- Количество слайдов: 92
Software Estimation Thanks to Prof. Sharad Malik at Princeton University and Prof. Reinhard Wilhelm at Universitat des Saarlandes for some of the slides
Outline u. SW estimation overview u. Program path analysis u. Micro-architecture modeling u. Implementation examples: Cinderella u. SW estimation in VCC u. SW estimation in AI u. SW estimation in POLIS 2
SW estimation overview u. SW estimation problems in HW/SW co-design s The structure and behavior of synthesized programs are known in the co-design system s Quick (and as accurate as possible) estimation methods are needed Quick methods for HW/SW partitioning [Hu 94, Gupta 94] t Accurate method using a timing accurate co-simulation [Henkel 93] t 3
SW estimation in HW-SW co-design No concept of SW Capacity Architecture Fast with Function Moderate Accuracy and Low Cost Mapping HW SW Accurate at any cost 4
SW estimation overview: motivation u SW estimation helps to s Evaluate HW/SW trade-offs s Check performance/constraints t s Higher reliability Reduce system cost t Allow slower hardware, smaller size, lower power consumption 5
SW estimation overview: tasks u Architectural evaluation s processor selection s bus capacity u Partitioning evaluation s HW/SW partition s co-processor needs u System metric evaluation s performance met? s power met? s size met? 6
SW estimation overview: Static v. s. Dynamic u Static estimation s Determination of runtime properties at compile time s Most of the (interesting) properties are undecidable => use approximations s An approximation program analysis is safe, if its results can always be depended on. Results are allowed to be imprecise as long as they are not on the safe side s Quality of the results (precision) should be as good as possible 7
SW estimation overview: Static v. s. Dynamic u Dynamic estimation s Determination of properties at runtime s DSP Processors relatively data independent t most time spent in hand-coded kernels t static data-flow consumes most cycles t small number of threads, simple interrupts t s Regular processors arbitrary C, highly data dependent t commercial RTOS, many threads t complex interrupts, priorities t 8
SW estimation overview: approaches u Two aspects to be considered s The structure of the code (program path analysis) t s E. g. loops and false paths The system on which the software will run (micro-architecture modeling) t CPU (ISA, interrupts, etc. ), HW (cache, etc. ), OS, Compiler u Needs to be done at high/system level s Low-level t t s e. g. gate-level, assembly-language level Easy and accurate, but long design iteration time High/system-level t Reduces the exploration time of the design space 9
Conventional system design flow Low-level performance estimation 10
System-level software model u Must be fast - whole system simulation u Processor model must be cheap s “what if” my processor did X s future processors not yet developed s evaluation of processor not currently used u Must be convenient to use s no need to compile with cross-compilers s debug on my desktop u Must be accurate enough for the purpose 11
Accuracy vs Performance vs Cost Accuracy Speed $$$* Hardware Emulation +++ +- --- Cycle accurate model Cycle counting ISS ++ ++ -+ -- Dynamic estimation + ++ ++ Static spreadsheet - +++ *$$$ = NRE + per model + per design 12
Outline u. SW estimation overview u. Program path analysis u. Micro-architecture modeling u. Implementation examples: Cinderella u. SW estimation in VCC u. SW estimation in AI u. SW estimation in POLIS 13
Program path analysis u Basic blocks s A basic block is a program segment which is only entered at the first statement and only left at the last statement. s Example: function calls s The WCET (or BCET) of a basic block is determined u A program is divided into basic blocks s Program structure is represented on a directed program flow graph with basic blocks as nodes. s A longest / shortest path analysis on the program flow identify WCET / BCET 14
Program path analysis u Program path analysis s Determine extreme case execution paths. s Avoid exhaustive search of program paths. for (i=0; i<100; i++) { if (rand() > 0. 5) j++; else k++; } s 2100 possible worst case paths! Eliminate False Paths: t Make use of path information provided by the user. if (ok) i = i*i + 1; else i = 0; if (i) j++; else j = j*j; Always executed together! 15
Program path analysis u Path profile algorithm s Goal: Determines how many times each acyclic path in a routine executes s Method: identify sets of potential paths with states s Algorithms: Number final states from 0, 1, to n-1, where n is the number of potential paths in a routine; a final state represents the single path taken through a routine t Place instrumentation so that transitions need not occur at every conditional branch t Assign states so that transitions can be computed by a simple arithmetic operation t Transforms a control-flow graph containing loops or huge numbers of potential paths into an acyclic graph with a limited number of paths t 16
Program path analysis u Transform the problem into an integer linear programming (ILP) problem. s Basic idea: Single exec. time of basic block Bi (constant) Exec. count of Bi (integer variable) subject to a set of linear constraints that bound all feasible values of xi’s. Assumption for now: simple micro-architecture model (constant instruction execution time) 17
Program path analysis: structural constraints u Linear constraints constructed automatically from program’s control flow graph. Example: While loop Structural Constraints At each node: d 1 B 1: q=p; x 1 /* p >= 0 */ q = p; while (q<10) q++; r = q; d 4 d 2 B 2: while(q<10) x 2 d 3 d 5 B 4: r=q; 1 1 2 = S outputs x 2 = d 2 + d 4 = d 3 +d 5 x 3 = d 4 x 4 = d 5 = d 6 B 3: q++; x 3 x 4 d 6 Source Code Exec. count of Bi = S inputs Control Flow Graph Functional Constraints: provide loop bounds and other path information 0 x 1 £ x 3 £ 10 x 1 18
Program path analysis: functional constraints u Provide loop bounds (mandatory). u Supply additional path information (optional). Nested loop: x 1 for (i=0; i<10; ++i) x 2 for (j=0; j
Outline u. SW estimation overview u. Program path analysis u. Micro-architecture modeling u. Implementation examples: Cinderella u. SW estimation in VCC u. SW estimation in AI u. SW estimation in POLIS 20
Micro-architecture modeling u Micro-architecture modeling s Model hardware and determine the execution time of sequences of instructions. s Caches, CPU pipelines, etc. make WCET computation difficult since they make it history -sensitive Worst case path s Instruction execution time Program path analysis and micro-architecture modeling are inter-related. 21
Micro-architecture modeling u Pipeline analysis s Determine each instruction’s worst case effective execution time by looking at its surrounding instructions within the same basic block. s Assume constant pipeline execution time for each basic block. u Cache analysis s Dominant factor. s Global analysis is required. s Must be done simultaneously with path analysis. 22
Micro-architecture modeling u Other architecture feature analysis s Data dependent instruction execution times t Typical for CISC architectures u s e. g. shift-and-add instructions Superscalar architectures 23
Micro-architecture modeling: pipeline features u Pipelines are hard to predict s Stalls depend on execution history and cache contents s Execution times depend on execution history u Worst case assumptions s Instruction execution cannot be overlapped s If a hazard cannot be safely excluded, it must be assumed to happen s For some architectures, hazard and non-hazard must be considered (interferences with instruction fetching and caches) u Branch prediction s Predict which branch to fetch based on t t Target address (backward branches in loops) History of that jump (branch history table) 24
Micro-architecture modeling: pipeline features u On average, branch prediction works well s Branch history correctly predicts most branches s Very low delays due to jump instructions u Branch prediction is hard to predict s Depends on execution history (branch history table) s Depends on pipeline: when does fetching occur? s Incorporates additional instruction fetches not along the execution path of the program (mispredictions) s Changes instruction cache quite significantly u Worst case scenarios s Instruction fetches occur along all possible execution paths s Prediction is wrong: re-fetch along other path 25
Micro-architecture modeling: pipeline analysis u Goal: calculate all possible pipeline states at a program point u Method: perform a cycle-wise evolution of the pipeline, determining all possible successor pipeline states u Implemented from a formal model of the pipeline, its stages and communication between them u Generated from a PAG specification u Results in WCET for basic blocks u Abstract state is a set of concrete pipeline states; try to obtain a superset of the collecting semantics u Sets are small as pipeline is not too history-sensitive u Joins in CFG are set union 26
Micro-architecture modeling: I-cache analysis u Extend previous ILP formulation u Without cache analysis s s For each instruction, determine: t t s u With i-cache analysis t total execution count t execution time Instructions within a basic block have same execution counts Group them together. For each instruction, determine: t s cache hit execution count cache miss execution count cache hit execution time cache miss execution time Instructions within a basic block may have different cache hit/miss counts t Need other grouping method. 27
Grouping Instructions: Line-blocks u Line-block (l-block) = Basic block Ç Cache set s All instructions within a lblock have same cache hit/miss counts. Conflicting l-blocks u Construction of l-blocks: Non-conflicting l-blocks 28
Modified ILP Formulation Let: hit xi. j– cache hit count of l-block Bi. j miss xi. j – cache miss count of l-block B i. j hit ci. j– exec. time of l-block Bi. j given that it is a cache hit miss ci. j – exec. time of l-block Bi. j given that it is a cache missni – number of l-blocks of basic block Bi N ni Maximize: ( j ) hit miss å å ci. j xi. j +ci. j xi. j i hit miss subject to: xi = xi. j + xi. j j =1, 2, K, ni structural constraints functionality constraints cache constraints 29
Micro-architecture modeling: I-cache analysis u Cache constraints s Describe cache hit/miss activities of l-blocks. s For each cache set: t if there is only one l-block Bi. j mapping to it, then there will be at most one cache miss: miss Xi, j ≤ 1 t if there are two or more conflicting l-blocks mapping to it, Cache Conflict Graph is needed. . . 30
Micro-architecture modeling: I-cache analysis 31
Micro-architecture modeling: I-cache analysis 32
Micro-architecture modeling: I-cache analysis u Direct-mapped I-cache analysis 33
Micro-architecture modeling: I-cache analysis u Set-assoc. I-cache analysis 34
Micro-architecture modeling: D-cache analysis u Difficulties: s Data flow analysis is required. s Load/store address may be ambiguous. s Load/store address may change. u Simple solution: s Extend cost function to include data cache hit/miss penalties. s x 1 if known execution path Simulate a block of code with(something) { x for (i=0; i<10; ++i) to obtain data hits and x 2 misses. (j=0; j
Outline u. SW estimation overview u. Program path analysis u. Micro-architecture modeling u. Implementation examples: Cinderella u. SW estimation in VCC u. SW estimation in AI u. SW estimation in POLIS 36
Implementation examples: Cinderella u Implemented platforms: t Intel i 960 KB t Motorola M 68000 Graphical User Interface u Retargetable back-ends: Cinderella core s Object File Module t t s Instruction Set Module t t s Read program’s executable file. Object File Provide mapping information. Handler Architecture dependent. Decode binary code. COFF Machine Module t t . . . Instr Set Handler i 960 M 68 k . . . Machine Handler QT 96 0 M 68 k IDP . . . Micro-architecture dependent. Model hardware timing properties. u 30 k lines of C++ code. http: //www. ee. princeton. edu/~yauli/cinderella-3. 0 37
Implementation examples: Cinderella u Timing analysis is done at machine code level. s read executable file directly. u Annotation is done at source level. s need to map machine code to source code. s use debugging information stored in executable file. s Advantages: source level, compiler independent. t optimum code quality. t u Reduce retargeting efforts. 38
Implementation examples: Cinderella u. Practical validation: set of programs 39
Experimental Results 40
Implementation examples: Cinderella u. ILP performance issues CPU Times are measured on a SGI Indigo 2 workstation. 41
Outline u. SW estimation overview u. Program path analysis u. Micro-architecture modeling u. Implementation examples: Cinderella u. SW estimation in VCC u. SW estimation in AI u. SW estimation in POLIS 42
SW estimation in VCC Objectives u To be faster than co-simulation of the target processor (at least one order of magnitude) u To provide more flexible and easier to use bottleneck analysis than emulation (e. g. , who is causing the high cache miss rate? ) u To support fast design exploration (what-if analysis)after changes in the functionality and in the architecture u To support derivative design u To support well-designed legacy code (clear 43
SW estimation in VCC Approaches u. Various trade-offs between simplicity, compilation/simulation speed and precision u. Virtual Processor Model: it compiles C source to simplified “object code” used to back-annotate C source with execution cycle counts and memory accesses s Typically ISS uses object code, Cadence CC-ISS uses assembly code, commercial CC-ISS’s use object code u. CABA: C-Source Back Annotation and model calibration via Target Machine Instruction Set u. Instruction-Set Simulator: it uses target object code to: s either reconstruct annotated C source (Compiled-Code ISS) s or executed on an interpreted ISS 44
SW estimation in VCC Scenarios Target Processor Instruction Set White Box C Compiled Code Processor Model VCC Virtual Processor Instruction Set VCC Virtual Compiler Annotated White Box C Target Processor Compiler Target Assembly Code Host ASM 2 C Compiler Annotated White Box C . obj Host Compiler Compiled Code Virtual Instruction Set Simulator VCC Interpreted Compiled Code Instruction Set Simulator Co-simulation Instruction Set Simulator Target Processor 45
SW estimation in VCC Limitations u C (or assembler) library routine estimation (e. g. trigonometric functions): the delay should be part of the library model u Import of arbitrary (especially processor or RTOS-dependent) legacy code s Code must adhere to the simulator interface including embedded system calls (RTOS): the conversion is not the aim of software estimation 46
SW estimation in VCC Virtual Processor Model (VPM) compiled code virtual instruction set simulator u. Pros: s does not require target software development chain s fast simulation model generation and execution s simple and cheap generation of a new processor model s Needed when target processor and compiler not available u. Cons: s hard to model target compiler optimizations (requires “best in class” Virtual Compiler that can 47
SW estimation in VCC Interpreted instruction set simulator (IISS) u. Pros: s generally available from processor IP provider s often integrates fast cache model s considers target compiler optimizations and real data and code addresses u. Cons: s requires target software development chain s often low speed s different integration problem for every vendor (and often for every CPU) s may be difficult to support communication models that require waiting to complete an I/O or synchronization operation 48
SW estimation in VCC Compiled code instruction set simulator (CC-ISS) u Pros: s very fast (almost same speed as VPM, if low precision is required) s considers target compiler optimizations and real data and code addresses u Cons: s often not available from CPU vendor, expensive to create s requires target software development chain 49
SW estimation in VCC Suggested approaches u. VPM-C and CABA s either using a state-of-the-art compiler with a object code model s or using back-annotation from target object code for addresses and delays s suitable for: system architect, early evaluation, algorithmic optimization, coarse-grained trade-offs, resilient input stimuli behavior (data flow oriented, no target compiler available – VPM-C) u. ISS s CC-ISS when available s I-ISS otherwise s suitable for: detailed software design, driver design, HW/SW coverification and integration 50
SW estimation in VCC SPA tools u SPA-C : SPA Calibration and Profiling s View and analysis of a C code with simulation capability of the annotated model t t SW Developer can use it to modify algorithm code and optimize speed CPU Modeler/Provider can use it to modify the cross reference file u SPA-V : SPA Viewer s SPA-C export each simulation into an XML model. SPA-V allows to view and compare different simulations of one code. u VPM-C : VPM Calibration 51
SW estimation in VCC SPA tool chain Can starts VPM-C Automatically Can starts SPA-C Automatically SPA Calibration VPM Calibration (FIRST) SPA Viewer 52
SW estimation in VCC VPM-C: goals u Capitalize on top of VPM and provides an automated way to produce bss files. u Test and validate the VPM technique across several environments and processor families. u Measure the accuracy and the resilience of the VPM software estimation technique. u Identify usability of VPM in a real design. u Produce a methodology on the different steps necessary to use this VPM derived technique. 53
SW estimation in VCC VPM-C: short description u Set of tools to automate generation of calibrated CPU models for each behavioral block using the VPM technique: s Each behavioral block is mapped to its own CPU/DSP calibrated model. s Caches effects and external memories access penalties not integrated. (done using cache, bus and memory models) u Provides 100% accuracy on the set of stimuli used during generation. u Resilience to data variation as good as VPM Data-book technique. u Validated on RISC, DSP, and VLIW with 40+ EEMBC test codes. u VPM Calibrated Technique requires a target CPU Development 54
SW estimation in VCC VPM-C: processor model creation Initial Model (Created from Cross-Ref Only!) VCC Environment CPU Specific VPM Java Framework (VJF) C Source and Test Vector CPU Development Environment (Compiler, ISS) Calibrated Model 55
SW estimation in VCC Input Test VPM-C: calibration process Vectors Behavioral Diagram obtained during a simulation Bv 1 Bv 2 Bv 3 VPM Calibrated Java Framework CPU model used by the mapping link RTOS CPU MEM First Simulation C-Macros are used to capture test vectors and dump them into files. Architectural Diagram 56
SW estimation in VCC VPM-C: calibration process [block]_in_New. bin Behavioral Diagram [block] ISS Simulator Cpu. bss for [block] CPU/DSP model (I. e cpu. bss) generated by VPM Calibration tool during the Data Learning phase RTOS CPU Iss. Cycles MEM Vcc. Cycles Vcc. Error Architectural Diagram 57
SW estimation in VCC VPM-C: some results u. One Tri. Media model done for each individual MPEG processes calibrated on one sub stream (12 images). * Total number of cycles for executing the process on reference stream 58
SW estimation in VCC CABA - VI For each processor: u Group target instructions into m Virtual Instructions (e. g. , ALU, load, store, …) u For each one of n (much larger than m) benchmarks s Run ISS and get benchmark cycle count and VIs execution count u Derive average execution time for each VI (processor BSS file) by best fit on benchmark run data u For each functional block: s s s Compile source and extract VI composition for each ASM Basic Block Split source into BBs and back-annotate estimated execution time using ASM BBs’ VI composition and BSS Run VCC and get functional block cycle count 59
SW estimation in VCC CABA - VI u CABA-VI: uses a calibration-like procedure to obtain average execution timing for each target instruction (or instruction class – Virtual Instruction (VI)). Unlike the similar VPM technique, the VI’s are target-dependent. The resulted BSS is used to generate the performance annotations (delay, power, bus traffic) and its accuracy is not limited to the calibration codes. u In both cases, part of the CCISS infrastructure is reused to: s s s parse the assembler, identify the basic blocks, identify and remove the cross-reference tags, handle embedded waits and other constructs, generate code for bus traffic. 60
SW estimation in VCC CABA - VI Each benchmark used for calibration generates an equation of the form: Error Function to Minimize 61
SW estimation in VCC Results Benchmark bs_cfg crc_cfg insertsort_cfg jfdctint_cfg lms_cfg Simulation 48053. 9 330345 480090 1. 20559 e+06 438952 PSIM 48236 320862 480381 1205844 430956 Rel. Err – 0. 12% 2. 99% – 0. 03% – 0. 01% 1. 88% matmul_cfg fir_cfg fft 1 k_cfg fibcall_cfg fibo_cfg fft 1_cfg ludcmp_cfg minver_cfg qurt_cfg select_cfg 1. 14307 e+06 2. 61924 e+06 1. 32049 e+06 120073 6. 28005 e+06 1. 00826 e+06 1. 9772 e+06 1. 12565 e+06 1. 46096 e+06 824290 1143308 2597397 1298882 120324 6280268 984526 1956308 1114693 1421282 746637 – 0. 01% 0. 85% 1. 67% – 0. 10% – 0. 00% 2. 42% 1. 07% 0. 99% 2. 80% 10. 42% u Very small errors where the C source was annotated by analyzing the non- tagged assembler – not always possible. u Larger errors are due to errors in the matching mechanism (a one-to-one correspondence between the C source and assembler basic blocks is not possible) or influences of the tagging on the compiler optimizations. 62
SW estimation in VCC Conclusions u VPM-C s s s s s Features a high accuracy when simulating the code it was tuned for. The BSS file generation can be automated In case of limited code coverage during the BSS generation phase, it might feature unpredictable accuracy variations when the code or input data changes. The code coverage depends also on the data set used as input to generate the model. Assumes a perfect cache. Requires cycle accurate ISS and target compiler (only by the modeler not by the user of the model) Good for achieving accurate simulations for data dominated flows, whose control flow remains pretty much unchanged with data variations (e. g. , MPEG decoding) Development time for a new BSS ranges from 1 day to 1 week. Fine tuning the BSS to improve the accuracy may go up to 1 month, mostly due to extensive simulations Good if not developing extremely time-critical software (e. g. Interrupt Service Routines), or when the precision of SWE is sufficient for the task at hand (e. g. , not for final validation after partial integration on an ECU) 63
SW estimation in VCC Conclusions u CABA s Fast simulation, comparable with VPM. s Good to very good accuracy, since the measurements are based on the real assembler and target architecture effects. s Good stability with respect to code or execution flow changes s The production target compiler is needed (both modeler and user) s About 1 man-month for building a CABA-VI infrastructure, with one processor model. s From 2 weeks to 2 months to integrate a new processor – depending upon the simulation time required for the calibration s Combines the fast simulation, that characterizes the VPMbased techniques, with the high accuracy of the object code analysis techniques, such as CCISS and ISS integration. s Although too few experiments were conducted to know how well it suits various kinds of targets and what is its accuracy and stability to input data and control flow variations, they 64
Outline u. SW estimation overview u. Program path analysis u. Micro-architecture modeling u. Implementation examples: Cinderella u. SW estimation in VCC u. SW estimation in AI u. SW estimation in POLIS 65
SW estimation in AI u. What is AI: Abstract Interpretation s AI = semantics based methodology for program analyses u. Basic ideas s Basic idea of AI: perform the program’s computations using value descriptions or abstract value in place of the concrete values s Basic idea of the timing analysis: derive timing information from an approximation of the “collecting semantics” for all inputs u. AI supports correctness proofs u. AI provides tool support (PAG) 66
SW estimation in AI 67
SW estimation in AI 68
SW estimation in AI u. Value analysis by AI s Motivation Provide exact access information to cache/pipeline analysis t Detection of infeasible path t s Goal t s Method t s calculate lower and upper bounds for the values occurring in the program (addresses, registers, local and global variables) AI interval analysis automatically generated with PAG If partial programs are analyzed, value of stack pointer should be supplied 69
SW estimation in AI u. Value analysis by AI (cont. ) 70
SW estimation in AI u. Value analysis by AI (cont. ) 71
SW estimation in AI u. Cache analysis s “Must” analysis t. For each program point and calling context, find out which blocks are in the cache s “May” analysis t. For each program point and calling context, find out which blocks may be in the cache 72
SW estimation in AI u. Cache analysis (cont. ) 73
SW estimation in AI u. Cache analysis (cont. ) 74
SW estimation in AI u. Cache analysis (cont. ) 75
SW estimation in AI u. Cache analysis (cont. ) 76
SW estimation in AI u. Cache analysis (cont. ) 77
References u R. Ernst, W. Ye, Embedded program timing analysis based on path clustering and architecture classification, ICCAD 1997 u S. Malik, M. Martonosi, and Y. T. S. Li, Newblock Static timing analysis of embedded software, DAC 1997 u T. Ball and J. Larus, Efficient Path Profiling, MICRO-29, 1996. u P. Cousot, R. Cousot, Verification of Embedded Software: Problems and Perspectives, EMSOFT 2001 u H. Theiling, C. Ferdinand, and R. Wilhelm, Fast and Precise WCET Prediction by Separate Cache and Path 78
Outline u. SW estimation overview u. Program path analysis u. Micro-architecture modeling u. Implementation examples: Cinderella u. SW estimation in VCC u. SW estimation in AI u. SW estimation in POLIS 79
SW estimation in POLIS S-graph Level Estimation 80
SW estimation in POLIS u. Problem I s How to link behavior to assembly code? t Model C code generated from S-graph and use a set of cost parameters 81
SW estimation in POLIS Software Model 82
SW estimation in POLIS Execution time of a path and the code size Property : Form of each statement is determined by type of corresponding node. Tstruct= ƒ°pi Ct(node_type_of(i), variable_type_of (i)) pi: takes value 1 if node i is on a path, otherwise 0. Ct(n, v): execution time for node type n and variable type v. Sstruct ƒ°Cs(node_type_of(i), variable_type_of = (i)) Cs(n, v): code size for node type n and variable type v. 83
SW estimation in POLIS Cost Parameters * Pre-calculated cost parameters for: (1) Ct(n, v), Cs(n, v): Execution time and code size for node type n and variable type v. (2) Tpp, Spp: Pre- and post- execution time and code size. (3) Tinit, Sinit: Execution time and code size for local variable initialization. 84
SW estimation in POLIS u. Problem II s How to handle the variety of compilers and CPUs? t prepare cost parameters for each target 85
SW estimation in POLIS Extraction of Cost Parameters 86
SW estimation in POLIS Algorithm · Preprocess: extracting set of cost parameters. · Weighting nodes and edges in given S-graph with cost parameters. · Traversing weighted S-graph. · Finding maximum cost path and minimum cost path using Depth-First Search on S-graph. · Accumulating 'size' costs on all nodes. 87
SW estimation in POLIS Algorithm Cost C is a triple (min_time, max_time, code_size) Algorithm: SGtrace (sgi) if (sgi == NULL) return (C(0, , 0)); if (sgi has been visited) return ( pre-calculated Ci(*, *, 0) associated with sgi ); Ci = initialize (max_time = 0, min_time = , code_size = 0); for each child sgj of sgi { Cij = SGtrace (sgj) + edge cost for edge eij; Ci. max_time = max(Ci. max_time, Cij. max_time); Ci. min_time = min(Ci. min_time, Cij. min_time); Ci. code_size += Cij. code_size; } Ci += node cost for node sgi; return (Ci); 88
SW estimation in POLIS Experiments * Proposed methods implemented and examined in POLIS system. * Target CPU and compiler: M 68 HC 11 and Introl C compiler. * Difference D is defined as 89
SW estimation in POLIS Experimental Results : S-graph Level 90
SW estimation in POLIS Performance and cost estimation: example u Example: 68 HC 11 timing estimation BEGIN u Cost assigned to s-graph edges (different for taken/not taken branches) detect(c) 26 T F 63 a : = 0 18 max: 126 cycles 9 emit(y) u Accuracy: within 20% of profiling 41 a
SW estimation in POLIS Performance and cost estimation: summary u. S-graph: low-level enough to allow accurate performance estimation u. Cost parameters assigned to each node, depending on: s system type (CPU, memory, bus, . . . ) s node and expression type u. Cost parameters evaluated via simple benchmarks s need timing and size measurements for each target 92