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Smart Choices About Smart Meters Critical Issues to Consider When Deciding Whether to Opt Out A public service brought to you by the Smart Meter Safety Coalition www. smartmetersafety. com
Smart Meter Safety Coalition www. smartmetersafety. com
In 2010 and 2011 seven 10 -Person Complaints were filed at the Maine Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) against CMP’s wireless smart meter program. Five were consolidated to address the financial and technical feasibility of allowing customers to “opt out” of the program. The MPUC either dismissed or did not rule directly on the merits of specific issues (health, privacy) in those complaints other than opt outs. Some investigation into fire safety and interference occurred. After 8 months of testimony, data requests and hearings, the PUC ruled --it was “unreasonable” to force customers to accept a wireless meter, --in the public interest to allow customers to opt out. Elisa Boxer-Cook, Lead Complainant Docket 2010 -345 Dianne and Stephen Wilkins, Lead Complainants Docket 2010 -389 Suzanne A. Foley-Ferguson, Lead Complainant Docket 2010 -385
Two Opt Out Options: Electro-mechanical Meter - Option B (also called Analog / Existing) $40 fee; $12 per mos Wireless Smart Meter -Option A with one-way communication Can be “turned on” remotely $20 fee; $10. 50 per mos 30 days to respond
Opt Out Meter Comparisons Electromechanical Meter Smart Meter turned off Hard Wireless -Two antennae On-site connects and disconnects Wireless remote connect and disconnect Non-detailed total KW estimates / verification checked every 3 rd mos. Hourly Interval data collected every third month by onsite download existing meter To be developed with 900 K of taxpayer’s dollars Will not communicate with Wireless Communications your appliances with your appliances $12 per month $10. 50 per month
CMP’s Radiofrequency Mesh System
New Appliances equipped with wireless RF chips Appliances equipped to recognize and react to signals from utility; for example if the load is high.
Radiofrequency Mesh System Each home equipped with a wireless SM Data moved from house to a collector +/- 15, 000 transmissions per day Peak pulses are 100 times stronger than cell phone (time averaged)
Radiofrequency Mesh System Wireless appliances connected to meter collects very detailed hourly data. (enables consumer and utility to control flow to individual appliances via computers, cell phones, or network) • RF exposure compounded by appliances and neighbors 24/7 (on all the time, infrastructure = mini-cell towers , neighbor’s RF penetrates walls; FCC standards do not use cumulative exp. )
Smart Choices Why opt out? 1. Radiofrequency Interference (RFI) 2. Data protection, privacy issues, constitutional rights 3. Cybersecurity / hacking 4. Fire Safety /Overbilling 5. Adverse Health effects of Radiofrequency radiation (RF) Short term and long term
Smart Choices Why opt out? 1. Radiofrequency Interference -2. 4 g. Hz Wi. Fi Net. Flix Security Systems Computers Garage openers Medical devices Pacemakers, DBS
Smart Choices Why opt out? 1. Radiofrequency Interference Over 100 complaints recorded Interference PUC Complaint-CE CMP hired a subcontractor to deal w/ problems Spikes can cause appliance damage Some cannot be fixed / neighbor’s RF
Smart Choices Why opt out? 2. Data collection and protection, privacy issues, constitutional rights Appliances have load signatures SM data laws don’t exist (fed/st) Third party vendor access Extremely detailed data
Smart Choices Why opt out? Hourly usage data collected can create consumer profiles: • when you cook, blow dry your hair when you shower, watch tv, use computer when you’re home or on vacation (burglery risk) if you use a medical device / exercise machine EVEN what “brand” of appliance • Vivid profile of your daily living habits
Smart Choices Why opt out? Fourth amendment of US constitution grants security and privacy in persons, houses, papers and effects unwarranted surveillance pers. data collection & dissemination w/o consent third party data -no data protection laws data security-hackability who wants data? Marketers, insurance companies, law enforcement, researchers, (divorce) attorneys, identity thieves, etc.
Smart Choices Why opt out? 3. Cybersecurity / data security Wireless systems more vulnerable to hacking and interception SM linked directly to home computer & data Electrical grid, internet, wireless communications Banking and transportation
Smart Choices Why opt out? 4. Fire Safety / Overbilling Wireless interference with Ground Fault and Arc Interrupters Blown appliances due to electrical spikes Old or unshielded wires not able to carry load; Fires in CA and Australia blamed on SM Smart meters not required to meet national or local electrical codes, nor be UL / third party tested Fires caused by faulty installation; El Rayo Taquiero
Smart Choices Why opt out? Over billing - inaccurate readings -some say it will increase energy consumption -data from neighbor’s meters co-mingled? -how SM determine it’s “my” appliance? -all over country and world -energy useage soars; or over billing? -Texas, Canada, Australia, California
Smart Choices Why opt out? RF Health Concerns Short term-dizziness, migraines, nausea, vomiting, muscle spasms, heart palpitations, sleeplessness, lack of energy Long term-childhood leukemia, 30% decrease in sperm count, reduced immunity, DNA breaks, increases in brain, skin, breast and testicular cancers
Smart Choices Why opt out? Health - electromagnetic sensitivities can be developed -involuntary intense burst exposure 24 / 7 RF exposure changes body biology increases permeability of blood brain barrier to toxins -drops melatonin levels -decreases attention, memory and motor skills in children -DNA damages passed down generations
Smart Choices Why opt out? FCC standards do not exist for non-thermal radiation Radiation exposures for the public are not based on cumulative exposures, and only at inches away Wireless SM technology is the most expansive and pervasive rollout of RF radiation ever in history. SM’s have not been tested.
The World Health Organization recently classified radiofrequency radiation (cell phone, Wi. Fi and smart meters) as a “possible carcinogen” ---in the same category as lead, engine exhaust and DDT. (May 31, 2011)
Unlike cell phones and Wi. Fi, Smart Meters amount to an involuntary 24/7 exposure to a “possible carcinogen”. Smart Choices Why opt out? 2011 -The World Health Organization recently classified radiofrequency radiation as a “possible carcinogen” ---in the same category as lead, engine exhaust and DDT. (May 31, 2011) 2010 - Karolinska Institute -”stop all wireless rollouts” until more data can be evaluated. 2009 - Pathophysiology - reviewed Over 1500 studies and found nerous risks to human health from rf exposures at levels below current FCC limits. 2008 -Environmental Working Group (EWG) Cell Phone Study reviewed all available info 2007 - Bioinitiative Report-650 pages - 2000 studies 2006 (ongoing) UK Powerwatch Studies 1971 - Naval Medical Research Institute Bibliography of over 2000 studies finding adverse effects
Two Opt Out Options: Electro-mechanical Option B-Keep Existing meter $12/mos Wireless Smart Meter Option A-one-way comm $10. 50/mos Smart Choices Why opt out? Health, safety, security and privacy. Your choice.
Smart Meter Safety Coalition www. smartmetersafety. com