Соединённые Штаты Америки.pptx
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Соединённые Штаты Америки Выполнила студентка группы 4 мт Шурманова Мария
The United States of America has an area of 3, 615, 122 square miles (9, 4 mln square kilometers) almost all of which is on the American continent. Its overseas possessions are mainly small Pacific Islands (Guam, Samoa, etc. ) plus Puerto Rico. There are 50 states and one Federal District, created as a site for the Federal Capital, Washington, and known as the District of Columbia. The USA is considered to be the fourth largest country in the world. The 48 conterminous states extend from latitude 25° N to 50° N and longitude 125° W to 67° W. From New York in the East to San Francisco or Los Angeles in the West, i. e. from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast, you have to travel more than 4, 500 km and leave behind four time zones. The other two states, Alaska and Hawaii, are situated respectively near the Arctic circle and in the tropical part of the Pacific Ocean (3, 200 km from the mainland). Thanks to these geographical extremes, different parts of the country range from moist rain forest areas to arid desert regions and bald mountain peaks. Mount Mc. Kinley in Alaska of 20, 320 feet (6, 194 meters) above sea level is the highest point in the USA, while part of Death Valley in California is 282 feet (89 meters) below sea level. The West is an extensive mountain area occupying approximately one-third of the United States and is a region of tremendous variety, which can be subdivided into various other areas. It consists of high ranges of the Cordillera parallel to the Pacific Coast culminating on its eastern border in the Rocky Mountains (a high, discontinuous chain of mountains with peaks of 13, 000 and 14, 000 feet), which, in their turn, stretch from mountainous Alaska down to Mexico. These mountains are rich in resources such as gold, lead and uranium. Among high mountains at the western edge of the Cordillera — the Sierra Nevada, the Cascades and the Coastal Ranges — there are broad, fertile valleys and large plateau regions with canyons, cliffs and basins that contain many important metals, oil and natural gas. The heart of the United States is a vast plain, which extends from Central Canada southwards to Mexico and from the Cordillera eastwards to the Appalachian Mountains. These interior plains, which rise gradually like a saucer to higher land on all sides, are divided into two major parts: the eastern portion is called the Central Plains and the western portion — the Great Plains, both of which have good soil. The Appalachian Mountains — a chain of low, almost unbroken mountains — are extremely rich in coal and iron. These mountains are at the western edge of the Atlantic coastal plain, which is a long, gently rolling lowland area. These coastal plains are very flat: nowhere in Florida, for example, is more than 350 feet above sea level. The soil is very poor, except in the fertile southern part — the Cotton Belt of the Old South and the citrus country of Central Florida. Hawaii is a chain of twenty islands, only seven of which are inhabited. The mountainous islands were formed by volcanic activity and there are still a number of active volcanoes.
WEATHER AND CLIMATE Virtually every type of climate can be found somewhere in the United States — from arctic in Alaska to subtropical in Florida. The climate is not generally temperate, despite the latitude, because the tremendous size of the North American land mass heightens the extreme variations in temperature and precipitation, especially in the central regions (in Dakota temperatures have reached a maximum of 49 °C and a minimum of -60 °C). Most of the country has a humid continental climate with hot summers and cold winters, while the lack of natural barriers either to the north or south allows cold, dry air to flow south from Canada and warm, humid air north from the Gulf of Mexico, giving rise to spectacular weather of every possible type in the Great Plains and Midwest. Summers are hot and very humid in this region and rainfall decreases to the west as a result of the rain shadow created by the West Pacific Range and the Sierra Nevada. The southwest portion of the Great Plains is the hottest and most arid region of the United States, with precipitation, mostly in the form of summer showers, averaging less than 250 mm a year. The Pacific coast is almost rainless in the summer, although there is often fog. In winter there is frequent drizzle, but the climate remains generally warm and dry, especially in California. The eastern part of the country is moderately rainy, with the precipitation fairly well distributed throughout the year. Summers tend to be extremely humid, especially along the coast of Texas and Florida.
The USA is a federal country of 50 states and the District of Columbia. The political life of the country has always been dominated by the two major parties: the Democratic party and the Republican party. At an election time they contest presidency and the majority of seats in the Congress. The Congress is the highest legislative body of the country. It consists of two chambers - the House of Representatives and the Senate. The President, elected by the whole nation for four years, is head of the state and the Government.
Idaho - Айдахо full name State of Idaho POSTAL ABBREVIATION ID inhabitant Idahoan ADMITTED TO THE UNION July 3, 1890. Rank 43 rd capital city Boise, the largest city in the state, located on the Boise River in southwestern Idaho; population 125, 738. Originally an army camp, it was founded as a settlement in 1863 and was incorporated as a city the following year, when it also became the territorial capital. state name and nicknames The name "Idaho" is an artificial Indian word invented by George M. Willing. Also known as the Gem State and the Gem of the Mountains (the putative meaning of "Idaho"). state seal In the center is a shield showing a landscape, with the Snake River, mountains, a fir tree, and a farmer at the plow. Above the shield is an elk's head and the state motto on a scroll; below it is a sheaf of wheat; to the right is a miner; to the left a woman holding symbols of justice and liberty. Along the bottom are agricultural symbols, including two cornucopias, the state flower, and ripened wheat. The yellow border reads "Great Seal of the State of Idaho. "
Iowa - Айова Cedar Rapids, population 110, 243; Demoyns, the population of 191. 003. Iowa - It is a flat state. This is the heart of American agriculture. Summer is hot, but have a good time very much. Places where the population is concentrated, are Demoyns, the state capital, and Cedar Rapids in the east. In both cities, a welldeveloped industry. Some of the resorts are located near the artificial lakes such as Okoboji in the northwest near the border with Minnesota, Storm Lake 75 miles to the south, Kliar Lake in the central northern part of Iowa near Mason City.
Alabama - Алабама Birmingham, the population of 184. 413, Mobile, population 200. 521, Montgomery, population 177. 875. In Alabama, the state cotton prevails warm summer climate. Here you can have a great time swimming, boating or fishing in the northern lakes near Mobile. Although Alabama is an agricultural state, in large centers are textile, steel processing and light industry. Here, too, is rich in copper.
Alaska - Аляска Anchorage, population 174, 431. In the language of the people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands, Alaska means "great land. " And this is the proper name for this state with an area of 1, 517, 740 square kilometers and which is one fifth of the territory of the United States. Mount Mc. Kinley (6. 195 m) - the highest mountain in the United States. Contrary to popular belief, Alaska is not covered year round snow and ice. Coast washed by warm currents coming from Japan, and are protected by mountains from cold arctic wind. For example, in Fairbanks summer temperature can reach 38 degrees Celsius. The tourist season lasts from May to September, but is only a paradise for those who enjoy winter sports. To Anchorage, the state capital, can be reached by plane, train, car and boat. In many towns and villages in Alaska Russian, Eskimo and Indian culture mixed with American traditions. The major economic sectors of the state are the oil and timber industries, and tourism.
Arizona - Аризона Feniks, the population of 789. 704, Tucson, population 330. 537. Arizona is a very fast growing state, whose population has tripled since 1940. This state of mountains, plateaus and deserts. This is where the American miracle - the Grand Canyon. Arizona can offer you a huge range of activities: fishing, visiting ghost towns and Indian villages. But here it is too hot (115 degrees Fahrenheit). Areas of two major cities - Phoenix and Tucson - mostly focus on the service sector. This tourist centers, the high season which has, as a rule, in the winter, because of the more pleasant temperature conditions. In turn, the Grand Canyon every summer attracts millions of tourists.
Arkansas - Арканзас Little Rock, the population of 158. 461, Fayetteville, population 36. 608. Arkansas is presented as mountains covered by forests in the north and west, and agricultural plains. Woodworking, light industry, machinery and other industries bring state basic income. In Arkansas is the only diamond mine in North America. With the hot summer (the temperature sometimes rises to 100 degrees Fahrenheit), lonely lakes, hot springs, caves and forests, Arkansas is a great place to relax.
Wyoming - Вайоминг Capital: Cheyenne (53, 000 people). In the mountainous state of Wyoming (Wyoming) you can still find the "pieces" of the Wild West, especially in the summer. The climate here is continental, cold winters and hot summers, dry enough. The population of a few, not very developed industry, and the importance of the livestock for the economy but emphasized that the cowboys in the bar "must be true. " Lying to the south-east is the center of Cheyenne livestock, and "parttime" and the tourist center of the state. Throughout the summer, in the cities of Wyoming rodeo held picturesque, but the biggest is in late July and is called the "Day of the Frontier" (Frontier Day). The main decoration of the state - the world famous Yellowstone reserves (area of 2. 2 million acres, opened in 1872 - the first national park of the USA) and Great Teton with its vast array of virgin forests. The largest resorts are located in the south of the state, there are plenty of ski and recreation areas, such Sentenniel (Centennial), Saratoga (Saratoga) and Jackson, which is the largest ski resort in the north-west of the country.
Washington - Вашингтон Washington (Washington) - the most important from an economic point of view and the most beautiful state in the north-western United States. Washington is known for its amazingly beautiful ocean coastline, lush forests, beautiful port industrialized Seattle and magnificent Cascade Mountains, which separate the coastline from agricultural areas in the eastern part of the state. The main resorts are located on the ocean, around the Puget Sound, as well as in the mountains east of Seattle - Seylish Lodge, Alpental, Snokalmi Summit, Ski Eykres and Hayyak.
Vermont - Вермонт Capital: Montpelier (8000 people). Vermont - not the most popular states in the country in terms of tourism, while the north-eastern areas abound typical green landscape of New England with dozens of tiny towns. Most of the state is low mountains, hills and valleys, there are many rivers, lakes and ponds. The tourist season is in the summer, autumn (because of the beautiful scenery) and winter (at ski resorts). The leisure facilities are located in the southern part of the state and along Lake Champlain in the northwest. Vermont is a leader in the field of winter sports. The main ski resorts of Killington are in Central Texas, and Mount Mansfield in the north-west.
Virginia -Виргиния Capital: Richmond (192. 7 thousand people). In the landscape of Virginia (Virginia) clearly distinguished the mountainous western part, hilly center and extensive coastal plains. For the state of the area is characterized by vast green meadows and small forests, lots of quiet rivers and plenty of quiet villages in the hills. This is one of the most historic and scenic states in the country, the capital of the Confederacy, the deployment location of the set of events and, according to the Americans, the birthplace of the nation itself. Major beach resorts are located in the seaside town of Virginia Beach, the beaches are popular Chesapeake Bay.
West Virginia - Западная Виргиния Capital: Charleston (53 000 people, with the suburbs - 309 000 inhabitants). West Virginia (West Virginia), which the Americans called "The Mountain State", commonly known as a great place for active tourism. More than 74% of the state is forested, with mountains cover about 60% of its area! There are 34 national parks, historic towns Lewisburg, Harpers Ferry and Charleston. The most popular are places like Forest Monongahila, sources in White Sulphur Springs (White Sulfur Springs) and Berkeley Spring (Berkeley Spring), as well as the New River Gorge.
Wisconsin - Висконсин Capital: Madison (221 000 people). Probably the best known Wisconsin (Wisconsin) brought breweries in Milwaukee. However, in addition to beer in the state, there is also a lot of beautiful places to stay. This is one of the most diverse climatic conditions states in the country - you can find vast tracts of forest, a network (about 15, 000!) Glacial lakes, many rivers and fertile plains. In this case, Wisconsin - it is also an agricultural state with a rapidly growing engineering and transport. Madison is a typical student city with a lot of entertainment, nightlife, cheap restaurants and apartments. Wisconsin resorts are located along the shore of Lake Michigan just north of Milwaukee and around the large inland lakes of the state.
Hawaii - Гавайи Honolulu, population 365. 048. Hawaii is different from other states that before a ridge of volcanic islands located far from the mainland. The main source of income here is tourism. Most of the big hotels are located on the island of Oahu, however, tourism is developed everywhere. According to the latest statistics show that the influx of tourists to Hawaii drops. Summer prices are very high and if you want to visit Hawaii, you better be prepared in advance. Too expensive to get there. In Honolulu thrives unemployment. In addition to service an important role in the state's economy is agriculture.
North Dakota - Дакота Северная Capital: Bismarck (55, 000 people), the largest city - Fargo (137 000). . In North Dakota (North Dakota) you can immerse yourself in the history of the nineteenth century, see Indian dances, visit the "Garden of the World" and go fishing in the lake Sakakvi. In summer the weather is warm (average July temperature of +29 ° C), so well developed agriculture and tourism. In North Dakota, many small resorts and parks.
South Dakota - Дакота Южная Capital: Pierre (14 people). South Dakota (South Dakota) - this is one of the lowland agricultural states. Industry is underdeveloped. In summer, a large role in the life of the state is tourism, especially in the west - about hot springs, around Mount Rushmore, on the slopes of the Black Hills and Badlands famous desert lands.
Delaware - Делавэр Wilmington, population 70. 195. Delaware - it's a small state, is only 96 miles long and 35 miles wide. There is not a lot of big cities. More than half of the state is represented by farmers. Well-developed chemical industry. Wilmington called chemical capital of the world. However, there a lot of resorts such as Bethany Beach, Fenwick Island, Rebot Beach, known as the summer capital of the nation because of its popularity among the residents of the District of Columbia. Delaware Summer is hot and humid, and resorts are a major vacation destination.
Georgia - Джорджия Albany, population 74. 059, Atlanta, the population of 425. 022, Augusta, population 47. 532, Columbus, population 169. 441, Macon, the population of 116. 896, Savannah, 141. 390. Georgia this is one state in which the landscape is quite diverse. The south and north are mountains here (Blue Ridge Mountains, the Okefenokee Swamp), and the eastern coast is covered white sand beaches. The climate is mild with an average temperature of about 74 -82 degrees Fahrenheit. Industrial enterprises are located mainly in the northern and central part of the state. Atlanta becomes an international business center. Augusta on the eastern border is also not a bad town. The main resort is Savannah Beach.
Illinois - Иллинойс Chicago, population 3, 074, 084, Peoria, population 142. 160, Rockford, population 139. 712. Many came to Illinois try to visit Chicago, but most people pay tribute to the opportunity to hunt, fish, and wander through the woods in the fifty state parks. Illinois Beach is very popular on Lake Michigan. Illinois - is an agricultural state. Industry is mainly concentrated in Chicago, which is located on the shore of Lake Michigan in the north-east of the state. The most popular is a resort on Lake Michigan north of Chicago. In areas of many lakes and parks are also many spas.
Indiana - Индиана Indianapolis, population 700. 807, Evansville, population 130. 496, Fort Wayne, the population of 172. 196, Gary, the population of 151. 953. Indiana is the 19 th state of the USA. It shares borders with the states: Illinois on the west, Kentucky on the south, Michigan in the north, and Ohio - to the east. Located on the plains of Indiana has a well-developed industry. Common industrial centers and farms are surrounded by magnificent forests. If desired, from the bustling city can escape to the sand dunes on Lake Michigan or on the lake or in the forest, in the north-west, where time seems to have stood still.
California - Калифорния Los Angeles, population 2, 966, 850, the Sacramento, the population of 273. 741, San Francisco, the population of 678. 974, San Diego, population 875. 538. California - is a state of contrasts. Here are the highest and lowest points of the United States (Mount Whitney and Death Valley), ski resorts and the desert, mountains, beaches, forests, Spanish mission and skyscrapers. It contains most of the country's industry. San Diego, not far from the Mexican border, is a major port. On the coast there are many resorts that are open year round, except for the Palm Springs (a winter resort). Resort in Lake Tahoe (Nevada border) is open year -round. In Northern California, there are many national parks, such as Yosemite.
Kansas - Канзас Capital: Topeka (122, 000 people), the largest city - Wichita (601 000 people). . Kansas City (Kansas) - is a "bread basket" of the country. He has always been associated with the simple rural life on the American plains. But Kansas has changed, and now its largest city is an important industrial center. Much of the vast territory of the state is still covered with wheat fields. The sun shines in Kansas for eight days out of ten, and the summer here can be very hot.
North Carolina - Каролина Северная Capital: Raleigh (367, 000 people), the largest city - Charlotte (664, 000). North Carolina (North Carolina) - a place where you can spend the summer (average temperature in July is about +26 ° C). The mountains and the coast of the state is very picturesque and offers many opportunities for recreation. Resorts on the east coast, such as Willington (Willington) and Nags Head - Kitty Hawk (Nags Head - Kitty Hawk), are especially busy during the summer. Small ski resorts are located around Boone - Blowing Rock (Boon and Blowing Rock) in Appalachia.
South Carolina - Каролина Южная The capital of Colombia (123, 000 people). Aristocratic and romantic South Carolina (South Carolina) holds a long coastline of over 500 km, thousands of hectares of cotton fields and green forests in the mountains of the Blue Ridge. There is a great opportunity to spend an unforgettable time in the warm summer sun (average temperature of about +28 ° C, in January, on the coast of the temperature does not fall below +10 ° C). Charleston - the first permanent English settlement in the region and one of the largest resort areas of the state. A Myrtle Beach - a strip of golden sand length of 50 kilometers - is the center of a huge summer recreation.
Kentucky - Кентукки Capital: Frankfort (28, 000 people), the largest city - Louisville (701, 000 inhabitants). Kentucky (Kentucky) - is the birthplace of Daniel Boone, Derby and mint julep. Here you can discover the mountains in the east and in the west of the lake, prairies to the south and wooded areas in the north. In Kentucky, tobacco growers advanced engineering and textiles. Small parks and resorts spread across the state.
Colarado - Колорадо Denver, population 492. 365, Colorado Springs, population 215. 150. Colorado, the highest state, replete with deep canyons, magnificent mountain peaks and crystal clear air. Residents of the state with much attention to the preservation of favorable ecological conditions in the state. Denver - is the financial and industrial center of the Rocky Mountains. The main student center staff is Boulder. Especially attractive for tourists ski resorts such as Aspen and Vail.
Connecticut - Коннектикут Bridgeport, population 142. 546, Hartford, population 136. 392, New Haven, the population of 126. 546. Connecticut - is a small state with beautiful rolling hills, lakes, old cities and churches. In summer you can go to the coast. There are many beautiful resorts. You can enjoy swimming, sailing and fishing. There also developed excellent hiking trails, and you can go hiking. In autumn you can spend time enjoying the beauty of the forests and hills. Most of the places are easily accessible by train to New York. In Connecticut, producing engines for aircraft, nuclear submarines, and in general engineering is well developed in the state.
Louisiana - Луизиана Baton Rouge, the population of 219. 419, New Orleans, population 557. 515; Louisiana border with the State of Arkansas in the north, with the state of Mississippi, in the north-east and to the west of the State of Texas. Louisiana is the 18 th state of the USA. Past state is full of mysteries and legends. The average summer temperature is 81 degrees Fahrenheit. Here you have fishing, boating, hiking, hunting, etc. Grown here mainly sugar cane, cotton and rice. The main industries, oil and chemical, concentrated near Baton Rouge. The famous New Orleans-the birthplace of jazz, attracts tourists from all over the world. Cities: New Orleans, Baton Rouzh, Shreveport, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Kenner, Boser City, Monroe, Alexandria, New Iberia
Massachusetts - Массачусетс Boston, the population of 562. 994 people, of Springfield, 152. 319 people; Voster, population 161. 799. Border with the State of Connecticut to the south-west, the State of New Hampshire in the north, the State of New York City in the south to the north with the state of Vermont, as well as from Rhode Island. Massachusetts is the 6 th U. S. state. The relatively small area of Massachusetts has more historic sites and scenic cities than in any other state of America. Along with the industrial centers, where you can see the sandy beaches of Cape Cod (Cape Cod). In summer it is mild warm weather. Average temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit. In the state of many resorts. The ski resorts are located mostly in the Berkshire Hills (Berkshire Hills). City: Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Lowell, Cambridge, Brockton, New Bedford, Fall River, Quincy
Minnesota - Миннесота St. Paul, the population of 270. 232 people, Minneapolis, population 370. 951 people. 32 nd state SSh. A. State Minnesota border with the state of Iowa in the south, with the state of Michigan to the east, with the state of North Dakota to the north-west, from South Dakota to the west and to the State of Wisconsin - to the east. In Minnesota, 15, 000 lakes, and water is more than enough. Here you will find lush forests, vast farmland, parks and open-air museums. In this state you forget about civilization. Summer temperature here is 82 degrees Fahrenheit, and in winter it drops to 12 degrees. Economy in Minnesota based on agriculture. It also houses one of the world's largest iron ore deposits. Among the 15, 000 lakes comes not many resorts. The most advanced of these is the Brainerd (Brainerd), located in the center of the state.
Mississippi - Миссисипи Jackson, the population of 202. 895 people. 20 th state USA. Borders granichit, to the west with the State of Louisiana, in the northeast with the state of Tennessee. Mississippi - a "friendly staff. " It has abundant shrimp and oysters. Here are the main resort areas. In Mississippi, can be good for fishing and hunting. The average summer temperature is 81 degrees Fahrenheit. Across the state stretch numerous parks. Industry - primarily wood and transport - is centered around the state capital, Jackson. Cities: Jackson, Galport, Biloxi, Hetisburg, Sauskheven, Greenville, Meridian, Tapello, Olive Branch, Clinton
Missouri - Миссури Jefferson City, Kansas City, the population of 448. 159 people, St. Louis, population 435. 085. Is 2 U. S. state and is bordered by the state of Arkansas in the south, Illinois, Nebraska and Iowa in the north, the state of Kansas in the west, Kentucky in the east and the State of Oklahoma in the south-west. Missouri Ozarks is located between the mountains and the plains in the south to the north. The north-western region of the Central Plains of the Missouri River and the south-eastern part of the state is an agricultural area. Is the largest industrial center in St. Louis, located on the border with Illinois on the banks of the Mississippi. The same function is performed by the Kansas City, located on the border with Kansas. Small resorts such as Branson (Branson) on the border with Arkansas, Osadzh Beach (Osage Beach) and Lake Ozark (Ozark Lake) on the shore of Lake Ozark, located in the southern mountainous region of the state.
Michigan - Мичиган Capital: Lansing (120 people), the largest city - Detroit (900 000 inhabitants, with suburbs - 4. 4 million). Surrounded by the Great Lakes Michigan (Michigan) is an intricate mixture of beaches, vast forests and fields, industrial and university city. "State Wolverines" is considered one of the "lake" places in the world - there are more than 11, 000 lakes and nearly five hundred rivers, and the total length of the coastline is over 5, 200 km! The climate is temperate continental, the average January temperature is around -5 ° C, in July - about +21 ° C. Detroit - an industrial and cultural center, recognized capital of the U. S. automotive industry. Easy access to the coast of the Great Lakes, with their hundreds of resorts, thousands of rivers and inland lakes, where you can find all the conditions for swimming, boating, fishing and other water sports, visit the resort island of Mackinac, a journey through the beautiful Royal National Park on the island Lake Superior and the resort area of St. Joseph - Benton Lake Michigan.
Montana - Монтана Capital: Helena (27, 000 people), the largest city - Billings (62 000 inhabitants). Montana (Montana) - one of the most beautiful regions of the United States, known for its stunning landscapes. The eastern third of the state is covered plains, the center of busy mediumhigh (2, 000 m) mountain ranges, and the west closed off strong "wall" of the Rockies. In the east, the state is flourishing agriculture, and to the west - mining. In Montana there are two large national parks: Glacier (Glacier) in the north-west and the Yellowstone (Yellowstone) in the south-west.
Maine - Мэн Capital: Augusta (19, 000 people), the largest city - Portland (670 000 inhabitants, with suburbs - 1. 1 million). Maine - the most north-eastern state. Most of its territory is occupied by the Appalachian ridges (up to 1291 m), so almost 500 km coast of rocky and full of secluded coves. Forests and scenic lakes still cover about 90% of the "Pine State" (total there about 2500 lakes). The climate is temperate and humid. The average January temperature is around +5 ° C, in July - +16 -18 ° C and rainfall of up to 1000 mm. In the summer of the southern coast of the state between the towns of York and Bath attracts numerous tourists. Very popular Acadia National Park at the foot of the Cadillac, Mount Katahdin (1606 meters - the highest point in the state and the beginning of the Appalachians), and the National Park Lily Bay (Lily Bay State Park) on Lake Moosehead. There are good ski resorts - Sugarloaf (Sugarloaf, 1291 m) and Saddleback.
Maryland - Мэриленд Capital: Annapolis (37, 000 people), the largest city - Baltimore (631, 000 inhabitants, including suburbs - 2. 6 million). Small Maryland (Maryland) Chesapeake Bay is divided in half, with 21% of it, and so small (32. 1 sq. km. ) Area falls into the water. Despite this, the nature of the state is quite varied - sand dunes on the eastern side by side with numerous swamps and hills covered with oak central regions smoothly into the pine forests of the foothills. On the coast of Maryland has several recreation areas, including the famous resort of Ocean City (Ocean City), Fells Point, Canton, and Smith Island, good places can be found on the lake at Deep Creek Lake.
Nebraska - Небраска Capital: Lincoln (226 000 people), the largest city - Omaha (390 000 inhabitants). Located in the heart of the Great Plains Nebraska (Nebraska) is heavily dependent on agriculture staff. It is a country of cowboys, ranches and rodeos, sand dunes Sand Hills (Sand Hills) and majestic tributaries Missouri. The climate is temperate continental, with hot summers (from +24 ° C to +32 ° C) and cold winters (-5 -12 ° C), with frequent and severe droughts. You can spend the summer at numerous resorts and national parks of the state, centered around local lakes. Highly developed agreetourism, and to look at traditional rodeos annually gather millions of visitors.
Nevada - Невада Capital: Carson City (55, 000 people), the largest city - Las Vegas (552 000 inhabitants). Nevada (Nevada) is known as the driest state of the country and the capital of gambling. Virtually all of its territory is occupied by mountains the Great Basin, the limited grassy valleys to the east and the Mojave desert areas in the south. The state's economy depends on tourists, who come here to play in a Las Vegas casino, relax on the shores of Lake Tahoe, Pyramid and Honey, visit the Hoover Dam, great mountain resorts Spring Mountain and Mount Charleston, see the Red Rock Canyon and archaeological areas Pueblo culture.
New Hampshire - Нью-гемпшир Capital: Concord (40, 000 people), the largest city - Manchester (107, 000 inhabitants). In a small area of New Hampshire is the most beautiful place: the high mountains in the north-east (where you can go hiking or skiing), in the central part of the lake (where you can swim and fish) and the beaches in the south-east. The population is concentrated around Manchester and in the south of the state. Temperate maritime climate with warm summers and short-lived rather cold and snowy winter. The main resort areas are located in the White Mountains (White) to the north, in the area of lakes in the center of the state and along the southern coast. The main places of rest are the Bretton Woods, Jackson Pinkham and Notch.
New Jersey - Нью-Джерси Capital: Trenton (84, 000 people), the largest city - Newark (29, 000 inhabitants). New Jersey (New Jersey) in the north-eastern United States, the vast peninsula between the valleys of the Hudson (Hudson), and Delaware. New Jersey densely built up resort towns and suburbs, a huge metropolis, but in the western hills, away from the coastal areas begin its famous gardens. The staff is divided into three main areas - North Jersey (which, in fact, one big suburb of New York), more peaceful Central Jersey and is almost entirely occupied by the urban agglomeration Philadelphia South Jersey. State beaches stretch for 310 km, you can discover more than 800 lakes and ponds, more than 100 rivers, 40 national parks and 11 protected forest areas.
New York - Нью-Йорк Capital: Albany (94, 000 people), the largest city - New York (18. 2 million inhabitants). New York (New York) - one of the most unusual administrative units U. S. , the largest group of Mid-Atlantic. This is a huge area of quiet rural areas stretching from the ocean to the border with Canada, and the wooded foothills of the Appalachian, Adirondack and Allegheny mountains, and low-lying shores of lakes Erie and Ontario, and the great metropolises of the coastal zone. There are nearly a hundred ski resorts, including the famous Lake Placid, Hunter Mountain and Saratoga Springs, reserves the Allegheny Mountains (Allegany State Park), Adirondack and Catskill Harriman, great forests and beaches around the Finger Lakes region, as well as numerous resort and historic cities like Hampton, Catskills, and Kittatinny Shonguma. In the Southeast of the state and is the largest commercial, industrial, financial and cultural center - the city of New York.
New Mexico - Нью-Мексико Capital: Santa Fe (71, 000 people), the largest city - Albuquerque (494 000 inhabitants). New Mexico (New Mexico) is called "Land of enchantment. " In the south is dominated by desert terrain with low forest green (oddly enough, more than 45% of the state is covered by forests and thickets of shrubs). On the northern stretch of mountains Sangre de Cristo and Sacramento with clean rivers and snow, which sometimes does not melt throughout the year. Stunning nature, ancient Indian culture and the obvious influence of Spanish heritage attracts many tourists. An important role is played by agriculture, especially the cultivation of cattle and sheep. Famous for its architecture in the Spanish colonial style Albuquerque is both a major transportation hub and an important cultural center of New Mexico. Many tourist areas are located along the two main roads of the state. But the main points of attraction here is still amazing nature - eroded erosion slopes Mesa, the famous Carlsbad Caverns and rock massif Guadalupe Mountains, numerous national parks and dunes of White Sands, canyons and petroglyphs, as well as stacked "blocks" Pew-Cliff Dvellings and Taos Pueblo.
Ohio - Огайо Capital: Columbus (731 000 people, with suburbs - 1. 6 million). Ohio (Ohio) lies on the north-eastern United States, on the southern shore of Lake Erie. This is an industrial state, bordering the Appalachians in the east and in the west of the Great Plains. It produces steel and steel products, mechanical engineering and manufacture of electrical equipment. However, the area is full and all kinds of natural monuments and protected areas, having great tourism potential and a lot of places for recreation. The most popular resort areas are the entire southern shore of Erie and St. Mary Reservoir, neighborhood Mary Campbell Cave near Cuyahoga Falls, as well as the hills and forests of the Allegheny Plateau.
Oklahoma - Оклахома Capital: Oklahoma City (537, 000 people). Oklahoma (Oklahoma) - one of the fastest growing industrial states in the country. However, it is also a very beautiful place where you can find a vast prairie, a few low hills and wooded areas of the eastern regions (about 24% of the territory is covered by forests), more than 500 rivers and 200 lakes - in the state has more than 10 environmental areas. Besides, this is the place and the traditional residence of the Indian people - the second largest Native American state in the U. S. . Oklahoma has 50 state parks, six national parks, two national forest reserve, and therefore can offer a lot of interesting tourist places. Suffice it to note that the reserve Talgrass Prairie (stretching from Oklahoma to Kansas) is the world's largest fleet of prairie - more than 2, 100 square meters. km of protected areas. The largest resort areas are located in the State of the Wichita Mountains, along the foot of the Ozark Plateau, around Chickasaw and numerous lakes eastern provinces.
District of Columbia - Округ Колумбия Capital: Washington DC (588 000 people, with the suburbs - 5. 3 million). DC (District of Columbia, DC) in the north-eastern United States, in the lower reaches of the Potomac River. The U. S. Constitution, the county has a special status as the capital of the federal state, so he takes up virtually all the features of the American nation. Here you can meet representatives of all countries and all U. S. states. In Colombia, the major focus points of the country political, financial, economic, and cultural, the offices of many international organizations, as well as numerous monuments and museums of national importance, which makes the region a popular tourist destination USA.
Oregon - Орегон Capital: Salem (153, 000 people), the largest city - Portland (556 000 inhabitants, with suburbs - 2. 1 million). Located on the north-west of Oregon (Oregon) is one of the so-called Pacific states. The scenic beauty "Beaver State" (Beaver State), with its many historic towns, fishing villages, ski resorts and wineries highlights 670 miles of ocean coastline, scenic mountains and coastal cliffs, hundreds of lakes and rivers and their valleys, mountain deserts, forests (almost half of the state is a dense forest) and glaciers. There is entertainment for everyone: beaches, ski resorts, mountain lakes, rivers, horseback riding on the ranch, rodeo and more. The climate is warm enough in summer the temperature reaches +30 ° C and in winter rarely drop below -4 ° C, as the very next lie vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean. To the best resort areas are picturesque Oregon Columbia River Gorge, with its deep canyon about 900 meters and 70 waterfalls, extensive National Park Oregon Dunes, deep Crater Lake, Hell Canyon, and the ski resorts of Mount Hood, Willamette Pass and Hoodoo Sky -Eire.
Pennsylvania - Пенсильвания Capital: Harrisburg (489 000 people), the largest city - Philadelphia (1. 4 million inhabitants, with suburbs - 5. 8 million). Pennsylvania (Commonwelath of Pennsylvania) - the only one of Mid-Atlantic U. S. , with no access to the sea. But this lack of fresh water bodies (lakes of only about three thousand) and all historical monuments - from Pennsylvania is closely related to many of the events of American history. "Quaker State" or "Corner staff" is a kind of "cultural mecca" of the eastern coast. In its powerful industrial centers have a huge number of world-class museums, and the population is a rich mixture of many cultures and ethnicities, religions and customs. In addition to historical sites in Pennsylvania, there are many beautiful places - a kind of historical and religious sanctuary of Pennsylvania Dutch Country, (Pennsylvania Dutch country) and the city Interkurs, 80 -kilometerlong Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania (depth 300 m), the Allegheny Plateau, Mount Pocono and Endless Mountains - 6200 square meters. km of picturesque landscapes, as well as resort areas valleys Lehigh (Lehigh) and Susquehanna (Susquehanna).
Rhode Island - Род-Айленд Capital: Providence (177, 000 people). Rhode Island (State of Rhode Island Providence Plantations) - the smallest state in the U. S. (1. 7 sq. km. ) Located on the Atlantic coast, around Narragansett Bay. However, there are over 640 km of first-class ocean beaches and many historical sites, and the state capital - the city of Port of Providence is the center of a vast recreation area that stretches along the bay from Newport to the Narragansett.
Tennessee - Теннеси Capital: Nashville (607, 000 people), the largest city - Memphis (670 000, together with the suburbs - 1. 3 million inhabitants). Tennessee (Tennessee) - this is one of the most popular tourist states in the country. Here you will find the magnificent mountains and plateaus, green hills and fertile valleys, many rivers and lakes, cozy, historic cities, and of course, Nashville - "music capital of the world. " In terms of diversity of its nature Tennessee is one of the leading U. S. , so it is not surprising that there is a huge set up for such a small area of nature reserves and the National Park Great Smoky Mountains is one of the most popular tourist attractions of the country. Also interesting historical parks Andrew Johnson National Historic Site in Greenville, Cumberland Gap, Fort Donelson, and National Military Park near Shiloh and Stones River.
Texas - Техас Capital: Austin (716, 000 people), the largest city - Houston (1. 2 million residents, along with the cities of Sugarland Baytown forms one of the largest agglomerations of America - 5. 3 million). Huge Texas is one of the centers of American agriculture and industry, as in the eyes of many, the personification of the United States. Texas is very different - and the composition of the population, and the level of development, and climatic conditions. Wooded southeastern part lies in the plains Primeksikanskoy lowlands, hot southern state partly swampy and heavily indented with numerous bays and lagoons, desert west busy arrays Edwards Plateau, and the Sacramento Mountains Llano Estacado, and the north is covered prairies of southern Great Plains. As varied and climate - when it snows in Amarillo, El Paso can stand Sears heat, and in Houston to rain. If you find it difficult to heat and humidity - stay away from Texas. In Texas, you can find rest for every taste - a modern metropolis with skyscrapers, museums and shopping areas, beautiful beaches south coast resort of Galveston - the place of origin of almost all cruise ships that sail the Atlantic and Caribbean, the old Spanish colonial Mission San Antonio, picturesque landscapes Texas Hill Country, the coastal reserve Padre Island State Park, and Palo Duro Canyon, hundreds of colorful and picturesque ranch mountains of west Texas, and the famous meteor crater near Odessa.
Florida - Флорида Capital: Tallahassee (607, 000 people), the largest city - Jacksonville (1. 3 million inhabitants). Florida (Florida) is located on the same peninsula between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. This is the warmest part of the country - most of its territory a humid subtropical climate, and in the south - a tropical humid. Accordingly, it is the most popular resort areas in the U. S. , almost all the coast is occupied by a long strip of beaches, hotels, parks and recreation areas (tourism - the main source of income for the state. ) The major resorts are Daytona Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Grand Miami, Orlando, with its famous amusement park Disney World, and the islands of Key West. Millions of tourists annually visit the famous Kennedy Space Center on Merritt Island Cape Canaveral Park Everglades National Park and Biscayne National Park, the island Key Largo - the first underwater park in the United States and the location of the first underwater hotel in the world.
Utah - Юта Capital: Salt Lake City (178 000 people, with the suburbs - 1. 1 million inhabitants). Utah is located in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. The climate is continental in the north and close to subtropical in the south, but equally dry throughout. However, it is quite green staff - mountain areas with their cooler climate and abundance of rivers contribute to the growth of forests (more than 30% of the state is green areas!). In the north of the state lies the Great Salt Lake - a huge (up to 6000 sq. km. , The surface area is constantly changing) undrained reservoir, the largest salt lake in North America. Desert and almost uninhabited southern state abound canyons and low mountains - it houses a number of national parks and nature reserves, with more of them than anywhere else in the U. S. . And such reserves as Zion, Arches, Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef National Monument and Cedar breaks known outside the United States. One of the main points of attraction in the state, and is Salt Lake City - a wonderful city for a century has grown through the efforts of Mormon barren shores of the Great Salt Lake and become not only the capital of the state, but in the main city of the most faith. The entire perimeter of the mountain ranges surrounding the lake stretches an entire series of first-class resorts, specializing in skiing, pedestrian, equestrian and cycling.
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