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SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . Seven Years of IT SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . Seven Years of IT Development 1992 &A brief guide through the improvements that have taken place at Seton Hall during the past 7 years. The Journey. . . 1993 1994 1995 1996 &Conclude with the impact on different departments at our University. 1997 The Present. . . 1998 The Impact. . . Dr. Bert G. Wachsmuth Director, Center for Academic Technology Associate Prof. , Math and Computer Science … by example (bgw) previous next Disclaimer: Dates may not be accurate; they reflect my subjective impression of when changes took place. Missing details are not important to the understanding of the development that took place at Seton Hall.

SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey 1992 The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey 1992 The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . . 1993 Green Screen Email: 1994 1995 1996 1997 Mainframe Computing: The Present. . . 1998 The Impact. . . … by example (bgw) previous next First experiments with LANs: Some users had email accounts on an IBM mainframe (Music), but regular email contact with students was impossible. Programs such as SPSS and Pascal Compilers only available in special rooms; students struggle with a complicated system - a painful experience to use Experiments with the first Novell LAN, for School of Business and Department of Math and Computer Science

SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1992 - Summary 1992 SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1992 - Summary 1992 The Journey. . . 1993 1994 &Using the computer in a "sound" way for teaching was impossible 1995 1996 1997 The Present. . . 1998 The Impact. . . … by example (bgw) previous next &It was a “shock” coming here from Dartmouth which was highly computerized &Seton Hall was behind the times in terms of Information Technology

SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey 1993 The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey 1993 The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . . 1993 Email and Mainframe Computing: Still in use, not easy, not widely accepted or used 1994 1995 1996 Novell LANs starting: 1997 Ability to use Programming Tools from the office and from one or two computer labs. First use of Windows 3. 1 as the standard environment for LAN computing The Present. . . 1998 The Impact. . . … by example (bgw) previous next Start of SHU Web Site: Published syllabus and other information online, but students had difficulty accessing it: • lack of public labs • lack of "private" computers • lack of "Internet connectivity" from home

SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1993 - Summary 1992 SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1993 - Summary 1992 The Journey. . . 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 The Present. . . 1998 The Impact. . . … by example (bgw) previous next &One could begin to see the potential of IT at Seton Hall &Many obstacles remained but new technology such as web site was promising &Email was an accepted tool at other educational institutions, we were just getting into it

SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey 1994 The Past. . . 1992 Mainframe phased SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey 1994 The Past. . . 1992 Mainframe phased out: Email, SPSS, etc. migrate from mainframe to LANs are setting up everywhere: More LANs start, students and faculty can login in from their offices and public labs The Journey. . . 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Group. Wise Email takes off: Most faculty and students have email accounts, coherent communications with students and colleagues on campus is possible. The Present. . . 1998 Web Site is taking off: The Impact. . . … by example 5 Year IT Plan Starts: (bgw) previous next More faculty place information online. Access to the Internet is easier and cheaper, and more students have their own computer. Students start creating their own web pages "on gross". Seton Hall develops a 5 year IT plan to bring SHU Computing in sync with other universities

SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1994 - Summary 1992 SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1994 - Summary 1992 The Journey. . . 1993 1994 &Technologies such as Email and Web Pages begin to enter the curriculum 1995 1996 1997 The Present. . . &The usage of LANs promises to make oncampus access easy 1998 The Impact. . . … by example (bgw) previous next &A concerted effort is made to improve the information technology infrastructure

SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey 1995 The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey 1995 The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . . 1993 Email and Web wide-spread tools: 1994 1995 1996 LAN Access became necessity: 1997 The Present. . . 1998 The Impact. . . … by example (bgw) previous next Usenet (World. Wide bulletin board): CAT starts: Use of email is wide-spread and common. Email crashes have a big impact. Web is used more and more to disseminate information for teaching as well as administrative information LANs so widely used for that server crashes cause major problems. Faculty want to use more and more applications on the LANs available to students on campus. No allowance is made for students offcampus. Access to thousands of world-wide bulletin boards is setup. Seton Hall specific discussion groups can be requested "per class" Center for Academic Technology is added as a resource for faculty to ensure that faculty have a convenient contact to learn the new, rapidly developing IT tools.

SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . . 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 The Present. . . 1998 The Impact. . . … by example (bgw) previous next 1995 - Summary &Convenient computing tools on campus a reality &Focus switches from LAN availability to LAN reliability &Questions remain about access from off -campus and dorm rooms &We have caught up with universities our size &Our advantage: a well-defined plan for the future

SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . . 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 The Present. . . 1998 The Impact. . . … by example (bgw) previous next 1996

SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . . 1993 1994 1995 1996 LAN is a fact of live - but not for offcampus students: While the on-campus use of the LAN, including email, web access, etc. is a fact of live, students begin to ask for access to applications and data from off-campus and dorms. Dorm rooms begin to get wired: To improve access to the LAN, dorm rooms are wired. The CAT is busy: 1996 1997 The Present. . . CDI 1 starts: 1998 The Impact. . . … by example (bgw) previous next Real-time Tools and Experiments: CWIS a PR Tool: The CAT is being used by faculty as the starting point for learning about the available tools such as Web pages, Usenet, network applications, etc. A concerted effort is being made to support faculty who want to use Information Technology. 10 CDI grants were given out to a cross-section of departments. Chat rooms for "real-time" communications are available, experiments with "virtual" classes underway, experiments such as the "Virtual Open House" are created Aside from containing administrative information, faculty, and student homepages, our web site becomes a public relations tool. Design of "top" page and "real-estate" on it are a valuable commodity.

SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . . 1996 - Summary &Focus switches to universal access and reliability 1993 1994 1995 1996 &Institutional support of technology for teaching begins 1997 The Present. . . 1998 &Experiments with new technologies start The Impact. . . … by example (bgw) previous next &Technology and teaching receives boost nationwide with growth of web

SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . . 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 The Present. . . 1997 Teaching without Technology is Rare Faculty use software, web sites, library card catalogs, Internet searches, etc, on a regular basis. Internet from home is wide-spread: Many faculty and students use Internet from home, more and more students have their own computer, more dorm rooms are wired for access to the campus network. Incompatibilities and off-campus access a problem: : Students have problems with computers that are incompatible with some or all Network applications, offcampus access is a problem. Mobile, VU, Learning Space Pilots: 1998 The Impact. . . … by example (bgw) previous Tech Buddies added: TLTC Umbrella Organization: next Mobile computing pilot project started. Participants receive "standard issue" laptops so there are few problems with incompatibilities. Use of standard software applications from "anywhere" is a reality for those students. "Virtual” courses start to see if entire classes can be conducted on line. Trained students are being made available to "mobile faculty” as technology assistants Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center is created to combine CAT, Media Center, and PC-Support.

SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . . 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 The Present. . . 1998 The Impact. . . … by example (bgw) previous next 1997 - Summary &Off-campus access is addressed with “Mobile pilot project” &Experiments continue with “Virtual Courses” pilot project &Institutional support is expanding &Technology use an issue for faculty promotion &We are defining a “niche” for ourselves using technology

SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey 1998 The Past. . . 1992 Mobile Computing SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey 1998 The Past. . . 1992 Mobile Computing starts for Real: The Journey. . . 1993 1994 1995 Software Licenses reflect Mobile Effort: 1996 1997 The Present. . . VU Degree Program: 1998 The Impact. . . … by example (bgw) previous next Standard laptops are issued to all Freshmen. In four years, every student will have a computer for use in class and outside the classroom, from home, the dorms, Pirate’s Cove, the beach, and even on the University Green. Software is licensed for local installation. Students can use these applications on their laptops wherever they are, and they are not bound to "oncampus" access. Students are mobile, now computers are, too The Virtual University offers degree programs through a contract with "Real Education" . Students from around the world can enroll in Seton Hall classes. Learning. Space concerted Effort: Learning. Space is used in about 150 sections and has become a major tool for the English departmen ACE/STA Program starts: Over 100 students received a full week of training before class start and are available to mobile faculty

SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey 1998 - Summary The Past. . . 1992 SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey 1998 - Summary The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . . &Unified network environment with true mobile access is developing 1993 1994 1995 1996 &Strong Institutional support and a lot of faculty participation 1997 The Present. . . 1998 &Well-established resources such as CAT, TCLC, STA in place The Impact. . . … by example (bgw) previous next &Free to concentrate on what we want to do with technology

SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey Technology Examples. . . The Past. . . SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey Technology Examples. . . The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . . Pythagorean Real Analysis 1993 1994 Fractals 1995 1996 1997 The Present. . . GDR Literature Tower of Hanoi 1998 The Impact. . . … by example (bgw) previous next CS Enrollment

SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . SHU Information Technology An Ongoing Journey The Past. . . 1992 The Journey. . . 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 The Present. . . 1998 The Impact. . . … by example (bgw) previous next Technology Impact. . .