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Sofia Vocational High School of Electronics “John Atanasov” /VHSE/ Address: 1113 Sofia, 46 Rayko Alexiev str. WEB site: http: //spge-bg. com e-mail: SPGElectron@yahoo. co. uk ============================== A State Vocational High School since 1968. More than 7 000 specialists of secondary technician education have graduated. 1030 students ditributed in 40 classes are being trained now. The core of the vocational training includes 4 professions /6 specialties/: • The profession of “Programmer” in the specialty “System Programming” • The profession “Technician of Computer Systems” in the specialties “Computing Equipment and Technologies” and “Computer networks” • The profession “Technician of Electronic Equipment” in the specialties “Industrial Electronics” and “Microprocessor Equipment” • The profession “Technician of Energy Facilities and Installations” in the specialty “Renewable Energy Sources” that has been included in the National List of Professions since 2009 and that has started since the school year 2009/2010 for the first time in the country.
VHSE “John Atanasov” WEB site: http: //spge-bg. com e-mail: SPGElectron@yahoo. co. uk ============================== Extracurricular activities on the topic RES&EE: • 2006 – VHSE brings a motivated proposal to National Accreditation Agency of Professions for the new profession “Solar systems” to be introduced; • Since 2007 – participation in European projects on the topic of RES&EE • A team of teachers and students elaborates acting models using solar panels and solar cells; • Yearly participation at the exposition of the Congress for South-East Europe concerning RES&EE organized by Via. Expo;
PROJECT ACTIVITIES VHSE has initiated two projects in the European program for vocational training „Leonardo da Vinci”, measure Exchange /VETPRO/: - 2007/2008 – the project ”Development of the Professional Skills in the Use of Renewable Energy Sources” /DOPSURES/ for 10 teachers-users in two streams: in Munich, Germany and in Stockholm, Sweden. Munich Stockholm
PROJECT ACTIVITIES Stockholm 2009/2010 – the project ”European Methodology of teaching and Use of Renewable Energy Sources” /EMTURES/ for the 10 teachers-users in two streams: in Leipzig, Germany and in Stockholm, Sweden. For the period 2007 -2009 the high school has taken part in the project ENERGY PATH as a partner school in the approbation of an electronic educational platform on the topic of RES&EE in Bulgarian schools in a consortium of 11 European organizations / http: //www. energypath. eu / Leipz ig
NEW PROJECTS Common project “Regional Development” PROJECT SOFIA On the 30 th of November 2010 between the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science and the Ministry of the Regional Development of the Republic of Bulgaria in the high school an Agreement was signed on a plan for providing free financial aid: ”Support for providing suitable and efficient state educational infrastructure contributing to the development of sustainable city areas” – duration of 24 months. /http: //www. mrrb. government. bg/index. php? lang=bg&do=news&id=2665/ Project activities: • Building a photovoltaic installation producing 5 k. W electric energy • Building a teaching solar thermal installation for heating hot water for domestic servicing
NEW PROJECTS Other project activities: • Supply and installation of a solar laboratory in order to create conditions for modern and qualitative vocational training for RES systems: photovoltaic, solar thermal and heat pumps • Improvement of the energy efficiency of the building through heat insulation of the façade of the first edifice • Major repair of the electric wiring of the building and pressing repair
Program Intelligent Energy – Europe(IEE) The name of the project: ”Training courses for installers of small-scale renewable energy systems in buildings” - Agreement #: IEE/09/763/S 12. 558302 Acronym of the project: Install+RES, Beginning: May 2010 End: May 2013 Coordinator of the project: WIP – Renewable Energies, Wirtschaft und Infrastruktur Planung Partners in the project: BZS, Munich, Germany ALP, Dillingen a. d. Donau, Germany AIE, Paris, France VHSE, Sofia, Bulgaria CRES, Pikermi/Athens, Greece SCV, Velenje, Slovenia PK, Krakow, Poland ASSISTAL, Milano, Italy FIEC, Paris, France
Summary of the project: Aim: To promote the quality and to raise the quantity of the installed systems of RES through modern education and training means. The qualification of the installers is particularly decisive of the quality of contemporary installations of RES. The topic of the project Install+RES is to put into practice widely recognized and confirmed courses for qualifying and certifying installers of RES systems such as solar systems for hot water and photovoltaic systems, heat pumps, biomass in several European states: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Poland Slovenia. It will be executed in accordance with the requirements of a Directive 2009/28/ЕС that promotes the use of energy from renewable sources and defines the qualifications requirements for installers for the correspondent RES. The implementation of Install+RES training courses in the project aims to invest in sustainable development that is guaranteed by means and tools of high quality. The courses are based on a good mutual relation between theory and practice. The training principle has the motto “hands on learning” that is reached by using laboratory equipment for training. The target group is formed by installers and trainers as well as by corresponding governmental institutions, associations, chambers that have declared their commitment to actively participate.
Main activities to reach the goals of the project: 1. Improvement of the training courses and preparation of teaching materials on the basis of European and national projects concerning training for installers of small-scale renewable energy systems in buildings in accordance with a Directive 2009/28/ЕС for each of the countries participating in the project. Translation of the materials in English, German, Bulgarian, Slovenian, Polish, Greek, Italian. 2. „Train the Trainers” courses are meant to provide the trainers with the needed knowledge in order to be able to carry out a training of high quality for installers of small-scale renewable energy systems in buildings. It is envisaged that technical and pedagogical knowledge will be provided to the trainers who will have to perform them in pilot courses as well as in two training courses in their states (Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Poland Slovenia).
Main activities to reach the goals of the project: 3. Introduction of Install+RES training courses: 1 pilot course /at the end of 2011/ and 2 training courses /in 2012/ will be carried out in each country participating in the project. 4. Certification and qualification of installers: The trained installers form the Install+RES training courses will be certified and qualified in accordance with the requirements of the Directive 2009/28/ЕС supporting the use of the energy from RES from an accredited national organization. 5. Ensuring a long-term period of sustainability of the Install+RES training courses: All necessary measures guaranteeing the expected sustainability in the carrying out of the created conception as well as controlled analysis of the expenses and a strategy how to cover the expenses will be applied. 6. Dissemination of the results: The large number of potential installers will be enough to guarantee a campaign for dissemination of the results.
Main results including indicators of quality: • To certify and to qualify installers of small-scale energy systems in buildings: During the project 15 training courses will be implemented in the countries participating in the project. It corresponds to 240 certified installers. It is expected once the project completed further 2 000 installers to go through the same training courses from 2013 to 2020. • To train teachers, engineers, professors who will carry out trainings and will disseminate the conception of the Install+RES training courses for the future: For the period of the project 30 trainers will be trained in the “Train the Trainers” courses in English and German. Every Install+RES training course will be carried out by the trained trainers in the respective country. • Accelerated introduction of the RES systems (solar thermal, PV, biomass and heat pumps) in buildings: The consortium of participants in the project is accurately nominated in order to be drawn in the project as a partner or as a subcontractor. It is envisaged to strengthen the collaboration between the building sector and the RES sector particularly when renovating buildings.
What is the content of the training courses? The maximum duration of every training course Install+RES for all main and special modules is 265 teaching classes carried out in 27 days /10 teaching classes per day/ in case of training for all modules. The courses include a theoretical and a practical part. The practical training will be carried out in a laboratory equipped for RES technologies, experimental models from the teaching organization, real facilities of national RES installations. Module scheme of the course: » A review of the national needs in accordance with the National Action plan – 25 classes » Main knowledge of electrical engineering – 30 classes » Main knowledge of heating technology – 30 classes » Photovoltaics – 45 classes » Solar Thermal systems – 45 classes » Heat Pumps – 45 classes » Biomass – 45 classes
What qualification is needed for the future installers? The future installers have to possess a certificate of a professional qualification and professional experience as an electrician, a Water Supply and Sewage technician, a heating technician, a technician of cooling and ventilation systems, air conditioning systems and other close specializations. The project envisages precise rules for the implementation of the courses: registration of the candidates, timetable of modular training, system of evaluation and certifying exams, feedback to evaluate the course.
What is important about the results of the project Install+RES: In the framework of the project it is envisaged to define a national organization that will accredit training organizations, training courses and will certify installers of small-scale renewable energy systems – photovoltaic, solar thermal, heat pumps, biomass. VHSE “John Atanasov” is envisaged to be an accredited training organization that will carry out Install+RES training courses for installers of small scale installations of RES.
By the end of both projects VHSE “John Atanasov” will have possessed: • Accredited training materials concerning PV, solar thermal systems, heat pumps and biomass; • Certified trainers for the courses for installers of small-scale installations of RES; • 48 certified installers from one pilot course and two training courses; • A modern equipped laboratory for theoretical and practical training of PV, solar thermal systems and heat pumps; • Two solar installations /PV and solar thermal/ on the roof of the building supporting the practical training;
Sofia Vocational High School of Electronics “John Atanasov” /VHSE/ Address: 1113 Sofia, 46 Rayko Alexiev str. WEB site: http: //spge-bg. com e-mail: SPGElectron@yahoo. co. uk ======================= In 2010 the project activities became possible due to the support we received from: – The team of experts from The Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association; – The Ministry of Economics, Energy and Tourism, Department of “Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection”; – The company Solar Pro provided for the training of two teachers as certified teachers of PV technologies from the Professional Centre for Solar systems /BZS/ in Munich, Germany; – The company Solar Engineering prepared the project documentation for the building of two training solar installations on the roof of the high school; – The Centre for training of solar technicians /BZS/, Munich, Germany, granted a syllabus, methodological materials, presentations and mainly technical equipment for the training on PV.