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Skills anticipation and matching A partnership with regional and sectoral dimensions ETF project in Skills anticipation and matching A partnership with regional and sectoral dimensions ETF project in Tangiers – Morocco Eduarda Castel-Branco, ETF Baku, 06/Oct/2016 1

Main topics this presentation 1. Competence-based approach to VET in Morocco: step-by-step from sectoral Main topics this presentation 1. Competence-based approach to VET in Morocco: step-by-step from sectoral study of jobs and skills to assessment standard. 1. ETF project: regional partnership for skills matching in 2 sectors (car industry, logistics).


Morocco – general approach to qualitative sector-based studies For planning of standards (competences, training) Morocco – general approach to qualitative sector-based studies For planning of standards (competences, training) 5 Sector Characteristics of sector (activities, enterprises, occupations, labour force, training supply, others) 1 4 DFP Provider Commissions 2 Qualitative study: sample of enterprises Matching needs and supply of training 3 Define skills needs and derive needs in standards of competences and training Needs in standards competences - training. Interviews with resource persons Adjustment of map / planning of training (new programmes, obsolete ones…) Plus de 20 études couvrant la quasi-totalité des secteurs ( Tourisme/Hôtellerie, Textile/Habillement, TIC, Maintenance des équipements hospitaliers, Agriculture, Administration Gestion Commerce et Finances, Réparation des engins à moteur, TIC, Offshoring, Aéronautique, Commerce et distribution (plan rawaj), équipements automobiles, BTP, Énergie renouvelables, etc.

Competence-based approach - from sector study to standards 4 PHASES 1. 2. 3. 4. Competence-based approach - from sector study to standards 4 PHASES 1. 2. 3. 4. Planning and studies Conception and production of training programmes Implantation of training programmes Evaluation of the training programmes

Competence-based approach to VET – from sector study jobs and skills to standards (occupational Competence-based approach to VET – from sector study jobs and skills to standards (occupational and assessment) 1. Planning and studies 2. Conception & production training programmes a. Sector study b. Development plan of training programme c. Preliminary study a. b. c. d. e. Occupational standard Training project Training programme Assessment standard Guide pedag organisation


SKILLS ANTICIPATION AND MATCHING – OVERVIEW ETF Methodology Guides Conceptual and institutional frameworks (Observatory SKILLS ANTICIPATION AND MATCHING – OVERVIEW ETF Methodology Guides Conceptual and institutional frameworks (Observatory Moldova, LMIS Georgia) Employability, employment Design and implementation of instruments, tools (employers survey, multisector forecast model) Multi-country platforms for capacity building, mutual learning (Make it Match - Ea. P)

ETF: CASE TANGIERS (MOROCCO): REGIONAL AND SECTORAL APPROACH TO SKILLS ANTICIPATION AND MATCHING Why ETF: CASE TANGIERS (MOROCCO): REGIONAL AND SECTORAL APPROACH TO SKILLS ANTICIPATION AND MATCHING Why a regional approach - Regionalisation policy - Regional partnership training-employment (RWG) - Improved effectiveness training - matching needs regional economy and labour market - Sustainable approach to matching at regional level - Focus on 2 priority sectors: car industry and logistics - Combination: research and analysis x dialogue RWG

4 KEY COMPONENTS OF THE APPROACH 1. Analysis of training supply Initial E&T (HE, 4 KEY COMPONENTS OF THE APPROACH 1. Analysis of training supply Initial E&T (HE, secondary, VET) 2. Analysis of demand for skills 3. Analysis of mismatch Sector: car industry Statistical portrait of region - sectors Car industry Continuing training Analysis of content of qualifications Sector: logistics G’s ns W 4. R ndatio Logistics e omm ction rec or a f

A REGIONAL AND SECTORAL APPROACH TO SKILLS ANTICIPATION AND MATCHING: MAIN STEPS 2013 2014 A REGIONAL AND SECTORAL APPROACH TO SKILLS ANTICIPATION AND MATCHING: MAIN STEPS 2013 2014 2015 • Regional working group (GTR): regional stakeholders + national level; scope of analysis (sectors): support development common interest • Analysis of training supply: scope; methodology; sources; data gathering and analysis • • • Methodological package for demand analysis of mismatch Data collection: interviews relevant enterprises in the 2 sectors Statistical portrait region Analysis of mismatch 3 technical workshops with RWG / experts • Discussion of results from mismatch analysis • Synthetic package (analysis and methodology) for dissemination • RWG: in-depth discussion results mismatch analysis – measures for action; dissemination • Further support by EU – towards regional Observatory Employment-Training

REGIONAL PARTNERSHIP (RWG) CGEM National Logistics Dev Agency Providers educ & training: HEI, VET, REGIONAL PARTNERSHIP (RWG) CGEM National Logistics Dev Agency Providers educ & training: HEI, VET, GE Regional VET departm Logistics sector: reg companies Car industry: Renault, suppliers Regional Empl Service RWG LM Observatory

OUTPUTS Methodology package Analysis package Training supply sector Analyses - reports (4) Demand for OUTPUTS Methodology package Analysis package Training supply sector Analyses - reports (4) Demand for jobs /skills sector Statistical portrait region Mismatch - sector RWG recommendations 1. 2. 3. Supply Demand (2) Mismatch

Matching: needs in auto industry - synthesis by levels (1/2) Adjustm in standards Qualifications Matching: needs in auto industry - synthesis by levels (1/2) Adjustm in standards Qualifications – initial education and Skills - continuing training Highly qualified levels Production managers Quality manager Robotic engineers Composite materials engineers Intermediate managers Management Soft skills Project management, customer relation, project quality Development of manager’s (team Reinforcement and developing of hard leader) initial training qualification skills : üengineering, robotics, programming and 3 D measure om xample fr E üspecific techniques and quality in the lysis ana auto industry : just in time, lean management…

Matching: needs in auto industry - synthesis by qualification levels (2/2) Adjust. in standards Matching: needs in auto industry - synthesis by qualification levels (2/2) Adjust. in standards / training Technicians / specialized technicians Qualifications: initial education Skills - continuing training and training Tool-makers and moulistes Technical skills for specific occupations Technician of production plastic (Manufacturing, welding, sewing, injection) injection Processing composite Soft skills : teamwork materials Sheet metal work (body work, press Transversals skills : quality, procedures in work) production, maintenance Quality control agents Operators Automated production lines operators Specific trades technical skills (Manufacturing, weld, sewing, injection) Plastic injection operators Example from analysis Formation processing materials operators Industrial cabling operators composite Transversal skills : 1 st level maintenance, quality processes, logistic processest, teamwork Basic skills (literacy, numeracy and problemsolving skills)

Some general reflections on the observation tools & method v Even “small” sample size Some general reflections on the observation tools & method v Even “small” sample size allows us to identify strategic issues and draw conclusions (ex. : occupations not covered by training system. soft skills needs). v Qualitative information on changing demanded skills is very useful. v Future: anticipation methodology needs fine-tuning, more resources, more recent data v Data on continuing training is fragmented and difficult to use (various users groups) v Logistics sector : occupations / nomenclature needs to normalized, to allow analysis

Some general reflections on issues of governance v Sustainability of the RWG: ü High Some general reflections on issues of governance v Sustainability of the RWG: ü High interest, but more reflection is needed to shape it in line with legal framework (new VET governance) and decentralisation policy (on-going) ü Resources v Initiative and decision-making: ü More empowerment v Evidence, information: v Better data – continuous monitoring, data collection, analysis – towards a Regional LM Observatory v Better access and sharing