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Silver Awards Certificate of Achievement Silver Awards Certificate of Achievement

Gold Awards Certificate of Achievement Gold Awards Certificate of Achievement

Where are you on the Year group’s ‘Top 25’ CPL list? Where are you Where are you on the Year group’s ‘Top 25’ CPL list? Where are you on the Year group’s ‘ATL’ ranking list? On the Year Notice Board is the break down of figures for the Year group showing how well you did in your ATLs, together with the Top RPFs and the Top 25 CPLs. First half of summer term Where are you on the Year group’s ‘Top 50 RPF’ list?

GIRLS TOP 15 ‘GOOD NEWS’ SLIPS From the beginning of the Summer Term 1 GIRLS TOP 15 ‘GOOD NEWS’ SLIPS From the beginning of the Summer Term 1 Chloe Overton – 10 2= Georgina Ball – 9 Molly Bishop Caitlin Bone Natalia Gray 6= Kasey Arnup – 8 Daisy Cousins Rebecca Cox Bethany England Ellie –Jay Frary Georgia Leggett Lucy Moore Shema Oz Hannah Pask 15 Madi Mayes – 7 Victoria Airey Caitlin Cossey Bethany Gathergood 15 Bethany Gill Lauren Goodall Jemima Kerkham Carly Wright Really close 34 more girls had 5 or 6 Good news slips !

BOYS TOP 15 ‘GOOD NEWS’ SLIPS From the beginning of the Summer Term 1 BOYS TOP 15 ‘GOOD NEWS’ SLIPS From the beginning of the Summer Term 1 Bailey Smith – 13 2= Kieron Taylor – 11 Ethan Dye Matthew Heron 5=Tine Madzimure – 10 Kyle Marrison 7=Tony Rabicano - 9 Max Simpson Josh Whiting 10=Tom Beardmore - 8 Brad Killigrew Reece Pizey Josh Riley Travis Thompson 15=Rowan Copland – 7 Brad Coumbe Joe Earl Rhys Nicklin 15 Joe Rimmer Dylan Tipple Really close! Strange but true the boys also had 34 boys who had 5 or 6 Good news slips !


Let’s watch this clip about people who have been designing and making new Apps Let’s watch this clip about people who have been designing and making new Apps

So what do we do? In your tutor groups you need to get into So what do we do? In your tutor groups you need to get into groups of NO MORE than 4. You will have 4 weeks (4 sessions in tutor time) to come up with your exciting new APP. You can spend as much time out of class on it as you like! • You will need to create your APP • Make sure you have designed your ‘Button’ • Explained clearly how your App works and all the benefits. Why would I want to use it? • Have a storyboard explaining and showing how it works. • Create a model if you want to! Or other original ways of presenting your App

Timescale? • Time to plan and finish creating your App on paper Up till Timescale? • Time to plan and finish creating your App on paper Up till Friday 12 th July • Groups present to rest of the tutor group from Mon 15 th – Thurs 18 th July. • Friday 19 th July vote in class for the best App in the tutor group • The top 10 Apps and prizes will be given out in the summer assembly.

And then…. . ? • In Year 9 during ICT classes you will actually And then…. . ? • In Year 9 during ICT classes you will actually make one of the 10 APPS! • The pupils who make the best APP will be announced in the Xmas assembly and will get: • Vouchers • Trip to the Apple store for workshop • Trip to UEA for computer session!