a lower carbon economy and a climate resilient society.

NDC target 614 96 Mt. CO 2 e (2020; 583) NDC target South African NDC target 614 96 Mt. CO 2 e (2020; 583) NDC target South African Peak, Plateau and Decline.

Chapter 1: Synopsis of South Africa’s Second Climate Change Annual Report Chapter 2: Implications Chapter 1: Synopsis of South Africa’s Second Climate Change Annual Report Chapter 2: Implications of the Paris Agreement for South Africa Chapter 3: Adaptation: (a) Progress in the development of the National Adaptation Strategy; (b) Progress in the development of the Desired Adaptation Outcomes; (c) Perspectives and lessons learnt from the recent drought phenomenon; (d) Determination of the effectiveness of Adaptation Actions. Chapter 4: Mitigation: Tracking South Africa’s Transition to a Lower Carbon Economy. Chapter 5: Development of SA’s CC M&E system: (a) Progress in the Greenhouse Gas Improvement Programme; (b) Progress in the development of the Greenhouse Gas National System; (c) progress in the development of MRV for the Carbon tax. Chapter 6: Near-Term Climate Change Flagship Programme. Information boxes: (a) Progress in the SANBI-led programme of small-scale Adaptation Fund projects (b) Youth and Climate change in South Africa To. C for SA’s 2 nd CC Annual Report

E-mail: BMantlana@environment. gov. za E-mail: BMantlana@environment. gov. za