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Small-scale video and audio services based on DRM standard BES Conference 2010, India Troxler Josef
What is Dr. TV? Dr. TV is a new application based on DRM. It enables small-scale video and audio services for cost efficient large area distribution of information and education programs Main advantages § One single transmitter can reach millions of people anywhere, anytime and with unlimited coverage possibilities ranging from 100 km² up to well over 5’ 000 km² (depending on the antenna system) § Dr. TV offers free-of-charge reception and is independent of any gatekeepers and third party providers like satellites, cable networks or internet. § Dr. TV keep citizens living abroad informed and up-to-date about what is going on in their home country. § One video stream can be accompanied by several audio streams, allowing for synchronous multi-language support January 10
ONE transmitter covers huge areas, large population and several countries! Ø Shortwave transmission – the most economic way to reach millions of listeners
Dr. TV: System overview Live Program or File Video Source DRM Signal On-Air MDI Stream Thomson DRM Content. Server with Dr. TV Encoder Thomson DRM Transmission System Uniwave DRM Receiver with Dr. TV Chipset Dr. TV represents a join development between Thomson, Fraunhofer Institute IS (Germany), Uniwave SAS (France) New Star Electronics (China) and Hipshing (China) January 10
What makes Dr. TV work Dr. TV is a new DRM application. It is made possible by enhancement of the Coder (Content. Server) and Decoder (Receiver) and enlargement of the transmitter bandwidth to 20 k. Hz. To receive and play Dr. TV, the receiver (like Uniwave) must have enough CPU power (Central Processing Unit) to be able to decode DRM 20 k. Hz bandwidth. The receiver must be able to convert and display the picture stream on the monitor. January 10 The CPU of an Intel micro-processor
Thomson Content. Server as an asset for any radio broadcast chain The newest model has been enhanced to enable Dr. TV In addition to Dr. TV, the Content Server provides numerous advanced and very useful services like: § § § Journaline EPG (Electronic Program Guide) DRM Text messages Slide shows DRM signaling DRM multiplex generation One Content. Server can send simultaneously the signal to any number of DRM modulators at various transmitter sites January 10
New released Di-Wave 100 receiver Successfully demonstrated at many exhibitions and symposiums and showed excellent results during 2008 Olympics at Beijing with text-based information service known as Journaline® Reception possible with DM, FM-RDS, SW/MW/LW, … DRM+, TDMB, DAB+ 3. 5” TFT color screen (similar to mobile Phone) Multi-language graphic user interface Including English, Chinese, French, German and Spanish Designed and manufactured in China (Chengdu and Dongguand) in partnership of Uniwave SAS France January 10 7
DRM Picture Transmission. Examples of screen 125 mm (H) x 65 mm (W) x 232 mm (L) 3. 5 » TFT LCD color screen Main menu January 10 DRM Radio menu Video sample Journaline, live information Pictures menu
Where is DRTV with Shortwave uniquely useful ? Ø Store-and-Forward video of news programming for § Businessmen and expatriates in areas with poor Internet access § For national fishing fleets § For citizens travelling abroad with limited Internet access Ø For distance learning projects in remote areas and for nomadic populations Ø For keeping citizens informed and connected in catastrophic situations, where local broadcast and communication infrastructure has broken down January 10
International Shortwave Transmissions With expanding international trade and migration, more and more people are traveling and living abroad Mobile TV over shortwave is an interesting option to cover huge areas with news services far away from home January 10
Example 1: International News Service (High Sea conflict between Korea and South Korea) Sample from a real DRTV transmission in short wave
Example distance learning system For fast growing economies such as India, education is a priority, but not easy to achieve when the kids and students are in remote areas, small villages and when there is limited electricity and thus internet January 10
Example distance learning system Dr. TV enables the highly effective use of distance learning in combination with the Uniwave receiver Reception is possible anywhere in the world - any time of day - and with an absolute minimum of new infrastructure January 10
Keeping People in disaster areas informed Shortwave broadcast is worth its weight in gold when it comes to reaching trouble spots and disaster areas at short notice When natural disaster strikes, communications infrastructure is usually strongly affected at the exact time when local populations require reliable news and information Dr. TV can reach into such disaster areas from far away, guiding, informing and comforting the stricken people January 10
Keeping national fisher fleets informed Store-and-forward video programming (news on demand) Shortwave broadcast can reach fishing fleets in far away places All they need is a shortwave receiver - no other complicated and expensive infrastructure is required January 10
Next Steps Ø Detailed field tests § Preparation of suitable content (different kinds of videos, etc. ) § Simulation/calculation of expected service parameters like field strength, mode, protection, antenna parameters, etc. Ø Set-up of measurement and monitoring § § § Ø Define measurement program Mobile reception Stationary reception Spectrum measurement Service reliability Service quality Measurement of minimum requirements for transmitter specifications January 10
Coming developments: New Uniwave Receivers April 2009 2010 (H 2) 2011 (? ) Di-Wave 100 Di-Wave 200 Step up Di-Wave 300 EDUCATION TOOL Di-Wave Dr TV Di-Wave 400 DRM FUNCTIONS MULTIMEDIA • Station name, program information • Journaline ® • MOT Slideshow • Listening time-shift : 10 min • USB/SD card reader • MP 3 playback • MP 4 playback • Photo Album Viewer RADIO RECEPTION OTHER FEATURES • DRM on shortwave , long wave and medium wave • 3. 5” TFT display • FM - RDS stereo on phones • Multi-language graphic User • SW/MW/LW Interface • 768 Station memories 256 DRM/256 FM/256 AM English, Chinese, German, French, Spanish • Time/date and Sleep Timer • Headphone jack • External antenna socket • Sizable Telescopic antenna • Speaker: 3” – 1 W • USB TO PRINTER • RECORD FUNCTION • EQ • E- BOOK • Dr TV • DRM + , TDMB , DAB+ ADDITIONAL FEATURES January 10
Energy supply alternatives for Uniwave Receiver Solar panel § with normal batteries § with chargeable batteries § with power supply connecting to mains January 10 § with normal batteries § with chargeable batteries § with power supply connecting to mains § with dynamo mains § with movable solar panel
Additional features for new receivers § Digital life Radio § Digital life videos § Digital Music § News Journaline § Picture exchange § MOT slide show § … On-line Games GPS January 10 Etc …
Small-scale video services are offering Video and Audio Services, similar to mobile TV but to cover huge areas with on single transmitter! Multimedia - a great combination of Radio and TV based on HF broadcast technology and DRM