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SOCIETY OF IT MANAGEMENT, UK (SOCITM) PRESENTATION LORIS Conference 2003, the Czech Republic Fahri Zihni President Elect, Socitm Chief ICT Officer, Wolverhampton City Council Local Government Advisor to Cabinet Office, UK (2002) Fahri. Zihni@wolverhampton. gov. uk
Part 1: SOCITM: A model for IT service delivery for your country? Part 2: Outcomes of “Learning from Each Other” workshop, London and emergent opportunities for joint EU bidding
The Society Ø Professional Organisation formed in 1986 by a small group of enthusiasts Ø Phenomenal growth in members and services Ø A virtual organisation managed by members Ø Profits reinvested into services and research Ø Subscriptions incredible value for money!
Our Vision We strive to help all local authorities and public sector organisations to make effective use of ICT by: · Providing network support to our members for modernisation, performance and e-government programmes · Helping develop skills, knowledge and competences for all public sector ICT management · Helping set agendas, develop understanding and identifying and sharing best practice · Working closely in partnership internationally, nationally and locally with organisations across public, private and voluntary sectors
Some statistics Ø 1500 members (serving Public Service ICT) Ø 6 Activity Groups (some managing business streams) Ø 2 Section Sub Groups (Police & Fire) Ø 11 Regional Groups (locally led with central support)
Business Streams & turnover (£ 4. 8 m) Ø Socitm Consulting …. £ 3, 265 m · the consultancy most used by LG heads of IT · over 90 strategic, management & technical consultants · 400 projects with 200 clients to date · 110 benchmarking & 40 shareware clients Ø Socitm Events …. £ 455 k · 3 day annual conference & 80 stand exhibition · 1 day spring conference · special interest seminars · exhibition presence at leading ICT events
Business Streams (cont’d) Ø Information Services…. £ 73 k · annual software index · annual ICT trends survey · quality forum Ø Insight… £ 585 k · 450 subscribers · best practice publications & seminars · benchmarking club · key performance indicator database
Business Streams (cont’d) Ø Learning…. £ 300 k · management development & skills · ICT strategy & e-government workshops · technical skills (xml, e-gif) · best value and performance workshops Ø Membership services… £ 100 k · 1500 member subscriptions · legal advisory service (Streetalk) · CPD & MBA development · annual salary survey
Working closely with central government departments, agencies, the media, and ICT suppliers to improve ICT services in Local Government… ØDirect high quality services to members (IT managers and others in Local Government) Øinfluencing national ICT strategy and funding for Local Government ØDevelopment of frameworks and standards ØNational and regional negotiated agreements with suppliers Ø National guidelines for e-government development
Socitm International… ØJoint conferences between six “sister” professional associations including the hosting of international conference in October 2003, UK ØThe publication of “Local e-Government Now: A Worldwide View” on e-government progress covering Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, United State of America, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Government of Nova Scotia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway, Republic of Ireland, Spain ØThe publication of “Local e-Government: Learning from the Best in New Zealand” ØThe London Workshop “Learning from Each Other” ØProposal for “Society of Societies”
Examples from recent Socitm publications: The UK Local Government broadband survey Ø surveyed all LAs in England, Wales & Northern Ireland Ø 167 responses (41%) Ø in depth analysis of results Ø lessons learnt
What are the barriers in your area to the adoption of broadband services in the next two years?
Examples from recent Socitm publications: 16 th annual survey of ICT Trends in Local Government Ø 200 responses from 440 authorities ØMost LAs have agreed e-gov programmes Ø 15% are concentrating on services which will yield the greatest benefit (rather than 100% by 2005) Ø 50% are procuring online Ø obstacles are initiative overload and, lack of funding and resistance to change
ICT Spend in 2002/3 Ø LAs budgeted to spend nearly £ 2 billion Ø increase of 6% over 2001 (22% since 1998) Ø capital budgets are £ 305 million Ø consolidation of spending into the centre Ø 31% of spend will be on hardware, software & communications ØE-government programmes upto 2005 will cost over £ 2 billion (but not identified where 50% of this is to be sourced).
IT Technology Trends · Content Management software · Contact centres and CRM · Smart card applications (id & purse) · Document Management & workflow · Broadband communication · Public access terminals in Libraries · Video conferencing (growing slowly) · Interest in Digital TV is lukewarm · Interest in public kiosks is dropping
Implemented and planned e-services
The SOCITM model… How relevant is it for your country?
“Learning From Each Other” Workshop 16 -17 September 2002, London USA, The Czech Republic, The Netherlands, New Zealand, UK, (Sweden), “Computing”, UK Cabinet Office, Improvement & Development Agency Sponsorship from SCC Ltd
LEARNING FROM EACH OTHER WORKSHOP Objective: an event to… § Compare practical aspects of the use of ICT in different countries § To compare approaches in terms of cultural and social perspectives § To compare ICT standards used § To document and disseminate information gained to members § To consider future collaboration
LEARNING FROM EACH OTHER WORKSHOP PART ONE – Ø 1 Background Information Ø 2 Constitutional Arrangements Ø 3 National e-Government Policies and Initiatives Ø 4 Demand Ø 5 Some Comparisons Ø 6 Common Issues Ø 7 Classifying e-Government Services
LEARNING FROM EACH OTHER WORKSHOP ØPART TWO – Summary of Discussions Ø 8 The Changing Structure of Local Government Ø 9 The Adoption of Standards and XML Schema Ø 10 The Need to Reflect Local Perspectives Ø 11 Project Management, Risk Management, Procurement and Contracts Ø 12 Authentication and PKI Ø 13 People Registers and Identification
LEARNING FROM EACH OTHER WORKSHOP Ø 14 e-Voting and Participation Ø 15 Social Inclusion and Consultation Ø 16 Alternative Channels Ø 17 Accessibility, Privacy, Data Protection and Freedom of Information Ø 18 Software and Systems Ø 19 Procurement Ø 20 Broadband
LEARNING FROM EACH OTHER WORKSHOP Ø 21 Security Infrastructure Ø 22 Legislative Changes Ø 23 National e-Government Projects Ø 24 Other Issues Ø 25 The Way Forward Ø 26 Future Collaboration
LEARNING FROM EACH OTHER WORKSHOP § It was agreed that to build on the workshop, the following actions were needed: ØDocument discussions – Now available on www. socitm. gov. uk ØDevelop a joint website - domain registered www. lola-online. org ØAgree a “Concordat” with objectives for a “Society of Societies” called LOLA, with a view to seek European joint funding - UK, Sweden and Netherlands already joined OTHER COUNTRIES INVITED TO BECOME MEMBERS OF LOLA TO COLLABORATE IN JOINT FUNDING / DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES