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SOMERSET ACADEMY Elementary School Orientation
MEET OUR TEAM: Mrs. Enriquez Elementary Vice Principal Ms. Barber Elementary Assistant Principal Mrs. Machin Primary Learning Specialist (K-2)/ Math 3 -5 th Mrs. Coto-Hernandez Elementary Reading/Writing Specialist (3 -5) Mrs. Marin Exceptional Student Education Mrs. Fernandez Kindergarten Team Leader Mrs. Landa 1 st grade Team Leader Mrs. Portela 2 nd grade Team Leader Mrs. Anon 3 rd grade Team Leader Ms. Ziadie 4 th grade Team Leader Mrs. Suarez/Mrs. Flores 5 th grade Team Leader Mrs. Capiro “Specials” Team Leader Mrs. Oharriz Registrar/Information Management Technician Mrs. Rhoden Administrative Assistant/LEAP Director Mrs. Gonzalez Parent Coordinator/Activites Mrs. Sotolongo Test Chair and ELL Coordinator
STUDENT SUPPORT TEAM Sometimes it’s good to have someone to talk to…. Our Student Support Specialists hold group sessions dealing with everything from DIVORCE to BULLYING and many concerns in between and do SO MUCH more for our student body! Referral forms for both students and parents will always be available in the main office. Mrs. Lorena Sakay and her team are available at lsakay@somersetacademy. com
WE NEED YOUR HELP! • Do you want to be involved? • Do you want to have fun with kids; hear their ideas, see their creations? • Can you volunteer 1 hour per month during school hours? • Are you reliable? • Do you want 30 hours of volunteer time for only seven(7) classes? Signup to learn more about becoming a Meet the Masters volunteer!
INDEPENDENCE DAY! Wednesday, August 24 th is Independence Day! Students will celebrate their Independence by wearing red, white and blue (uniforms will not need to be worn if students are dressed for Independence Day) After Tuesday, students will not be permitted to be walked into school by mom/dad or guardian.
SOCIAL MEDIA q. Please work with us to help combat cyber bullying by talking to your children about the dangers associated with the internet. q. Somerset Academy has a zero tolerance policy for bullying of ANY SORT. q. Do you want to make sure your child is NEVER involved in a Social Media event?
ROSE PRICE PARK IS OFF LIMITS FOR SOMERSET PARENTS AFTER 8/26/2016. The City of Pembroke Pines has decided that parents and students of Somerset Academy may not use the parking lot for any reason at any time. Cars parked there that are associated with Somerset Academy will be towed at your expense.
BROWARD COUNTY ATTENDANCE POLICIES A pattern of non-attendance is established when the student has missed 5 days (excused or unexcused). May be accumulated by tardiness, early sign-outs, or daily absences Once a pattern of non-attendance has been established, a statement must be provided to the school to explain the pattern. F. S. 1003. 24 Excused Absences Include: Illness of student; Illness of immediate family member; Death in the family; Religious holidays of the student’s own faith; Required court appearance/subpoena; Scheduled medical/dental appointment.
TARDINESS/EARLY SIGN-OUT Tardiness/early sign-out is disruptive to the learning environment and can have a negative impact on student achievement. No students shall be released after 1: 30 pm.
BREAKFAST AND LUNCH SERVICES Cafeteria Manager: Ms. Canete 954 -442 -0233 ext. 620 Breakfast price: $1. 50 Lunch price: $3. 25 Free and Reduced Lunch-applications will be available in your child’s first day packet of information. Monthly menus are available on our website.
VISITING OUR SCHOOL Parents and families are welcome to visit our school! Please remember to follow procedures for the safety and security of all of our Panthers: q. Valid FL Drivers License is required q. Parking is EXTREMELY LIMITED on campus. q. Elementary Office check-in required q. A reason to visit…. field trip, classroom event or ceremony. q. Please remember all of the procedures are to keep your children safe!
HOW DO I STAY INFORMED ABOUT MY CHILD’S PROGRESS IN THE CLASSROOM? MONITORING ACADEMIC PROGRESS Parent/Teacher Conferences (Each parent is required to have two in-person conferences per year) Your child’s teacher has a website on somersetacademy. com. Create a Parent Account to receive emails about homework nightly. Progress Reports are issued at the halfway mark of each grading period. Report Cards are issued at the end of each grading period. Check our website for the exact dates for progress reports and report cards.
TRANSPORTATION Several private providers provide transportation to our school. Contact school office for more information. Traffic safety – please comply with staff directions and traffic safety Speed Limit will be strictly enforced! Here’s our S. R. O. with some helpful traffic flow information!
HOW IS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL GOING TO WORK? DROP – OFF/PICK-UP PROCEDURES (PLACE A BACKPACK TAG ON EVERY STUDENT BACKPACK) DROP OFF: PK-2 nd grade Somerset Way traffic pattern to front circle. Please get your bright red tag this evening! 3 rd -5 th Somerset Way traffic pattern to second circle. Parents will receive hang tags to display with grade level and teacher on the first day. PICK UP: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? PLEASE BE PATIENT DURING THE FIRST COUPLE OF WEEKS. TRAFFIC WILL BE BAD. REMEMBER TO WEAR YOUR BEST SMILE!
Don’t forget about our OPEN HOUSE and MEET and GREET! Friday, August 19, 2016 5: 00 -5: 45 - Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1 st grade 6: 00 -6: 45 - 2 nd and 3 rd grade 7: 00 -7: 45 - 4 th and 5 th grade (Parents and students will have a chance to meet their new teachers. This is a great time to bring your school supplies. )
THANK YOU FOR COMING TONIGHT! Don’t forget about our OPEN HOUSE/MEET and GREET! Friday, August 19, 2016 5: 00 -5: 45 - Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1 st grade 6: 00 -6: 45 - 2 nd and 3 rd grade 7: 00 -7: 45 - 4 th and 5 th grade (Parents and students will have a chance to meet their new teachers. This is a great time to bring your school supplies. ) Go Panthers!