BIG BEN. There are two theories about. the origin of this name. According to the first, at the time the heaviest Bell is 13. 7 tons-was named Big Ben (Big Ben) in honour of Sir Benjamin Hall, who led the work on the casting of the Bell. According to another, Big Ben was named in honor of Benjamin Count, very popular at that time, Boxer in the heavyweight division. The tower was built on the project of architect P′ûdžina Augustus to English in the year 1858, the tower clock is put into the May 31, 1859. The official name for the year up to September 2012 "clock tower Westminster Palace" (sometimes referred to as the "Tower of St. Stephen [3]). Height of the tower is 96. 3 metres (Spire); the lower part of the clock mechanism is located at a height of 55 m from the ground. With a diameter of 7 meters and dials in the length of arrows in 2. 7 and 4. 2 metres, the watch for a long time considered to be the largest in the world. Palace of Westminster clock tower is one of the most recognizable symbols of Great Britain, frequently used in advertisements, movies, and so on. To address the British Parliament, the clock tower from September 2012 the year the tower was renamed Elizabeth, in honour of the 60 anniversary of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II