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SLIBS Aligning the A 4 P, President’s Recovery Priorities & SDGs
OBJECTIVES Evidence based policy decisions supported Monitoring of service delivery improved International image of SL improved Objectives of SLIBs Process International best practices adhered to Attract investments More donor funds attracted
SELECTION CRITERIA FOR PRIORITIZATION OF BENCHMARKS • Alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals • Measurable indicators (clear targets) that data is assessed at least on a yearly basis • Benchmark has implications for access to funding both loan and grant • Reporting structure has already been established • There are identifiable indictors that are not processes • Should not be a perception survey based benchmark given that those are more an evaluation tool of Government’s performance • Available sources
UNDERSTANDING THE MATRIX SLIBs House Responsible MDA Impacted Benchmark Source Priority Indicators (SDGs, MCC, PAF, Doing Business, etc) SDGs A 4 P
SLIBs WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF THE PRESIDENT’S RECOVERY PRIORITIES • The indicators have been linked to the Agenda for Prosperity and the President’s Recovery Priorities which are the shorter term deliverables within the A 4 P. • Some indicators that have been selected as part of this process are also being tracked as part of the President’s Recovery Priorities as an example of domestication of these international benchmarks to improve governance, business climate, etc towards economic recovery
No Poverty Decent work and Economic Growth Labor and Employment Climate Change Accelerate Human Development International Competiveness Social Protection Accelerate Human Development Gender and Women Empowerment Life Below Water Life on Land Good Health & Wellbeing Quality Education Clean Water and Sanitation Affordable & Clean Energy Zero Hunger Industry, Innovation and Infra Reduced Inequalities Sustainable cities and Communities Peace, Justice and Strong Inst. Gender Equality Partnerships for the goals 2. Human Development Index Selected Benchmarks for Pilot Natural Resources 1. Sustainable Development Goals Indicators Resp. consumption & production 17 Sustainable Development Goals Agenda for Prosperity Pillars Diversified Economic Growth 3. Doing Business Indicators 4. MCC Scorecard 5. CPIA 6. PAF 7. Maputo and Malabo Commitments 8. ALMA
INDICATORS SDGs 44 Indicators HDI 3 Indicators Doing Business 11 Indicators PAF 12 Indicators CPIA 21 Indicators Maputo and Malabo 15 Indicators Mo Ibrahim Index 92 Indicators ALMA 17 Indicators MCC Scorecard 20 Indicators 235
Sources • After identification of the indicators, each indicator is linked to its unique source(s) • This process allows us to identify where indicators are the same across Benchmarks because they are assessed in the same way using the same sources • This allows us to better prioritize scarce resources by focusing on the sources and pooling resources across MDAs to identify targeted action to improve performance
MDAs • MDAs will be responsible for monitoring and submitting data to the assessors. • • MDAs have been linked to each indicator and we are in the process of identifying responsible persons within those MDAs that will submit data on these indicators based on reporting requirements
OTHER BENCHMARKS 1. 2. 3. 4. EITI Process African Peer Review Mechanism Natural Resource Charter Open Government Partnership • Note that these Benchmarks will be monitored separately given that they have established teams (more than one) that have been designated to report on implementation of relevant indicators. SLIBs will simply provide ancillary support to problem solve and encourage collaboration and coordination where necessary to support implementation
FINDINGS 1. The # of indicators will reduce as some indicators are similar across benchmarks with similar sources that assess Government data. 2. The list is a “working document” and can be expanded or reduced based on the priorities of Government. 3. Government need’s to prioritize resources to improving these indicators because fundamentally doing these things result in stronger governance, a healthy business environment, a more resilient economy