- Количество слайдов: 14
Образование существительных, обозначающих лицо, которое занимается определенной деятельностью Ø глагол + -er/or/ar Ø teacher (учитель), sailor (моряк), beggar (попрошайка) Ø существительное/глагол/ прилагательное + -ist Ø motorist (автолюбитель), tourist (турист), nationalist (националист) Ø глагол + -ant/ent Ø contestant (конкурсант), student (учащийся) Ø существительное + -(i)an Ø republican (республиканец), librarian (библиотекарь) Ø глагол + -ee (пассивность) Ø trainee (стажёр), employee (работник по найму)
Правила написания n n n to drive – driver to cook – cooker run + er – runner biology + ist - biologist piano + ist - pianist physics + ist - physicist
глагол + -er/or/ar n n n n n catch cook drive govern instruct invent lead manage organize own catcher q cooker q driver q governor q instructor q inventor q leader q manager q organizer q owner q
существительное/глагол/прилагательное + -ist/-ast n n n n n art biology caricature cycle economy ego guitar gym piano artist q biologist q сaricaturist q сyclist q economist q egoist q guitarist q gymnast q pianist q
глагол + - ant/ent n n assist – помогать inhabit – населять participate – участвовать serve – служить n n assistant inhabitant participant servant
существительное + -(i)an (национальность, звание, профессия) n n n n n academy electricity History magic policy Russia tactics technics Ukrain n academician n electrician n Historian magician politician Russian tactician technician Ukrainian n n n
глагол + -ее ( лицо, на которое направлено действие) n to abandon – отказываться q abandonee от права собственности n n n n to adopt – усыновлять to address – обращаться to grant – дарить to license - разрешать to pay – платить to train – обучать to refuge – давать убежище q adoptee q addressee grantee q licensee q payee q trainee q refugee q
существительное/глагол/прилагательное + -ist/-ast/ -er/or/ar n n n n human illusion machine physics produce provide report ride science settle teach telephone theory travel q q q q humanist illusionist machinist physicist producer provider reporter rider scientist settler teacher telephonist theorist traveler
Образуйте от данных существительных глаголы и переведите их на русский язык n n n actor composer conductor director fighter founder inventor miner sailor sleeper speaker visitor n n n to act to compose to conduct to direct to fight to found to invent to mine to sail to sleep to speak to visit
Образуйте от данных слов существительные прилагательные, переведите их на русский язык n n n Canadian capitalist Hungarian internationalist specialist socialist statistician guardian – опекун mathematician musician physician – врач n n n Canada capital Hungary international special social statistics guard - охрана mathematics music physic - лекарство и
Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста Alan Alexander Milne, the youngest of the family’s three sons, went to Westminster School at the age of 11 and then went on to Cambridge to become a (1)_____. But he never did. Instead he became an (2)_____ of the university journal “Granta” in which he published some of his light humorous poems. Then he went to London hoping to earn his living as a (3)_______. By and by London magazines began to publish his witty works, and in 1905 he published his first book, a shilling paperback collection of humorous essays. Aged only 24 he was given a post of (4)____ editor of the famous magazine “Punch”. MATHEMATICS EDIT WRITE ASSIST 1 mathematician 2 editor 3 writer 4 assistant
Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста There amateur cricket clubs all over England, but there is a big difference between the amateur and the professional (1)_____. The amateur cannot get money for the game. The professional (2)_____ is in a much higher class. He has to learn many kinds of skills. He has to be an athlete, a (3) ____ and (4) ______ and turn like a (5)_______. He must be patient, and must not let other (6)_______ be dishonest with him. 1 cricketer CRICKET PLAY RUN JUMP GYM COMPETITION 2 player 3 runner 4 jumper 5 gymnast 6 competitors
Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста I always wanted to be a great (1)_____. I had the dreams of discovering a new drug that would save the lives of hundreds of (2)____. Unfortunately I was not a good (3)_____at chemistry and the (4)_____ used to be very cross with me. After a while I decided I would become an (5)____ and design an amazing new production which would become a household name. A few weeks later I had a brilliant idea for a pen that would write upside down. To my disappointment a friend of mine pointed out that I was not a (6)____. SCIENCE PATIENCE STUDY TEACH INVENT PIONEERING 1 scientist 2 patients 3 student 4 teacher 5 inventor 6 pioneer