Solutions 8 FORM All About you mean

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- Количество слайдов: 10
Описание презентации Solutions 8 FORM All About you mean по слайдам
Solutions 8 FORM
All About you mean — жадный honest -честный hard working — трудолюбивый weak — слабый talkative — болтливый modest — скромный stupid — глупый shy — застенчивый funny — смешной polite — вежливый impatient — беспокойный nice — хороший, милый clever — умный confident — уверенный serious — серьёзный rude — грубый nasty — отвратительный
New words arrogant — высокомерный quiet — тихий strong — сильный lazy — ленивый generous — щедрый dishonest — нечестный ambitious — честолюбивый sensitive — чувствительный rational — разумный loyal — верный tolerant — терпимый active — активный lucky — удачливый mature — взрослый friendly — дружелюбный fair — честный grateful — благодарный
New words brave — смелый greedy — жадный romantic — романтичный creative — творческий laid-back — беззаботный selfish — эгоистичный decisive — решительный likeable — привлекательный sociable — общительный energetic — энергичный moody — с изменчивым настроением stubborn — упрямый
1. Sam took me out for dinner and gave me roses. He’s___ 2. Dick never sits still, he is always running around. _____ 3. Sue always has lots of unusual ideas. She’s_____ 4. Henry is a firefighter. He saves people. He’s_____ 5. My son is different from one minute to another. He’s___ 6. My boss is very quick and good at making choice. She’s_ 7. My granny only thinks of herself. She’s ______ 8. My dog eats and eats until he makes himself sick. He’s_ 9. Jake never worries about anything or get stressed. ____ 10. Ann likes going out to parties and meeting new people. She’s____ 11. Pam is nice. Everybody loves her. She’s ______ 12. My dad never changes his opinion on anything. He’s__
negative prefixes -un -im -ir -dis kind — un kind patient — im patient honest — dis honest responsible — ir responsible ambitious — un ambitious sensitive — in sensitive rational — ir rational loyal — dis loyal tolerant — in tolerant active — in active lucky — un lucky mature — im mature friendly — un friendly
homework 07. 12 — 1. describe yourself 2. one member of your family 3. describe 3 film characters you know (p 4) 08. 12 — n 1 -4 (104), Describe personality (by heart) 10. 12 — Dictation (from «mean — moody» )
film characters Daniel Craig — James Bond Heath Ledger — The dark Knight Kristen Stewart — The Twilight Nicole Kidman — The Golden Compass Marge Simpson — The Simpsons Johny Depp — Jack Sparrow «Pirates of the Carribbean»
I can describe personality I’d like to tell some words about my friend. His name is Brad, he is 15, he is a student. Brad is very responsible. I can always trust him when I ask him to do something. He is also decisive and makes decisions quickly. On the other hand he tends to be bossy. He likes telling other people what to do. My sister is Mary, she is 17. She is very energetic. She works hard and participate in lot’s of activities. She is ambitious as well, she wants to be successful in life. However she tends to be self-centered, she cares about herself and forgets about other people’s feelings. My mom is very generous, she likes sharing things or spending money, she loves helping other people. She is also intelligent and honest. On the other hand she is sensitive at times, she get upset easily.
Present Simple for sth that always happens — HE ALWAYS SPEAKS MUCH for sth that happens regularly — HE OFTEN BUYS FLOWERS (every week, often, sometimes) facts, general truth — COWS EAT GRASS with verbs that are not used in continuous — I LIKE SUMMER (like, hate, believe, need, know, prefer, want. . ) sth happening now (It’s raining) happening temporarily ( I am looking for a nurse) arrangements in the future (We are playing tennis tomorrow)Pres. Cont.