“Sometimes when a person fall asleep, something in his mind enables him to understand that everything that happens is just a dream. ” Aristotle
Lucid Dreams 1. What is Lucid dreaming? 2. Main investigators of this phenomenon. 3. Some cautions before studying this phenomenon.
Lucid Dreams What is Lucid dreaming? Lucid dreams appear when we get to “wake up” in our own dreams, without disturbing or interrupting the sleep state.
Lucid Dreams Modern investigators of this phenomenon Stephen La. Berge Patricia Garfield
Lucid Dreams Cautions before studying this phenomenon After studying this phenomenon you must avoid such concepts as: • Energy, luminosity. • Astral, ether, slim bodies, karma, aura, chakras, energy, harmonization, egregor. • “Out of body experience”. The correct version - disembodied experience. • Nagual, tonal, Eagle, warrior, stalking. • Floater, nonorganic, ollie, spy, an ally - a fiction of Castaneda , “dream hackers” and other astral schizoid fauna. • “Co-sleeping” or any other similar statement.
Lucid Dreams Conclusion • The phenomenon of lucid dreaming is a scientific fact and provides a vast field for researching in the area of conscious and subconscious. • Lucid dreams provide extensive opportunities for selfrealization, self-identity and understanding of the inner world. • Lucid dreams helps to get new experience and, sometimes to learn something new about yourself. • Dreams have real and significant impact on the brain and body.