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Smart Linking with SFX Ex Libris (USA) Inc
Electronic Scholarly Information Internet A&I FTXT e-print range of authorities, technologies OPAC Intranet FTXT A&I
Electronic Scholarly Information A&I FTXT e-print ¿¿ interlink ? ? OPAC FTXT A&I
SFX: an independent link server OPAC e-print Portal A&I Full Text Citations Web Form e. TOC Link Server
Linking – the old way http: //publish. aps. org/abstract/PRA/v 63/p 062103
Traditional Linking The problem: § Linking controlled by the Source § dependent on specific business agreements/cases § typically limited (FTXT and maybe link to print holdings) § non context sensitive (links are not always appropriate) § and in any event, is hard to keep up to date and to maintain it!
Smart Linking with SFX http: //sfx. aaa. edu/menu? genre=article&issn=1234 -5678 &volume=12&issue=3&spage=1&epage=8&date=1998 &aulast=Smith&aufirst=Paul
Sources § Where a user is coming from, beginning a search § Examples: § OPAC § A&I database § Online journal § Sources MUST be Open. URL-enabled! § Librarians decide what Sources are available in their own library environment and what Services would be desired by users using those Sources
SFX Sources • • • A&I databases OPACs E-journals E-print archives (OAi) Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Your local data repositories All sources must provide an Open. URL http: //www. sfxit. com/sources. html
Citation databases “Appropriate” Full text Ulrich’s OPAC Subject Gateways Pub. Med
SFX flow – A&I as link source SFX Source SFX Menu SFX Target
SFX flow – E-journal list as link source
SFX flow – E-journal reference as link source
Open. URL (the enabling mechanism) A&I • Institutional Open. URL service component Open. URL Full Text Open. URL OPAC Open. URL • Open. URL make metadata available to service component dynamically inserted e-print • linking server describes context of user
Open. URL (the enabling mechanism) http: //sfx. aaa. edu/menu? genre=article&issn=1234 -5678 &volume=12&issue=3&spage=1&epage=8&date=1998 &aulast=Smith&aufirst=Paul
Open. URL function § Enables transfer of metadata … § from an information resource § to a service component (SFX server) that can determine and provide context-sensitive services for the metadata
Open. URL awareness 1 Identify a user that has access to a service component; and 2 Provide an Open. URL for each metadata-object, e. g. a brief citation, reference in journal article, etc.
Open. URL format § BASE_URL: §Server address for the service component (SFX) § Content: § Elements of the metadata or pointer to metadata in a public syntax § Information supporting delivery of services § Example: http: //sfx. aaa. edu/menu? genre=article&issn=1234 -5678 &volume=12&issue=3&spage=1&epage=8&date=1998&aulast =Smith&aufirst=Paul
Open. URL format http: //sfx. aaa. edu/sfx_local? &sid=ISI: WOS &id=doi: 123/345678 &genre=article&issn=1234 -5678 &volume=12&issue=3&spage=1&epage=8&date=1998 &pid=%3 Cauthor%3 ESmith%2 C%20 Paul%20%3 B%20 Klein%2 C%20 Calvin %3 C%2 Fauthor%3 E&%3 Cyr%3 E 98%2 F 1%3 C%2 Fyr%3 E ORIGIN-DESCRIPTION '&' OBJECT-DESCRIPTION / | , -------' | `-------. GLOBAL-IDENTIFIER-ZONE | LOCAL-IDENTIFIER-ZONE | OBJECT-METADATA-ZONE
Open. URL examples http: //sfx. caltech. edu: 8888/caltech? sid=Caltech: WOS&genre=article &issn=0305 -4470&volume=33&issue=35&spage=L 331&epage=L 337 &date=2000&part=&title=JOURNAL+OF+PHYSICS+AMATHEMATICAL+AND+GENERAL&aulast=Aratyn&auinit=H& atitle=The+complex+sine-Gordon+equation+as+a+symmetry+flow +of+the+AKNS+hierarchy&pid=%3 Cauthors%3 EAratyn%20 H %7 CFerreira%20 LA%7 CGomes%20 JF%7 CZimerman%20 AH%3 C/aut hors%3 E http: //sfxserver. somewhere. edu/sfx_local? sid=dbvendor: name &pid=myid: 178912781 http: //demo. exlibrisgroup. com: 9003/demo? id=doi: 10. 1034/j. 13990039. 2000. 560502. x
Open. URL (the enabling mechanism) http: //sfx. aaa. edu/menu? genre=article&issn=1234 -5678 &volume=12&issue=3&spage=1&epage=8&date=1998 &aulast=Smith&aufirst=Paul
SFX Link Server § Accepts Open. URL as input from Information Resource § Analyses contents of Open. URL § Evaluates Appropriate Services based on Metadata § Dynamically computes links to Target Services
Targets & Target Services § Where a user “lands” § ‘Services’ are the facilities: § a ‘get. Author’ service would run a search on an author’s name § a ‘get. Full. Txt’ service would link to the full text of a particular article from a Target publisher § Targets must have a link-to syntax that supports the Service
SFX Targets • • • E-journals OPACs ILL/Doc. Del Citation Databases A & I Databases Directories • • • Encyclopedias Patent Databases Subject gateways Internet bookstores …. . Libraries choose! All targets must have a defined link-to or search syntax http: //www. sfxit. com/targets. html
SERVICE links between SOURCES and TARGETS SOURCES CSA requests: get. Full. Txt get. TOC get. Author get. Cited. Author get. Abstract get. Web. Service get. Cited. Reference get. Cited. Journal Springer provides: get. Full. Txt, get. TOC BIOSIS provides: get. Author, get. Abstract conceptual links that will be formed (for real) if certain requirements (Thresholds) are met … Wiley provides: get. Full. Txt, get. TOC WWW Search Engines provides: get. Web. Service Web of Science provides: get. Cited. Reference get. Cited. Author get. Author
SFX Knowledge. Base • Comprehensive Knowledge. Base delivered with the SFX server • Contains a set of rules for linking including rules for fine-tuning • Library “localizes” to match local subscriptions and conditions using SFX tools • Regularly updated and distributed by Ex Libris
SFX Benefits § Enables the localization of links (appropriate links) § Provides extended services (different kinds of links) § Furnishes a single point of administration for the various services for potentially all data sources § Sets up standardization of services across resources, as defined by librarians … is an independent means of linking any resource § Is compatible with and complimentary to other linking solutions such as DOIs/Cross. Ref
SFX Statistical Reports For example: • How many times did users click the SFX button within a specific resource? • How many times was the article’s full text available via the SFX menu? • If the article’s full text is available, how many times did users select other options from the SFX menu?
SFX Menu and config under library control DI RE CT LI N K TO TA RG ET
The Flow of an SFX Request Open. URL Parser Source Parser Open. URL Generic. Request Object … Key: 1234 -5678 metadata Based on sid (config files) SFX Base … Source Target Object lookup and threshold check fetch SFX Menu Service 1 Service 2 Target Parser URL
SFX Database
www. exlibrisgroup. com www. sfxit. com sfx_help@exlibris-usa. com