The origin of the movement n n Skinheads first appeared in England in the autumn of 1968, it was originally an offshoot of the mods (mods) These were tough guys, equally hateful and young gourmet majors and relaxed hippie drug
n n The appearance of skin was the result of the expansion movement of punks and the economic crisis This subculture of guys with a working-class suburbs economically depressed areas of the country These guys had no prospects: they knew that there is no work and there will be no money and no The only entertainment was a fight with other similar, but of the neighborhood
Сlothes n n n The clothing of skins all strictly functional, fit for a street fight: Tight black jeans, cheap, durable, which can not see dirt and blood Heavy laced army boots with thick soles, easy to run and is a weapon in the fight Short jackets - bomber - that the enemy had nothing to hold on Shaved or cropped at zero head, so that the enemy could not grab the hair No glasses, badges, bags, epaulettes nothing that prevents dodge out of the hands of the enemy
Мusic n The first skinheads listened to ska, which evolved into the pub-rock, because it played in pubs, beer. It's been tough, simple, based on the early tunes roknrolle
Interests of Russian skinheads n n The policy oriented to the extreme right or completely apolitical Negative attitudes to drugs Prefer to raise the tone of domestic beer Football
Relation to other subcultures n n n The most friendly relations with the bikers With metal and punk communication varies from moderate to mild dislike of the peace The main enemies - rappers, ravers