- Количество слайдов: 34
ŠKOLA: ČÍSLO PROJEKTU: NÁZEV PROJEKTU: ČÍSLO ŠABLONY: AUTOR: TEMATICKÁ OBLAST: NÁZEV DUMu: POŘADOVÉ ČÍSLO DUMu: KÓD DUMu: DATUM TVORBY: ANOTACE (ROČNÍK): Gymnázium, Tanvald, Školní 305, příspěvková organizace CZ. 1. 07/1. 5. 00/34. 0434 Šablony – Gymnázium Tanvald III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Zora Pavlištová Slovní zásoba Tématické procvičení slovní zásoby 11 ZP_SLOV_ZÁSOBA_11 30. 8. 2012 DUM opakuje slovní zásobu z 11. lekce (Unit 11) učebnice Success Elementary s tématem Time for a break (holidays, souvenirs) použitím definic a doplňováním slov do vět. Řešením cvičení je anglické přísloví a snaha najít jeho český ekvivalent. DUM je vhodný procvičení tématické slovní zásoby nebo k použití po dokončení lekce v uvedené učebnici jako procvičení nebo testování. METODICKÝ POKYN: Studenti použijí pracovní list (poslední snímek prezentace) k zapisování definovaných slov a následnému doplnění přísloví.
Success Elementary Vocabulary practice • Read the sentence/definition and complete the word • Write the word down with the marked letter • Complete the English proverb at the end of the presentation with the marked letters • Try to find a Czech equivalent to the proverb
Unit 11 Time for a break
1 He has completed the necessary training, and he´s now q _ _ _ ied for the job.
2 A lot of people at a place when the place (e. g. a bus, a train, a room) is made full = c _ _ _ d.
3 Jewellery that is pierced through/into a part of the body = e _ _ _ g.
4 You sleep in it when you go camping = s _ _ ing _ _ g.
5 A good teacher has to be p _ _ _ t with slower students.
6 I am g _ _ _ to hear that you have recovered from your illness.
7 A popular soft toy in the shape of a bear = t _ _ _ y b _ _ r.
8 The police r _ _ ted to the police of the escaped prisoner.
9 At a campsite you sleep in a t _ _ t.
10 We were a little late for the train. U _ _ t _ _ _ ly, it left exactly on time and we missed it.
11 A sweater/pullover = j _ _ _ e _.
12 When a woman goes swimming, she wears a s _ _ _ t, while a man wears swimming trunks.
13 “We´re going for a picnic on Saturday. Do you want to j _ _ n us? “
14 In a room you sit on a chair, on a train/bus you sit on a s _ _ _.
15 You can´t take a train tomorrow, the railway staff are going on s _ _ e. They won´t work again until the government gives them more money.
16 A small cheap hotel where you rent a room with a small bathroom and usually a kitchen, too = g _ _ h _ _ _ e.
17 Children play with _ _ ys.
18 You can get cheap accommodation in a y _ _ h _ _ l. There are rooms with more beds and one bathroom for several rooms to share.
19 I´ll keep one third of the money and the r _ _ t is for you.
20 To some countries (e. g. the USA, Canada or Australia) you need a t _ _ r _ _ t v _ _ a.
21 Yesterday I had to study for a test, so I stayed a _ _ _ e till after midnight. I was very sleepy in the morning.
22 Buying and selling drugs is i _ _ _ l. It is prohibited by law.
23 A steward/stewardess (the person who serves you with food and drinks on a plane) = f _ _ t a _ _ d _ _ t.
24 A huge stone building built in the Middle Ages as a home for the king/queen (e. g. Karlštejn) = c _ _ e.
25 When you go on holiday to a place you don´t know, you can buy a g _ _ b _ _ k. It gives all information about it and includes photos, too.
26 New York is situated on the east c _ _ _ t of the USA.
27 If you leave your bag on a train/bus, go to the L _ _ _ L _ gg _ _ e office. You may find it there.
The proverb _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _ _ _ _ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 _ _ _. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
The Czech equivalent Zakázané ovoce chutná nejlépe.
Worksheet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. q _ _ _ ied c___d e_____g s _ _ ing _ _ g p_____t g___ t___y b__r r _ _ ted t__t u _ _ t _ _ _ ly j___e_ s______t j__n s___ 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. s____e g____h___e _ _ ys y____ h____l r__t t__r__t v__a a___e i_____l f____t a____d__t c____e g____ b__k c___t L _ _ _ L _ gg _ _ e
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