Social Networks That we are aware of them
1. Facebook social network founded in 2004
• Creator Facebook Marks Elliot Cukerberg He was born in 14. 05. 1984
FUNCTIONS OF FACEBOOK Facebook allows to create the profile with photography and information on itself, invite the friends, be changed with them messages, change its status, leave the messages on its and someone else "wall", load to photographies and video recording, create the groups (the community on interest). In 2007 Facebook has offered the outside programmer to create exhibits (the plays, facility of the exchange by music, photography and etc) and earn on this.
Russian Facebook the June 20 2008 social network Facebook has declared about start the russian-language version of the site. The Users will be able by itself to change the language of the interface in its profile.
Vkontakte founded in 10. 10, 2006
Rating of the site on versions alexa. com on condition on 06. 09. 2011 • • • • • Ukraine 3 Belorussia 3 Russia 5 Kazakhstan 7 Uzbekistan 11 Moldaviya 14 Armenia 14 Azerbaijan 28 Germany 394 USA 939
Creator "vkontakte"Pavel Durov
Functions of Vkontakte User can * create profile with personal information, photography, audio and video record * invite friends, be changed by personal messages, use mode of the quick messages (as in IM-client) * check level of the access to information, published on profile * define, who has an access to one or another part * publish statuses, add in them photo, audio, video, graffiti, comment statuses * create groups on interest * create meeting on interest * write marks (long texts) * present to each other virtual gift * view news (that has occurred beside friends and in group)
ODNOKLASSNIKI Was founded in March 4 2006
" O DN O KL A S S N I"KI- A S O CI A LN ET W O RK R U SS IAN , L A NG UA GE NA L O GU E T HE SIT E A OF C L AS SM AT E. S COM . As of own statistics of the site, for July 2011 is registered more than 100 million users, attendance of the site - 19 млн visitors in day.
Creator «Odnoclassnikov - Alibert Popkov