Goals lesson: Education: improvement of the knowledge and skills of students in the use of triangles equal signs in the course of solving problems, recognition of equal triangles and the ability to prove their equality, as well as to conclude that the equality of certain elements; Educational: education of communicative qualities of the person; Developing: the development of interest in the subject, logical thinking, mathematical literacy of speech; development of information and communication competence of students.
Plan lesson: 1. Greeting (2 min) 2. Organizing time (3 min) 3. To explain the new material (15 min) 4. Individual work (15 min) 5. Reflection (5 min) 6. Give homework (2 min) 7. Summarizing time (3 min)
Triangle - a geometrical figure consisting of three points, not lying on the same straight line, connected by segments. If the triangle ABC and A 1 B 1 C 1 can be combined superposition they are equal. In equal triangles are equal and their corresponding elements.
The first sign of equality of triangles: If the two sides and one angle of the triangle between the two sides are equal and the angle between the other triangle, these triangles are equal.
The second sign of equality of triangles: If the side and two adjacent to its angle of one triangle are equal to an adjacent side and two angles to it of another triangle, then the triangles are equal.
The third sign of equality of triangles: If three sides of one triangle are equal to the three sides of another triangle, then the triangles are equal.