son 7 les awesome 4/11/2011 2
idioms merican a today!
k a leg brea = ood luck wish of g a
Break a leg in your g ame today.
eak new to br round g = h never to do smt before done
Dr. Davis was breakin g new ground in cancer rese arch.
t a day o call i t = mething to end so
Let's call it a day. We don’t have to stay at work t ill midnight.
o picnic n = not easy
Driving in that snows torm was no picnic.
ow and every) n ( then = sionally occa
I like to go to a movie now and then.
top of off the e's head on = thinking without oo much t
- How many cafes are there in this town? - Off the top of my he ad I can think of about 6.
e a bit quit e a few) (quit = a lot
George made quite a b it of money in his first bu siness.
ats and o rain c t dogs = ery hard to rain v
It was raining cats an d dogs last night.
n-cheek ongue-i t = ckingly jo
I made a tongue-in-ch eek comment about her ne w haircut and now she’s angry at me.
an eye to keep n smth o = ch smth to wat
Keep an eye on your younger brother!
in mint ndition co = ondition perfect c in
I bought a used car la st week. It was very chea p, although in mint con di tion.
dutch to go = y person hen ever w himself pays for
We’ve decided to go du tch today in a restaurant.
ld feet o get co t = me timid to beco
I get cold feet every tim e. I speak in public.
l short to fal = ack smth to l
I wanted to buy myse lf a new cellphone, but I fe ll short by $100.
around beat e bush th = speaking to avoid in point of the ma
Stop beating around t he bush and ell me what you really think.
ce makes absen art grow the he fonder
sy come, ea easy go
k you than r your fo tion! atten
nksgiving! d happy tha An