Скачать презентацию Solar Energy Utilization in China Wang Qiming Counsellor Скачать презентацию Solar Energy Utilization in China Wang Qiming Counsellor


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Solar Energy Utilization in China Wang Qiming Counsellor for S & T Embassy of Solar Energy Utilization in China Wang Qiming Counsellor for S & T Embassy of the People’s Republic of China 12 September 2007 1

Contents n China solar energy industry n Government support to solar energy industry n Contents n China solar energy industry n Government support to solar energy industry n Future trends and key development areas 2

China solar energy industry 3 China solar energy industry 3

China solar energy industry Solar energy utilization includes: l Solar power generation ü ü China solar energy industry Solar energy utilization includes: l Solar power generation ü ü l Photovoltaic power (mainstream) Solar thermal power Solar heat utilization ü ü Solar water heater (mainstream) Others: solar house, solar oven, solar dryer and solar sea water desalination 4

Solar Power Generation Solar Photovoltaic Power n 1984: annual output 200 KM n 1988: Solar Power Generation Solar Photovoltaic Power n 1984: annual output 200 KM n 1988: annual output 4. 5 MW n 2005: annual output 139 MW n 2006: annual output 300 MW n China: ranking the 3 rd in the world n Solar energy efficiency of monocrystalline silicon cell : 11 -13% (commercial), 25% (in lab) 5

Solar Power Generation Solar Photovoltaic Power (up to 2006) n Mainly in west China Solar Power Generation Solar Photovoltaic Power (up to 2006) n Mainly in west China used in rural areas, communication stations, oil fields, transport stations, meteorology and military posts ü ü A solar power station in Tibet ü ü 40 solar PV power stations built with total capacity: 600 KW 150, 000 solar power units in rural areas, total capacity: 2. 9 MW Lanzhou-Lhasa optical fiber cables, solar pv power used in 26 communication stations 216 satellite earth stations in Tibet powered by solar panel 6

China solar heat utilization Solar heat utilization in China Includes 5 parts: n solar China solar heat utilization Solar heat utilization in China Includes 5 parts: n solar water heater (mainstream) n solar house n solar oven n solar dryer n solar sea water desalination 7

China solar heat utilization Development up to year 2004 production in 1, 000 M China solar heat utilization Development up to year 2004 production in 1, 000 M 2 Solar water heater Total amount in 1, 000 M 2/pcs 13, 500 62, 000 Solar house 20, 000 Solar oven 500 Solar dryer R&D in demo stage Solar seawater desalination R&D in demo stage 8

Solar Water Heater Year Production (1000 m 2) Increase (%) Total amount (1000 m Solar Water Heater Year Production (1000 m 2) Increase (%) Total amount (1000 m 2) Sale (%) 1998 3, 500 1999 5, 000 43 20, 000 33 2000 6, 400 28 26, 000 30 2001 8, 200 28 32, 000 23 2002 10, 000 22 40, 000 25 2003 12, 000 20 50, 000 25 2004 13, 500 12. 5 62, 000 24 2005 15, 000 11. 1 75, 000 21 2006 18, 000 20 90, 000 20 15, 000 9

Solar Water Heater 10 Solar Water Heater 10

Solar water heater 1. Three kinds of solar water heater: vacuum tube, flat Plat Solar water heater 1. Three kinds of solar water heater: vacuum tube, flat Plat and direct solarization 2. In 2004, total output of solar water heater 13. 5 million m 2 1. Vacuum tube type: 11. 8 million m 2, 87. 5% of the total 2. Flat plat type: 1. 525 million m 2, 11. 3% of the total 3. Direct solarization: 0. 162 million m 2, 1. 2% of the total 11

Application of Solar Water Heater Main users are family households n Market share in Application of Solar Water Heater Main users are family households n Market share in 2001 ü ü Electrical water heater 11. 2% ü n Gas heater 20. 5% Solar water heater 5. 7% Market share in 2004 ü Gas heater 22. 9% ü Electrical water heater 15. 4% ü Solar water heater 12. 3% 12

Governmental Support to Solar Energy Industry 13 Governmental Support to Solar Energy Industry 13

R & D Input 1. Chinese government has been increasing R&D support to renewable R & D Input 1. Chinese government has been increasing R&D support to renewable energy industry 2. Main programmes: Key Research Program, 863 program, 973 program, Natural Science Foundation 3. R&D input(¥ to Rs times 5. 2) 1. 7 th five-year (1985 -89): ¥ 30 million 2. 8 th five-year (1990 -95): ¥ 30 million 3. 9 th five-year (1996 -00): 4. 10 th five-years (2001 -05): ¥ 60 million ¥ 220 million 14

Financial support n From 1987 to 1997, ¥ 120 million per year technical innovation Financial support n From 1987 to 1997, ¥ 120 million per year technical innovation loan to support renewable energy industries n In 2002, ¥ 175 million technical innovation loan further allocated to the production lines upgrading solar industries n Financial support also available from local governments n In 2007, National Reform and Planning Commission launched a “bright project” with ¥ 10 billion to application of PV power 15

Promote standardization and legislation The standard systems set up for solar water heater n Promote standardization and legislation The standard systems set up for solar water heater n Standard system for solar water heater, including 16 national technical standards and 3 industrial standards n All production in solar water heaters are standardized consistent to the standard systems 16

Promote standardization and legislation n Setting up a solar water heater quality monitoring and Promote standardization and legislation n Setting up a solar water heater quality monitoring and authentication system ü ü n Three quality monitoring centers set up in Beijing, Wuhan and Kunming An authentication center set up in Beijing by 2004 Legislation ü On 28 February 2005 China released the Renewable Energy Act, enforcing from 1 January 2006 17

Future development and key development areas 18 Future development and key development areas 18

China’s Long-Term Plan for Renewable Energies up to 2020 n n On the day China’s Long-Term Plan for Renewable Energies up to 2020 n n On the day of 4 September 2007, China released a plan for next 13 years of renewable energies up to 2020 By 2010 renewable energies 10% of total consumption; by 2020 reaches 15% 2010 2020 Hydro power 190 GW 300 GW Biopower 5. 5 GW 30 GW Wind power 5 GW Solar power 0. 5 GW 1. 8 GW 30 GW Solar is more expensive, still 7 times higher than coal power 19

Solar Market Development n Combination of solar energy in building industry ü China’s building Solar Market Development n Combination of solar energy in building industry ü China’s building and real estate industries in fast moving, annual building completion area 200 million m 2 ü Goal: contributing 6. 5% of energy consumption of buildings ü Many cities in China launched scheme of “solar hotwater for million houses” 20

Solar Market Development n Rural areas, a huge market for solar energy utilization ü Solar Market Development n Rural areas, a huge market for solar energy utilization ü in 2000, total housing area 17 billion m 2 ü in 2020, total housing area 26 billion m 2 n Rural housing is scattered in a vast areas, traditional energy (coal, electricity, natural gas), not technically and economically efficient n But a great potential for solar energy in rural areas where there is no access to electricity and natural gas 21

Solar Market Development Toward remote areas: n Solar power station for telecommunication n Solar Solar Market Development Toward remote areas: n Solar power station for telecommunication n Solar power unit for satellite ground stations n Solar power pumps n Solar power station for schools n Solar power unit for individual farmer households n Solar power unit for frontier military posts 22

Technology Development Treads n Integration of solar energy in buildings n Solar lights n Technology Development Treads n Integration of solar energy in buildings n Solar lights n Solar city demo in Baoding n Solar energy sea water desalination n Solar drying technique and its application n Medium and high temperature utilization (thermal power generation) 23

Thank You! 24 Thank You! 24