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Sistem Informasi Manajemen Materi 6 Information System Engineering (3) Dr. Hary Budiarto
Process Model Design
Application Architecture An application architecture adalah suatu teknologi spesifik untuk digunakan dalam mengimplementasikan sistem informasi dalam bentuk DATA, PROCESS, dan INTERFACE, serta bentuk interaksinya. It serves as an outline or blueprint for detailed design and implementation.
Physical Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) Physical data flow diagrams (DFDs) model the technical and human decisions to be implemented as part of an information system. They communicate technical choices and other design decisions to those who will actually construct and implement the system.
Physical Data Flows A physical data flow represents any of the following: – The planned implementation of an input to, or output from a physical process. – A database command or action such as create, read, update, or delete. – The import of data from, or the export of data to another information system across a network. – The flow of data between to modules or subroutines (represented as physical processes) in a program.
Sample Physical Data Flows
Sample Physical Data Flows
Physical Data Store Implementations
Data Base Design and Construction
A Modern Data Architecture Users and Programmers Information System File A legacy file-based information system Users and Programmers (built in-house) File (built in-house) Information System (built in-house) Operational Database End-User Tools Data Warehouse File Users and Programmers (built in-house) File A legacy file-based information system Information System End-User Applications Personal DB Users File (purchased) File Operational Database Information System (purchased) Work-Group Database End-User Work Group Users and Programmers
Database Architecture Database architecture refers to the database technology including the database engine, database utilities, CASE tools, and database development tools. A database management system (DBMS) is specialized software that is used to create, access, control, and manage the database. The core of the DBMS is a database engine. – A data definition language (DDL) is that part of the engine used to physically define tables, fields, and structural relationships. – A data manipulation language (DML) is that part of the engine used to create, read, update, and delete records in the database, and navigate between different files (tables) in the database.
Typical DBMS Architecture Systems Analysts and Database Designers Application Programmers End Users Transaction Processing (TP) Monitor PC DBMS and/or Query tools DBMS Data Definition Language (DDL) Proprietary Language and Tools DATABASE ENGINE METADATA USER DATA Data Manipulation Language (DML)
User Interface Design and Construction
User Interface Options Saat ini dalam melakukan User Interface Design dengan cara manipulasi langsung dengan melalui beberapa komponen yaitu : n n n Menu Selection (Pilihan Menu) Dialog Style (Ragam Dialog) Form Fill-in (Pengisian Fomulir)
Construction and Implementation
What Is System Construction and Implementation? Systems construction adalah tahapan pengembangan, instalasi, dan testing untuk komponen sistem. Systems implementation adalah tahapan operasional sehari-hari untuk menjalankan sistem (meaning day-to-day operation).
The Context of System Construction and Implementation
Tasks for Completing The Construction Phase Build and Test Networks 2. Build and Test Databases 3. Install and Test New Software Package 4. Write and Test New Programs 1.
Tasks for Completing The Construction Phase
Levels of Testing Stub testing is the test performed on individual events or modules of a program. In other words, it is the testing of an isolated subset of a program. Unit or program testing is a test whereby all the events and modules that have been coded and stub tested for a program are tested as an integrated unit. In other words, it is the testing of an entire program. Systems testing is a test that ensures that application programs written and tested in isolation work properly when they are integrated into the total system
Tasks for Completing The Implementation Phase Conduct System Test 2. Prepare Conversion Plan 3. Install Databases 4. Train Users 5. Convert to New System 1.
Tasks for Completing The Implementation Phase
Information System Operation and Support
Support versus Operation An operational system is frequently called a production system. Systems support is the ongoing technical support for users, as well as the maintenance required to fix any errors, omissions, or new requirements that may arise. Systems operation is the day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-month, and year-to -year execution of an information system’s business processes and application programs.
The Context of Systems Operation and Support
Systems Development, Operation, and Support
Three Important Data Stores n The repository is a data store(s) of accumulated system knowledge—system models, detailed specifications, and any other documentation accumulated during systems development. n The program library is a data store(s) of all application programs. n The business data is all those data stores of the actual business data created and maintained by the production application programs.
Systems Support Activities
System Support Activities n n Program maintenance corrects “bugs” or errors that slipped through the system development process. System recovery is the restoration of the system and data after a system failure. Technical support is any assistance provided to users in response to inexperience or unanticipated situations. System enhancement is the improvement of the system to handle new business problems, new technical problems, or new technology requirements.