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Solutions for Meter Data Management Layne Nelson Product Manager LODESTAR Corporation Copyright © 2005 Solutions for Meter Data Management Layne Nelson Product Manager LODESTAR Corporation Copyright © 2005 LODESTAR Corporation - All Rights Reserved LODESTAR Corporation - Confidential and Proprietary Copyright © 2007 LODESTAR Corporation – All rights reserved LODESTAR Corporation – Confidential and Proprietary

Agenda • What is Meter Data Management (MDM)? • Market Trends • Components of Agenda • What is Meter Data Management (MDM)? • Market Trends • Components of an effective Meter Data Management (MDM) Solution • Will Ontario Distribution Companies need a local operational data store?

What is Meter Data Management? • MDM solutions provide comprehensive functionality to support the What is Meter Data Management? • MDM solutions provide comprehensive functionality to support the loading, validating, storing, estimating, and publishing of meter data • Often serving as an enterprise wide operational data store • Meter Data - the lifeblood of any Energy Company Distribution Planning Pricing Forecasting Web based Customer Care Billing Meter Data Repository Meter Data Settlement

What is Meter Data Management? A system to manage large volumes of data supplied What is Meter Data Management? A system to manage large volumes of data supplied by a variety of metering systems • Data collection • Profiling scalar meter reads • Validating and editing reads • Aggregating meter reads • Exception Management • Tracking meter inventory • Storing Meter Events • Providing information directly to end-users • Estimating invalid or missing reads • Performing revenue protection analysis • Providing data to downstream systems • Distribution Planning and Support

Why is MDM a Hot Topic? • Companies are looking for operational efficiencies – Why is MDM a Hot Topic? • Companies are looking for operational efficiencies – MDM handles details of meter data collection system – MDM provides data as needed to other applications – Limit changes to legacy systems • Customer Service – Provide all internal and external customers with access to meter data • Better Asset Management • Distribution Planning Support – Sizing of equipment -- transformers, feeders, substations

Why is MDM a Hot Topic? • Companies looking for Revenue Protection Opportunities – Why is MDM a Hot Topic? • Companies looking for Revenue Protection Opportunities – Find missing revenue – Identify possible theft for further investigation – Reduce field service orders • Support for AMI Programs – Smart meters, AMR, interval meters, etc. • Market Initiatives – Ontario Smart Metering Program – EPAct 2005 • Support Demand Response Programs – Time based: TOU, CPP, RTP – Incentive based: Direct Load Control, Interruptible / Curtailment Programs, etc.

Trends in the Market • Increase Use of Time Series Data – Increase use Trends in the Market • Increase Use of Time Series Data – Increase use due to AMI and Demand Reponses Programs • • Daily Readings More time series meters Critical Peak Pricing Aggregated usage data by TOU & bill period to support billing • Market prices – More interval data is used for downstream business processes • • • Settlement results Pricing data Weather data Load profiles Forecast

Solution Overview = LODESTAR CCS AMI Solutions AMR Drive-by VEE Exception Management Un-Metered Customers Solution Overview = LODESTAR CCS AMI Solutions AMR Drive-by VEE Exception Management Un-Metered Customers Billing Determinants Data Analysis Automated Processes Handheld Downstream Systems MDM Un-Billed Energy Transformer Load Management Auditing Reports Demand Response Customer Information PLC Broadband Over Power Line Etc. Revenue Protection Meter Asset Load Profiles Service/Work Order Processing Revenue Protection Meter Data Repository (Interval & Monthly Read) Data Billing Determinants Interval Meter Reads Online Presentment CIS Billing & Call Center Complex Billing Settlement Aggregated Load Historical Data Customer Information Revenue Protection Incidents Service/ Work Orders Demand Response Signals Distribution Planning & Analysis Pricing/ New Product Offerings Forecasting & Energy Procurement Rate Analysis & Cost of Service/Work Orders Outage Management

Solution Overview: Data Gathering & Processing Gate Keeper for all Inbound Meter Data – Solution Overview: Data Gathering & Processing Gate Keeper for all Inbound Meter Data – Data Collection • Collect data from various meter types and technologies AMI Solutions AMR – VEE • Automated Validation & Data Cleansing Handheld – Exception Management • Identifies & Routes Meter Exceptions to Appropriate Users and/or Queues • Meter Events – Revenue Protection • Identifies Impending Revenue Protection Events – Service/Work Order Processing • Interface with Service Order System – During VEE Process Routes Select Meter Events to Service Order System – Initiate from Work Queues as a result of Exception Management Investigation – Service Order Completion Feedback from Service Order system Drive-by PLC Broadband Over Power Line Etc. Automated Processes VEE Exception Management Revenue Protection Service/Work Order Processing

Solution Management: Data Repository Customer Information – – Customer Account Service Delivery Points Service Solution Management: Data Repository Customer Information – – Customer Account Service Delivery Points Service Point Classification Billing Cycles & Cycle Dates SIC Codes Meter Asset – Meter Events (Current & Historical) – Meter Diagnostic Data Load Profile – Class Profiles Revenue Protection Events – Historical archive of Revenue Protection Incidents Meter Data Repository – – Meter Configuration Meter Reads Consumption & Interval Power Quality Data – Kvar, power factors, etc. Meter Errors and Event Codes • Revenue Protection Events Theft/Tamper Indicator Customer Information Meter Asset Load Profiles Revenue Protection Events Meter Data Repository (Interval & Monthly Read)

Solution Overview: Advanced Functionality Un-Metered Customers – Street Lights Data Analysis – Business Intelligence Solution Overview: Advanced Functionality Un-Metered Customers – Street Lights Data Analysis – Business Intelligence on Analysis of Meter Data – Graph/Trend view of consumption meter reads Transformer Load Management – Aggregation of Load Data to the secondary transformer level – Additional Aggregation for Feeder, Substation levels – Transformer Rating & Identification of Transformers exceeding rating. Reports – Standard Reports for Operational & Business Intelligence Bill Determinants Un-Metered Customers Data Analysis Transformer Load Management Reports Billing Determinants Un-Billed Energy – Calculation of Billing Determinants Un-Billed Energy – Energy consumed but not invoiced – Typically created at the end-of-month Auditing – Complete Audit Trail of all Changes Demand Response – Critical Peak Pricing and Time-of-Use Pricing data Auditing Demand Response

Interface Data Billing Determinants Interval Meter Reads Aggregated Load Historical Data Customer Information Revenue Interface Data Billing Determinants Interval Meter Reads Aggregated Load Historical Data Customer Information Revenue Protection Incidents Service/ Work Orders Demand Response Signals Billing Determinants & Complex Billing – Calculated on Bill-Cycle based on Customer’s Tariffs – Off-Cycle calculation Bill Determinant are also supported Interval Meter Data – Clean Interval Meter Data Sent to various systems – Aggregated Data at various levels are supported • E. g. , Aggregation performed at the transformer & substation levels Aggregated Load – Customer load may be aggregated for various downstream systems like Transformer Load Management & Distribution Planning – Additional aggregation level may be configured Historical Data – MDM Data Repository includes historical meter data – Downstream system will have this data available

Interface Data Billing Determinants Interval Meter Reads Aggregated Load Historical Data Customer Information Revenue Interface Data Billing Determinants Interval Meter Reads Aggregated Load Historical Data Customer Information Revenue Protection Incidents Service/ Work Orders Demand Response Signals Customer Information – MDM Data Repository includes customer information – Useful for identifying Revenue Protection events/incidents Revenue Protection Incidents – Customers with Revenue Protection Incidents are reported for proper processing Service / Work Orders – Meter events requiring service or work orders are routed through the appropriate system – Feedback response from that system closes the loop Demand Response Signals – Demand response data may be routed to the appropriate application.

Functionality Summary • Meter Data Collection – Collect data from various meter types and Functionality Summary • Meter Data Collection – Collect data from various meter types and technologies – Handle equipment changes including meter change outs • Validation, Estimation and Editing – Industry standard rules to validate and estimate meter data – Sophisticated analysis tool for assessing and making any manual edits – A framework to additional rules via standard configuration • Revenue Protection Monitoring – Revenue protection events are logged – Profile comparisons

Functionality Summary • Exception Management – Usage exceptions and Work Queues – Issue Service Functionality Summary • Exception Management – Usage exceptions and Work Queues – Issue Service Orders • Interfaces – Standard file and programmatic interfaces – Feature rich configuration tool for adding new interfaces • Aggregation – Calculate complex billing determinants – Aggregations can also be performed for business processes: settlement, forecasting, distribution planning, etc. • Reports – Standard, parameter driven reports and report tools for configuring additional reports • Auditing – Who made the change & when the change was made – Show changes to meter reads & meter attributes (before and after)

Proven Solutions • Key selection criteria – Flexible solutions that will evolve with the Proven Solutions • Key selection criteria – Flexible solutions that will evolve with the market – Solutions that support current and evolving technologies: Smart Meters, and Demand Response – Making the correct software investment will ensure your solution works today and tomorrow – Proven scalable products – Open Technologies

Will Ontario Utilities need a local operational data store? • Realize the full potential Will Ontario Utilities need a local operational data store? • Realize the full potential of your Smart Meters – Issue AMI head-end system commands directly – Store and utilize interval data – Perform custom VEE – Store meter events – Perform Revenue Protection Analysis – Service Order Management – Perform in-house data analysis and aggregation • Forecasting, Distribution planning, Etc. – Maintain meter inventory and testing records

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