Скачать презентацию Social Risk Management Training Spring 2007 Thursday January 11 Скачать презентацию Social Risk Management Training Spring 2007 Thursday January 11


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Social/Risk Management Training Spring 2007 Thursday, January 11, 2007 Anthony Crenshaw Assistant Director Office Social/Risk Management Training Spring 2007 Thursday, January 11, 2007 Anthony Crenshaw Assistant Director Office of Sorority & Fraternity Affairs acrensha@ufl. edu

Why are We Here? To protect the image of the Florida Greek community and Why are We Here? To protect the image of the Florida Greek community and keep individual chapter charters “on the wall”

How do we do this? 1. 2. 3. By discussing the risk that are How do we do this? 1. 2. 3. By discussing the risk that are inherent to Greek organizations and their events. Developing strategies for a “mental” or actual checklist that can be discussed with the chapter as a way of mitigating risks Discussing ways to maintain chapter traditions, or at least the spirit of those traditions, where appropriate while implementing a process of reducing risk

Why We are Not Here? 1. To develop strategies for preventing students from having Why We are Not Here? 1. To develop strategies for preventing students from having fun 2. Because “the administration” wants to control the Greek community 3. Minimum Standards/Florida Greek Standards

What is Risk Management? What is Risk Management?

Risk Management Risk management is more than understanding the policies/rules and how to fill Risk Management Risk management is more than understanding the policies/rules and how to fill out paperwork. Risk management is a philosophy for doing things that do not endanger the chapter’s ability to exist on campus.

Risk Management This philosophy includes: q q Understanding the potential and perceived risks associated Risk Management This philosophy includes: q q Understanding the potential and perceived risks associated with an activity or event Taking proactive and/or corrective steps to eliminate or reduce injury, loss, or harm Assuming responsibility for not eliminating or reducing injury, loss, or harm Communicating risks to the chapter and developing a plan of action for mitigating risks “Unofficial After parties”

Types of Risks Physical risks can include things such as food poisoning, injuries that Types of Risks Physical risks can include things such as food poisoning, injuries that may result from physical activities, injuries that may result from travel related accidents, alcohol consumption, or drugs. Physical risks are most likely to occur during: Philanthropies that involve physical activity or eating contests Socials with alcohol New Member Education/Membership Intake

Types of Risks Complaints filed for 4 fraternity members Gainesville Sun October 13, 2006 Types of Risks Complaints filed for 4 fraternity members Gainesville Sun October 13, 2006 Gainesville Police will file sworn complaints for serving alcohol to minors against four University of Florida students affiliated with a fraternity under investigation following complaints of an unauthorized party at the house last month. The complaints against the four, who are with Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity's executive council, allege charges of serving alcohol to people under 21 and contributing to the delinquency of a child at a Sept. 30 party, police spokesman Sgt. Keith Kameg said Thursday. Both are misdemeanor charges. Police and UF officials learned about the party, described as a barbecue and organized party hosting a local sorority, after three female students reported they lost consciousness after getting drinks at the fraternity. Officers continue to investigate what happened to the three, two 18 -year-old UF students and a 17 -year-old Bradford County high school student, Kameg said. Police are awaiting toxicology results on the three but said they do not believe their blood alcohol levels were enough to have caused them to pass out. At the time the party was held, alcohol should not have been on the property except in rooms where residents were 21 or older because the fraternity became a "dry house" following a previous suspension for alcohol and hazing violations, the university has reported. The fraternity also should have registered the function with UF. Kameg said that officers allege there were many people who were under the legal drinking age at the party, no one was checking IDs at the entrance to the fraternity house and that cans of beer, Jell-O shots containing vodka, vodka shots and "hunch punch" containing alcohol was being served. Set up in the house was an ice luge, an ice sculpture that shots of alcohol can be poured down so the drink chills, he also said. Police interviewed about 15 people at the house, many who are pledges and who told officers they had been instructed to serve alcohol, Kameg said.

Types of Risks Reputation risks are those things that may result in negative publicity Types of Risks Reputation risks are those things that may result in negative publicity for either your chapter, the institution, you, national organization, and/or your guests. Reputation risks are most likely to present themselves: Socials with alcohol Coming out shows (NPHC, MGC) Facebook

Types of Risks Google + Facebook + alcohol = trouble 1/19/2006 5: 37: 28 Types of Risks Google + Facebook + alcohol = trouble 1/19/2006 5: 37: 28 PM, by Nate Anderson The rise of online social communities has heightened the problem, because things that students might admit only to their friends are now being posted on the Internet. Once there, they are often accessible by anyone from administrators to parents to police. Students at Penn State found this out the hard way last semester. • When Pennsylvania State University's resurgent football team scored a victory last October against its archrival from Ohio State University, throngs of students rushed the field and set off something of a postgame riot. Overwhelmed, campus police had difficulty identifying the perpetrators and made only two arrests on game day. But less than a week after the game, Tyrone Parham, the university's assistant director of police, got an unexpected tip: Several students had posted pictures online of their friends storming the field. Campus police officers logged onto Facebook, the immensely popular social-networking site, and found a student group titled, unsubtly enough, "I Rushed the Field After the OSU Game (And Lived!)“ • A 21 -year-old Virginia university student, a sociology major, recently cleaned up her Facebook profile -- including removing a picture of her pole-dancing in a cowgirl outfit at a sorority social. "At the time, I thought it was a great idea, " she says. "I mean, who has a picture of themselves swinging on a pole? “ She doesn't want to take any chances now that she's job hunting. "It's just really unprofessional, " she says. Administrators now commonly turn to Facebook and call students in when they see evidence of illegal or improper activity, such as underage drinking or drug use, but Facebook can cause problems in the job market as well. It's not uncommon for recruiters to sign-up for Facebook accounts using an alumni address and then check up on applications from any student who comes from their alma mater. If a recruiter were to see a picture of the applicant pole-dancing in a cowgirl outfit, it does not require a great leap of imagination to understand that such a person might not be hired. Of course, it's not just Facebook that offers Internet users the opportunity to dig their own graves. Plenty of social networking sites encourage this sort of behavior by giving users the illusion that they are merely interacting with friends, when in reality much of their behavior is viewable by any interested party. Google is another popular way of checking up on ex-girlfriends and job applicants, and can reveal its own share of secrets that folks would rather keep private. In fact, a 2005 survey of recruiters showed that three-quarters of them use online search engines to check up on applicants—and they're not afraid to dismiss someone when they find negative information. Christine Hirsch, president of Chicago Resources, a professional-services recruiting firm, says she regularly uses Google and other sites to check on candidates. In one instance, she found details about a candidate on a law school Web site describing disciplinary actions related to a fraternity prank involving public intoxication. The candidate, who had received a verbal offer (and who had disclosed a drunken-driving conviction in college), didn't get the job after the new information surfaced.

Types of Risks Emotional risks are those things that can cause a member at Types of Risks Emotional risks are those things that can cause a member at your event to feel alienated or negatively impact the feelings of a guest, members of your chapter, the UF, or Florida Greek communities Auburn Univ, 2001

Types of Risks Financial risks are those things that negatively impact the fiscal stability Types of Risks Financial risks are those things that negatively impact the fiscal stability of your chapter Financial risks are most likely to present themselves: Homecoming Lack of administrative oversight Recruitment/Rush budgets Social budgets Coming out shows

Types of Risks Facilities risks are those things which may cause property damage, prevent Types of Risks Facilities risks are those things which may cause property damage, prevent your event from being held. Facilities risk include: bad weather not enough space for the number of participants lack of equipment or materials needed for the event Facilities risks are most likely to present themselves: Theme parties/socials Homecoming Fire Safety Inspections

Types of Risks University to investigate alleged fraternity-sponsored party Bethany Krajelis Daily Egyptian – Types of Risks University to investigate alleged fraternity-sponsored party Bethany Krajelis Daily Egyptian – SIU Carbondale Quote of the Day "Nobody believes the official spokesman. . . but everybody trusts an unidentified source. " Ron Nessen University officials will begin investigating a SIUC fraternity-sponsored party at Fred's Dance Barn where a Carbondale man was shot and killed early Saturday morning. According to a Williamson County Sheriff's Department press release, the Iota Phi Theta Fraternity sponsored a party Friday night at the club in Carterville. Police said 23 -year-old Larry D. Williams of Carbondale was apparently shot exiting the driveway of the club and later died from his injuries. Katherine Sermersheim, director of SIUC Student Development, said Monday the University must sanction fraternity events, and the party was not. "Based upon what the Williamson County Sheriff's Department has released, It's worthy to look into it further, " Sermersheim said. ". . . We will definitely jump on board with the investigation. " Demetrius Heard, president of Iota Phi Theta fraternity, said the dance club - not the fraternity sponsored Friday's night party. He said fraternity members were present serving as security. Heard said he didn't know Williams and was not present when the shooting occurred. He said the apparent shooting occurred "way after the party was over. " A spokesperson for Fred's Dance Barn said the fraternity rented the club Friday night and represented the party as Iota Phi Theta event. The spokesperson said the fraternity provided its own event staff, which was responsible for taking money at the door. The Williamson County Sheriff's Department press release classified Williams' death as a homicide and is continuing the investigation. The department has not named any suspects at this time and has asked anyone with information concerning the shooting or death of Williams to contact the department or call the Williamson County Crime Stoppers line.

Assessment of Risks 1. What “risk(s)” are the biggest threat(s) to chapters on campus? Assessment of Risks 1. What “risk(s)” are the biggest threat(s) to chapters on campus? 2. What “risk(s)” are the biggest threat(s) to your council? 3. What “risk(s)” are the biggest threat(s) to other councils on campus? 4. What “risks” most threaten the Florida Greek community?

Identifying and Reducing Risks Identifying and Reducing Risks

Identifying and Reducing Risks 1. Once you identify the potential risks involved (physical, reputation, Identifying and Reducing Risks 1. Once you identify the potential risks involved (physical, reputation, emotional, financial, physical) you need to think about the potential consequences for: a. The Chapter including individual members b. The Florida Greek Community c. The University

Identifying and Reducing Risks 2. Evaluate the risks to determine the most effective method Identifying and Reducing Risks 2. Evaluate the risks to determine the most effective method for managing each risk. Organizations may choose to eliminate, limit, or accept the risks involved. a. Eliminate or cancel the event or activity b. Limit the associated risks (change theme, venue, method of advertising) c. Accept the associated risks AND the CONSEQUENCES that go with those actions

Identifying and Reducing Risks 3. Communicate your plans and educate members of the organization Identifying and Reducing Risks 3. Communicate your plans and educate members of the organization as well as other participants on what the plan is. a. What risks exist and how are we going to mitigate them? b. Monitor progress to make sure that the plan is working. c. If the plan is not working, consider (a) other strategies or (b) ending the event. OSFA On Call Calendar The Office of Sorority & Fraternity Affairs has established a point person to handle crises (e. g. , blood, fire, death) that may occur within the Florida Greek community.

Ways UF helps you mitigate risks Ways UF helps you mitigate risks

Program Permitting Process - www. union. ufl. edu/involvement • • Process coordinated by the Program Permitting Process - www. union. ufl. edu/involvement • • Process coordinated by the Office of Student Activities Designed to help promote the success of student organizational events – Ensures that organizations know about UF rules and regulations – Facilitates a process where campus venues are utilized correctly Required for any on-campus event other than regularly-scheduled meetings. Reserve your space directly with the office responsible for that area. Submitting a program planning form DOES NOT reserve your space. For a list of reservable spaces please refer to the Reservable Facilities for Student Organizations section of the Student Organization Handbook Greek organization receive permits from the Office of Sorority & Fraternity Affairs Forms can be completed online at http: //www. union. ufl. edu/involvement/student. Orgs/permit/ (Chapter must have updated registration in order for officers to have access) Forms must be APPROVED: – 3 business days in advance for CLOSED dry events (events w/o alcohol) – 10 business days in advance for events with alcohol OR for events that are open to the all UF students and their guests.

Student Organization Policies Amplified Sound • • • Not allowed during class time outdoors Student Organization Policies Amplified Sound • • • Not allowed during class time outdoors on campus and must end by 10 pm per the City Noise Ordinance Only SGP and Reitz Union Board (RUB) may host concerts (live bands) on campus in venues other than chapter houses Voice amplification equipment may not be used during the day on the North Lawn and outside area around Turlington. Limited amplification is allowed on the Reitz Union Colonnade, Plaza of the Americas, and the Reitz Union Amphitheatre.

Student Organization Policies Food on Campus • • • Classic Fare Catering provides up Student Organization Policies Food on Campus • • • Classic Fare Catering provides up to $5, 000 per semester in catering support for student organizations. Applications are available at www. union. ufl. edu/sac/resources. asp. The sale of ANY food by student organizations is PROHIBITED. Any food given away or served must be prepared in kitchens inspected by the Health Department (i. e. , restaurants or caterers). Chapter must complete Food Form The UF Food Contract states the Reitz Union and surrounding areas is restricted to food from Aramark/Classic Fare Catering. Off-campus vendors may only give away food at Turlington Plaza, Plaza of Americas, Norman Field, Hume

Student Organization Policies Distribution of Printed Material • • • Flyers, handouts, posters, banners, Student Organization Policies Distribution of Printed Material • • • Flyers, handouts, posters, banners, t-shirts, etc. making reference to the use, sale, consumption or distribution of alcohol or illegal drugs are prohibited, including, but not limited to advertising of 2 -4 -1 specials, beat-the-clock deals, happy hours, lady’s night, or illustrations/photos depicting these activities. Posters or flyers may be placed on public bulletin boards around campus. Post on outside official university bulletin boards only (No trees, walls, doors, cars, etc. ) Must have name of organization & current contact information Chalking is limited to the Reitz Union South Terrace. No leaving stacks of materials unattended on university grounds No distribution/posting of materials inside university buildings. Posting materials in on-campus housing facilities may occur with permission from housing. Materials may not be forced on individuals or thrown on ground as litter. Students violating these rules may be held accountable through the judicial process. Use staples or tacks only (No tape or adhesives) For more information, visit the rule in the Student Organization Handbook

Student Organization Policies Fundraisers NOT allowed on Campus • • No raffles / gambling Student Organization Policies Fundraisers NOT allowed on Campus • • No raffles / gambling (illegal) No bake sales No car bashes…no insurance No Date Auctions (speed dating and silent auctions are allowed) • No food discount cards • No credit card applications

Other Resources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Student Organization Handbook ARB Constitution (IFC/PC) Other Resources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Student Organization Handbook ARB Constitution (IFC/PC) Homecoming Resolution (IFC/PC) Council Standards/Judicial Boards OSFA/OSA Staff Member Consultations FIPG (insurance, bar tabs, etc. )

Social Events Guidelines States that: 1. Greek-lettered organizations are responsible for utilizing the program Social Events Guidelines States that: 1. Greek-lettered organizations are responsible for utilizing the program permitting process (where applicable) as well as following the policies of their respective organization and councils. In the event discrepancies exist, the strictest policy will apply. 2. Classifies events in three categories a. Alcohol-Free Events On-Campus b. On-Campus Events with Alcohol c. Off-Campus Events

Social Events Guidelines Category One: Alcohol Free Events 1. Must be dry (no alcohol) Social Events Guidelines Category One: Alcohol Free Events 1. Must be dry (no alcohol) 2. Event must be REGISTERED (program permit submitted and approved): a. At least 3 business days in advance for CLOSED events (events that are restricted to the members of the sponsoring organization and their guests) b. At least 10 business days in advance for OPEN events (open to all UF students/general public). 3. Organization is responsible for the behavior of its members and its guests 4. Attendance is limited to the facility’s capacity 5. Chapters may be required to submit additional documentation or information depending on the nature of the event 6. Alcohol-free events may require security. Security requirements are determined and coordinated by UPD.

Social Events Guidelines Category Two: On Campus Events with Alcohol BEFORE THE EVENT 1. Social Events Guidelines Category Two: On Campus Events with Alcohol BEFORE THE EVENT 1. BYOB (6 12 oz. cans person 21+) 2. Event must be REGISTERED (program permit submitted and approved) at least 10 business days in advance. 3. On campus events NOT in a chapter house MUST be approved by the Dean of Students Office. 4. Attendance is limited to the facility’s capacity, chapter members and two guests, or 300 persons, whichever is LESS. 5. Chapters must submit a printed guest list for the event at least two (2) business days in advance. List must include names and birthdays of all guests. 6. Chapters are NOT allowed to purchase alcohol with chapter funds 7. UPD is required to staff events with alcohol at the chapter house, with the exception of Game Day BBQs.

Social Events Guidelines Category Two: On Campus Events with Alcohol AT THE EVENT 1. Social Events Guidelines Category Two: On Campus Events with Alcohol AT THE EVENT 1. A minimum of two executive officers from the sponsoring organization must be present at the door. These members should be SOBER. 2. A copy of the typed guest list and Event permit should be provided at the door. 3. All guest must present a valid ID. This ID should be used to verify the entrants name and date of birth. Persons name should then be highlighted on the list. 4. Wristbands should be distributed to event entrants who are over 21 and bring beverages. Wristbands can be secured from the Office of Sorority & Fraternity Affairs. 5. All alcohol must be brought and turned into a designated distribution area (1 st floor of facility, in clearly visible area). 6. Chapter should provide non-salty foods as well as non-alcoholic drinks (water, soft drinks, etc. ) in plastic bottles or cans. NO CUPS. Proportion of non-alcoholic drinks should meet or exceed the proportion of attendees who are not drinking. 7. Event must end by 1: 45 am with everyone out by 2: 00 am

Social Events Guidelines Category Three: Off-Campus Events 1. Not REGULATED by UF 2. Should Social Events Guidelines Category Three: Off-Campus Events 1. Not REGULATED by UF 2. Should use on-campus guidelines as a starting point. 3. Contact Inter/National Headquarters to ensure that the event is covered by the chapter/headquarter’s liability insurance 4. Participation in off-campus events does not recluse organizations or individuals from local, state, federal, or University policy –

Final Words of Advice q Accept responsibility as both individuals and members of a Final Words of Advice q Accept responsibility as both individuals and members of a larger organization q Empower the Social Chair and Risk Manager to have a voice in the chapter. Conduct a risk management training together with the chapter that includes the proactive processes (e. g. , social events guideline, FIPG) that have been developed by UF and your national organization q Empower membership to create events that are consistent with organizational values (WWMFD/T? , Exec protocol) q Respond appropriately to decisions and/or incidents that are not aligned with Chapter expectations q Minimize negative exposure of your organization’s reputation, finances and facilities OSFA On Call Calendar The Office of Sorority & Fraternity Affairs has established a point person to handle crises (e. g. , blood, fire, death) that may occur within the Florida Greek community.