Скачать презентацию Сomputers and employment The relationship of computers Скачать презентацию Сomputers and employment The relationship of computers


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Сomputers and employment Сomputers and employment

The relationship of computers and automation to employment is part of the more general The relationship of computers and automation to employment is part of the more general relation of technological change to employment. The most obvious effect is that increases in productivity due to technology can eliminate jobs. Technology affects the individual worker, in the nature and amount of his work, and in his attitudes toward that work. Technological change affects the occupational structure of the entire labor force. Because of the central importance of these effects, t he impact of technology has been the subject of extensive study by economists, sociologists, political scientists, and psychologists. Even within a single discipline, studies are often contradictory, and conclusions are colored by political overtones. We wish to delineate some of the issues, and present arguments given to support different viewpoints.

IMPACT OF NEW COMPUTER SYSTEMS ON EMPLOYMENT Subissues ØDealing with users ØEthical dilemma ØImpact IMPACT OF NEW COMPUTER SYSTEMS ON EMPLOYMENT Subissues ØDealing with users ØEthical dilemma ØImpact on the greater society People are generally fearful and distrustful of change. Change that involve new and complex technologies are especially stressful, particularly to older and less educated workers. They are fearful of losing their jobs, of losing control to machines, and of becoming useless. Systems analysts, software engineers, and system designers need to be aware of these fears and need to directly address these fears in an honest and forthright manner, both to enhance the probability that the new system will contain the accumulated knowledge of these workers and will be used and to acknowledge their individual worth.

 In addition, a major reason that management support the use of technology is In addition, a major reason that management support the use of technology is to improve productivity, which in many instances mean the elimination (or radical redesign) of jobs. In such a project, the designer of the new system can feel torn between their obligation to their employer to meet the specifications of the project and their obligations to fellow co-workers (and possibly friends) and to the needs of society. Problems can arise from projects that either will result in reduced employment or will result in the need for workers with vastly different skill sets than that possessed by the present work force.

In the last three decades, the computer has brought forth many changes in employment, In the last three decades, the computer has brought forth many changes in employment, including changes to office equipment, office location, work schedules and the types of work people are seeking. Here are seven ways in which the computer has revolutionized employment.

Job Loss • Personal computers have helped to lessen the negative impact of job Job Loss • Personal computers have helped to lessen the negative impact of job loss. If someone loses a job in a factory or office, the option is now widely available to use the computer to work from home in a variety of positions ranging from merchandising to data entry. Old Technology • The computer has all but eliminated many pieces of equipment that were once essential in offices across the world, including the typewriter and switchboard. Switchboard duties are now handled through the use of computer software, while typewriters are very rarely used in most offices. Absenteeism • Thanks to teleconference technology, video conference technology and remote access technology facilitated through computers, you can work from a location outside the office if personal conflicts and circumstances prevent you from being physically present in the office. Bridging the Communication Gap • Thanks to the emailing and instant messaging capabilities of computers connected to the Internet, you can ensure that every employee in your company is updated on the latest changes in company policies, the latest information from one department to another, and the latest information needed for inter-departmental meetings.

How do computers create employmen Computers create employment by making economic activities of all How do computers create employmen Computers create employment by making economic activities of all types more profitable. The jobs thus created indirectly by computers are much more than the jobs created directly in computer hardware and software industry itself. Computers make it easier to produce more of better goods at lower costs and sell it to more widely distributed markets. This makes it possible to use more of economic resources of the world, more efficiently. Such increased activities are partly due to greater efficiency resulting from use of computers for management as well as operational activities. This appears to act towards reducing the employment as the same amount of production can be achieved with less manpower. But the total increase in manpower due to increase in production is more than compensates for the reduction due to increases in efficiency and productivity. In addition to increasing the total employment, computers have also helped to reduce the average level of drudgery of many jobs. Computers are now able to do many boring and repetitive jobs earlier performed by people.

Computerized production processes have also contributed to reducing the need for people to be Computerized production processes have also contributed to reducing the need for people to be exposed to health and accident hazards in manufacturing activities. Now, with the use of computers, more people are working on jobs that make grater use of their intellectual abilities in comparison to their physical abilities. In this way contribution has also contributed to improvement in levels of wages and job satisfaction.

Along with programers and network administration you also have PC support technicians that work Along with programers and network administration you also have PC support technicians that work specifically on computers. Help desk technicians that answer phone questions about different problems that might occurs. Data base administrators tend to large databases for companies such as Walmart inventory and web designers are programers that write websites like this one. Monster. com is a great source to find computer jobs just type computers in the job search engine and you will get a good list.