Some characteristics of border lines.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 78
Some Characteristics of Border Lines Lech Haydukiewicz
Enclave and exclave C is A’s exclave, and B’s enclave C is A's exclave, but is not an enclave of B or D
Swiss Enclave of Büsingen
Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan
Enclaves may be created for a variety of historical, political or geographical reasons • In many cases they represent a legacy of property rights that existed prior to the development of the modern nation state. • Others have been created when borders have been applied to a region where there are ethnic divisions that cannot be resolved in other ways. • Enclaves can also arise (less frequently) due to physical changes in the landscape such as when the course of a border river alters over time. There are more than 260 true enclaves all over the World
An enclave: colloquial meaning A term ”enclave” is often, but not properly applied for such political territories like: Ceuta, Melilla, Hong-Kong, Macau or Kaliningrad region
Examples of Enclaves and Other Border Situations
True enclave: Llívia
Near enclave: Jungholz
Exclave: Nakhchivan
Coastal Fragment (Half-enclave): Oecussi
Coastal Fragment: Kaliningrad
Enclaved state: Lesotho
13 buildings in Rome and Castel Gandolfo are exterritorial areas Pope Paul VI Audience Hall is partially in the Holy See and in Italy
Near-enclaved state: Gambia
Shared enclave– Schmalkalden-Suhl
Practical enclave: Kleinwalsertal
Neutral territory / No man’s land
Island enclave: Isla Martín García
More curiosities Vennbahn railroad
Counter-enclave & Counter-counter-enclave D is B’s counter-enclave E is B’s counter-enclave
Baarle-Nassau Baarle-Hertog
The largest Indian exclave, Balapara Khagrabari (47), surrounds a Bangladeshi exclave, Upanchowki Bhajni (19), which itself surrounds an Indian exclave called Dahala Khagrabari (51), of less than one hectare.
松花江 Songhua Sunggari Sungari Río Negro
Wewnątrz państw
French legacy Union Territory Puducherry / Pondichéry Kârikal Mahé Yanaon
Portuguese legacy Daman i Diu, Goa, Dadra i Nagar Haveli
Some characteristics of border lines.pptx