Скачать презентацию ŠKODA AUTO University ICEF 09 2014 ŠKODA AUTO Скачать презентацию ŠKODA AUTO University ICEF 09 2014 ŠKODA AUTO

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ŠKODA AUTO University ICEF 09/2014 ŠKODA AUTO University ICEF 09/2014

ŠKODA AUTO University › ŠKODA AUTO University was founded in 2000 › the first ŠKODA AUTO University › ŠKODA AUTO University was founded in 2000 › the first and only company university in the Czech Republic › founder of the university is the company ŠKODA AUTO, one of the most important and dynamically evolving companies in the Czech Republic. ŠKODA AUTO is one of the largest brands of the Volkswagen Group. ICEF 09/2014

ŠKODA AUTO University › Students: 1, 200 students from the Czech Republic and 23 ŠKODA AUTO University › Students: 1, 200 students from the Czech Republic and 23 other countries. › Faculty: 50 full-time academics, 80 part-time academics and specialists including ŠKODA AUTO experts. ICEF 09/2014

Values of ŠKODA AUTO University Global Knowledge Individual Approach Research-led Teaching ŠKODA AUTO University Values of ŠKODA AUTO University Global Knowledge Individual Approach Research-led Teaching ŠKODA AUTO University Automotive Networks ICEF 09/2014 International Focus

What we offer Complex and modern study programme Relevant internships leading to prime employment What we offer Complex and modern study programme Relevant internships leading to prime employment opportunities Exchange studies abroad, double-degree programmes Interaction with VW/ŠKODA AUTO experts Experienced and highly qualified teaching staff, 75 % Ph. D. holders and above Individual approach to students High emphasis on social skills, incl. intensive communication and foreign language instruction Modern state-of-the-art facilities ICEF 09/2014

Study programmes offered in English Bachelor´s degree programmes (Duration 3, 5 years) Business Administration Study programmes offered in English Bachelor´s degree programmes (Duration 3, 5 years) Business Administration and Sales Business Administration and Financial Management Master´s degree programmes (Duration 2 years) Corporate Finance Management in the Global Environment Marketing Management in the Global Environment Lifelong Learning Programme (Pre-degree, Duration 1 year) › Czech Language and Culture for Foreigners ICEF 09/2014

Czech Language Course ICEF 09/2014 Thesis defense and oral exam courses, master thesis Semester Czech Language Course ICEF 09/2014 Thesis defense and oral exam courses, master thesis Semester 2 courses Semester 1 courses studies abroad Semester 3 studies abroad courses, master thesis continuous internship Semester 4 continuous internship Bachelor´s study programme, 3. 5 years 180 ECTS Master´s study programme 2 years 120 ECTS Structure of Bachelor´s and Master´s study programmes: Learning Path Thesis defense and oral exam Semester 7 courses, bachelor thesis Semester 6 courses, bachelor thesis Semester 5 mandatory internship Semester 4 courses Semester 3 courses Semester 2 courses Semester 1 courses

Bachelor´s degree programmes Study programmes: Business Administration and Sales Business Administration and Finance Length Bachelor´s degree programmes Study programmes: Business Administration and Sales Business Administration and Finance Length of 3. 5 years, 180 ECTS credit points (1 ECTS = 28 hours workload), obligatory internship of 0. 5 year Study specialization + Bachelor thesis 55 ECTS Common basis 125 ECTS ICEF 09/2014 Optional courses integrated in the study plan. Including courses taught by ŠKODA AUTO experts 12 ECTS Mandatory courses Business Administration and Finance 43 ECTS Mandatory courses Business Administration and Sales 43 ECTS Marketing Management Soft skills 18 ECTS Financial management Accounting 15 ECTS Technical courses Production management 12 ECTS Economics 10 ECTS Foreign languages 35 ECTS Law Taxation 11 ECTS Mathematics Statistics ICT 24 ECTS

Master´s degree programmes Study programmes: Corporate Finance Management in the Global Environment Marketing Management Master´s degree programmes Study programmes: Corporate Finance Management in the Global Environment Marketing Management in the Global Environment Length of 2 years, 120 ECTS credit points Optional courses integrated in the study plan. Including courses taught by ŠKODA AUTO experts 15 ECTS Study specialization + Master thesis 40 ECTS Common basis Marketing Management Soft skills 17 ECTS 80 ECTS Foreign languages 18 ECTS ICEF 09/2014 Mandatory courses Global Business and Marketing 25 ECTS Mandatory courses Global Business and Financial Management 25 ECTS Financial management Accounting 14 ECTS Economics 10 ECTS Law Taxation 7 ECTS Econometrics Operation research 10 ECTS ICT 4 ECTS

Czech Language and Culture for Foreigners Length of 1 year, taught in English Duration: Czech Language and Culture for Foreigners Length of 1 year, taught in English Duration: October 2014 – June 2015 Students will understand written and spoken Czech. In addition to language proficiency students will know important information/facts relating to Czech history, culture and current affairs. Second semester First semester ICEF 09/2014 English, Basic Math, Economics and Social Science 120 Czech language tuition 180 Czech language tuition 300 hours

Bachelor´s degree programme Admission requirements Secondary school graduation diploma Certificate proving English proficiency at Bachelor´s degree programme Admission requirements Secondary school graduation diploma Certificate proving English proficiency at B 2 level according to CEFR Other specific admission requirements are published on our website Application deadlines Till 30. 6. 2015 for students who require visas. Till 4. 9. 2015 for students from the EU. Application fee: 200 EUR Tuition fee: 7, 000 EUR/year (24, 500 EUR/degree) ICEF 09/2014

Master’s degree programme Admission requirements Previous Bachelor´s degree Certificate proving English knowledge at B Master’s degree programme Admission requirements Previous Bachelor´s degree Certificate proving English knowledge at B 2 level according to CEFR Other specific admission requirements are published on our website. Application deadlines Winter Intake: Till 5. 12. 2014 for students who require visas and for students from the EU. Summer Intake: Till 30. 6. 2015 for students who require visas. Till 4. 9. 2015 for students from the EU. Application fee: 200 EUR Tuition fee: 9, 000 EUR/year (18, 000 EUR / degree) ICEF 09/2014

Lifelong Learning Programme Czech Language and Culture for Foreigners Preparatory course for studies at Lifelong Learning Programme Czech Language and Culture for Foreigners Preparatory course for studies at universities in the Czech Republic (Bachelor´s or Master´s degree programmes in Czech). Outcomes: Certificate acknowledging up to B 2 level of fluency in the Czech Language Certificate of Participation in the Programme Application deadlines Till 30. 6. 2015 for students who require visas. Till 4. 9. 2015 for students from the EU. Application fee: 100 EUR Tuition fee: 5, 000 EUR ICEF 09/2014

Tuition Includes Instruction, teaching, course advising Individual approach to students – instructions, teaching and Tuition Includes Instruction, teaching, course advising Individual approach to students – instructions, teaching and course advising Counselling services Access to comprehensive library (basic literature) and on-line databases Access to computer laboratories Max. 36 ECTS of instruction per semester International exchange programmes, incl. double degree programmes, Erasmus-supported exchange International internship opportunities Interactions with experts from international working environment No student union or other enrolment fees ISIC card Participation on research projects in cooperation with companies On-site activities, social, sport and cultural events organised and officially subsidised by the Students Union or University ICEF 09/2014

Double Degree Full-time students from particular study programmes, who meet the requirements for obtaining Double Degree Full-time students from particular study programmes, who meet the requirements for obtaining an academic degree at their home institution and who also complete a one semester exchange at the partner institution, are awarded a degree from both partner schools. Double Degree programme is provided by: ● Upper Austria University of Applied Science, Steyr, Austria ● Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Seinäjoki, Finland ICEF 09/2014

Global Study Opportunities: Key Partners Austria University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, School of Global Study Opportunities: Key Partners Austria University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, School of Management FH Wien Studiengänge der WKW Bulgaria Technical University Sofia Croatia University of Zagreb Finland Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences France Ecole de Commerce Europeenne - INSEEC Bordeaux Ecole de Commerce Europeenne – INSEEC Lyon INSEEC PARIS Germany Hochschule Amberg-Weiden, University of Applied Sciences Aschaffenburg Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden Hochschule Ingolstadt Fachhochschule Koblenz - University of Applied Sciences Münster University of Applied Sciences OTH Regensburg Ostfalia Hochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel Zwickau University of Applied Sciences ICEF 09/2014

Global Study Opportunities: Key Partners Greece Technological Educational Institute (T. E. I. ) of Global Study Opportunities: Key Partners Greece Technological Educational Institute (T. E. I. ) of Athens Italy Universita Politecnica delle Marche - UNIVPM Norway Aalesund University College Poland Wroclaw School of Banking Portugal Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave Romania University of Cluj Napoca Slovakia Comenius University in Bratislava University of Economics in Bratislava Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra University of Zilina Slovenia University of Maribor Spain Escola Universitária Politécnica de Mataró Fundació Tecno. Campus Mataró-Maresme (Escola Universitária del Maresme) Turkey ISIK University Sakarya University ICEF 09/2014

Global Internship Opportunities: Key Partners Germany Audi Skoda Auto Deutschland Gmb. H Volkswagen Great Global Internship Opportunities: Key Partners Germany Audi Skoda Auto Deutschland Gmb. H Volkswagen Great Britain Bentley Motors Skoda Auto United Kingdom VW United Kingdom Ireland VW Group Ireland Slovakia Škoda Auto Slovensko Volkswagen Slovakia China VW Shanghai VW Beijing Audi, Changchun India Skoda Auto India Private (Pune, Aurangabad) Russia VW Moscow South Korea Audi (Seoul) ICEF 09/2014

Social Life Orientation Week at the beginning of the winter/summer semester Erasmus Info Days Social Life Orientation Week at the beginning of the winter/summer semester Erasmus Info Days International Evenings and Dinners Trips around Mladá Boleslav Sightseeing tours in the Czech Republic and abroad University Annual Ball Regular sport activities and tournaments (e. g. floor ball, running, cycling) International Summer Schools Lectures, workshops and seminars with specialists and recognised experts Events of the Municipal Office and District Authority Students´ competitions ICEF 09/2014

Graduate employability Bachelor´s and master´s degree graduates ŠKODA AUTO a. s. employees Work for Graduate employability Bachelor´s and master´s degree graduates ŠKODA AUTO a. s. employees Work for suppliers of ŠKODA AUTO a. s. Work within the Volkswagen Group Follow-on degree opportunities for bachelor graduates Master´s degree at ŠKODA AUTO University or at other universities ICEF 09/2014

ŠKODA AUTO University Campus Education Center „Na Karmeli“ ICEF 09/2014 ŠKODA AUTO University Campus Education Center „Na Karmeli“ ICEF 09/2014

ŠKODA AUTO University Campus lecture hall modern classrooms computer rooms ICEF 09/2014 ŠKODA AUTO University Campus lecture hall modern classrooms computer rooms ICEF 09/2014

ŠKODA AUTO University Campus rest area multi-purpose hall meeting and conference room ICEF 09/2014 ŠKODA AUTO University Campus rest area multi-purpose hall meeting and conference room ICEF 09/2014

ŠKODA AUTO University Campus study room University library ICEF 09/2014 ŠKODA AUTO University Campus study room University library ICEF 09/2014

ŠKODA AUTO University Campus School Cafeteria EUREST ICEF 09/2014 ŠKODA AUTO University Campus School Cafeteria EUREST ICEF 09/2014

Internships abroad Student´s success story http: //en. savs. cz/news/Pages/bentley-internship-2012 -anh-quan-tran. aspx ICEF 09/2014 Internships abroad Student´s success story http: //en. savs. cz/news/Pages/bentley-internship-2012 -anh-quan-tran. aspx ICEF 09/2014

Miss Student, University Annual Ball, Summer School ICEF 09/2014 Miss Student, University Annual Ball, Summer School ICEF 09/2014

Culture events, sightseeing and trips ICEF 09/2014 Culture events, sightseeing and trips ICEF 09/2014

Contacts – International Office Team doc. Ing. Pavel Štrach, Ph. D. et Ph. D. Contacts – International Office Team doc. Ing. Pavel Štrach, Ph. D. et Ph. D. Vice-Rector for International Relations Mgr. Lenka Stejskalová, MBA Further information: www. savs. cz Head of the International Office Ing. Alena Rychtářová rychtarova@is. savs. cz +420 326 823 049 Bc. Daniel Suchánek suchanek@is. savs. cz +420 326 823 003 ICEF 09/2014 International Office Specialist Administration of applications for bachelor's and master's degree programmes in English and the Lifelong Learning Programme Czech foreigners, ŠAVŠ promotion and fairs Erasmus Coordinator Contact for Erasmus mobilities, exchange semesters and double degree programmes Facebook ŠKODA AUTO University

Thank you. ICEF 09/2014 Thank you. ICEF 09/2014