Скачать презентацию Skills Solutions — Making a real difference Aaron Скачать презентацию Skills Solutions — Making a real difference Aaron


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Skills Solutions - Making a real difference Aaron Henricksen – UK MD Jacquie Smallwood Skills Solutions - Making a real difference Aaron Henricksen – UK MD Jacquie Smallwood - COO

1. Introduction A brief introduction to MAXIMUS • • • Founded in 1975 Over 1. Introduction A brief introduction to MAXIMUS • • • Founded in 1975 Over 7, 000 employees In 270 Locations Operate in the USA, Canada, Australia and the UK Revenue: $929. 6 million Market Capitalisation = $1. 4 B USD • MAXIMUS has been a part of all major reforms and development of welfare to work delivery, e. g. : • Wisconsin Works – inaugural welfare to work privatisation, 1997 • Australia – Job Network, since 2000 • UK – Flexible New Deal, 2008, Work Programme 2011 Helping Government Serve the People 3

Health and Human Services Solutions Experienced Administrator of Complex, Highly Visible Government Health & Health and Human Services Solutions Experienced Administrator of Complex, Highly Visible Government Health & Human Services Program Management MAXIMUS are experts at managing large scale complex Governmental projects which come under close public scrutiny. Consulting MAXIMUS provides pragmatic strategic advice and business process improvements which drive efficiency in Government service delivery. Technology Solutions MAXIMUS provides pragmatic strategic advice and business process improvements which drive efficiency in Government service delivery. Helping Government Serve the People 4

Program Management Capabilities Representative Management Engagements include: - BPO delivery for government services including Program Management Capabilities Representative Management Engagements include: - BPO delivery for government services including outreach to potential claimants, eligibility and enrollment, comprehensive assessments and medical reviews - Comprehensive Contact Centre service delivery including mail house, imaging, and records management - Complete range of Welfare to Work Case Management Services - Disability Employment Services - Integrated Employment, Health and Training services for job seekers - Administration of child care programs including payment processing - Child support collections and family maintenance administration - Tax Credit and incentive management - Make existing programs more efficient Analyze, Pilot, Report and Deliver new programs Bring together Health and Human Services Solutions to drive efficiencies and service delivery Operationalize public policy goals Employer Services Helping Government Serve the People Help Government to Do More With Less 5

Operations in… Providing a range of health, human services and technology solutions, for example: Operations in… Providing a range of health, human services and technology solutions, for example: - Large scale health appeals processing - Delivering Wisconsin Works to disadvantaged families Largest provider of Job Services Australia Welfare to Work services, including employment, health and training Providing strategic advice and operational support to the Australian Government Delivery of child support, family maintenance & health insurance solutions combining delivery and technological expertise Delivering comprehensive welfare to work services through the Work Programme. Highest ranked Flexible New Deal provider Delivering the first pilot of Welfare to Work Services in Israel, and delivery the best results of the 4 selected providers. One of the first private sector organisations to deliver employment services on behalf of the Ministry of Labour. Currently establishing five sites across the country Helping Government Serve the People 6

UK Work Programme & Skills What does individual support really mean? • • • UK Work Programme & Skills What does individual support really mean? • • • One size fits all? Treating everyone differently? Placing our customer with the first employer that shows interest? Spending hours, days, weeks creating an action plan? Attending a 13 week outdoor pursuits programme to stretch the imagination? 7

Real Sustainability • • Our customers are better off in work Our customers need Real Sustainability • • Our customers are better off in work Our customers need to feel valued Our customers need to earn a salary Our customers need to see a better future But how do we achieve this? 8

The Ideal Model • A blend of third and private sector organisations joining together The Ideal Model • A blend of third and private sector organisations joining together for the local community • A variety of vocational and practical skills training • Short sharp and focused courses • A programme to suit all interests • Skills training that mirrors the local employers needs • Individualised to each of our 25 sites – based on customer, employer and local economy profile 9

Milton Keynes Example Local third and private sector providers including: • Milton Keynes College Milton Keynes Example Local third and private sector providers including: • Milton Keynes College – Industry Specific & Work Skills Training • Training Associates – Employability Skills Programme • Peter Jones Academy – Enterprise and Self Employment Training • Milton Keynes Language Centre – ESOL • National careers service – Working In Milton Keynes, Detailed Career Guidance • Bright – A 1 & A 2 Assessor Training • HMRC – Self Employment Information • In. Training – Basic Skills & Vocational Training • Maybe Magazine – Media & Self Employment Training • Money Advice – Benefit Advice, Debt Management, Budgeting Advice etc • Milton Keynes City Counseling Centre – (Depression, Anxiety, Bereavement Counseling etc) • Milton Keynes Crime Reduction Initiative – Substance Misuse (Drugs & Alcohol) 10

Milton Keynes Example Neighbourhood Employment Programme Working with the local Council, College and Adult Milton Keynes Example Neighbourhood Employment Programme Working with the local Council, College and Adult Education Centre to ensure customers with specific, barriers to employment to access the correct support at a pace that allows them to develop their confidence • • • Increasing community awareness Counselling for victims Addiction support Anger Management Health and wellbeing Budgeting Self employment Parenting Domestic Violence Housing support Skills for Life Voluntary work 11

Addressing all issues Skills and job search alone are not enough to achieve sustainable Addressing all issues Skills and job search alone are not enough to achieve sustainable Employment: The majority of Work Programme Customers have worked before and have a medley of work experience Up - skilling and focusing on customers personal development makes the key difference between a job placement and an job outcome Prevalent key barriers to sustainable employment: • • • Basic Skills (Literacy, numeracy, I. T) Esol Mental Health Interpersonal Skills Life Management Low Confidence 12

Milton Keynes Example Partnership with Milton Keynes College MK College Provides Industry Specific Training Milton Keynes Example Partnership with Milton Keynes College MK College Provides Industry Specific Training to meet Local Labour Market Needs: • • • Customer Service Level 1 (City & Guilds) Introduction to Retail Introduction to Health and Social Care Intrduction to Childcare Introduction to Construction Business Administration Working As A Volunteer Telephone Techniques Interpersonal Skills 13

Milton Keynes Example Milton Keynes Case Study • Employer Engagement Consultants work with local Milton Keynes Example Milton Keynes Case Study • Employer Engagement Consultants work with local employers and identify local labor market needs. Identifying necessary industry specific training • Working closely with the local College, specific industry specific training is delivered to our customers • Example courses - Customer Services and Contact Centre Training to upskill customers, allowing them to compete for these semi skilled roles • Courses are delivered on Maximus premises • Once completed industry specific courses the customers were referred to the vacancies with NHS direct. • Placed 35+ customers with NHS direct for customer service roles to date 14

Funding for skills All courses delivered through MK College are SFA funded and accredited Funding for skills All courses delivered through MK College are SFA funded and accredited For an organisation to access SFA funding they need to contact the SFA rep in their area Once SFA status has been established, training organisations and providers access the customer funding directly from the SFA funding encourages working partnerships with outside organisations that provide key services for our customers (for example anger management) 15

Summary Skills and employment have to be joined up, all Work Programme providers should Summary Skills and employment have to be joined up, all Work Programme providers should have access to skills funding, via direct SFA funds or through SFA providers, including colleges and the private sector. 16