- Количество слайдов: 32
Show Your Colours Contest Fall 2010
Where did you wear your Covenant Health jacket? Award categories: • Greatest distance from provincial office in Edmonton • Most creative • Largest team shot • Silliest photo
Submitted by: Dr. Lee, Misericordia Community Hospital and Alice, Edmonton Acute HONOU RABLE MENTIO N Greatest Distance 5140 Nau tical Mile s “Iguazu Falls, at the border of Argentina and Brazil, July 2010. ”
The “Chicks” of Youville HONOU RABLE MENTIO N Most crea tive “We are pictured here with a new batch of chicks that were hatched at Youville Home”
Submitted by: Dave, Misericordia Community Hospital HONOU RABLE MENTIO N Greatest Distance 6387 Nau tical Mile s “My wedding day morning of April 29 th in Suphanburi Thailand”
Submitted by: Dave, Misericordia Community Hospital NER! WIN hoto p Silliest “At the zoo in Suphanburi, Thailand, May 2010”
Submitted by: Aimee, Edmonton General “These are my folks, Maurice and Annabelle Bourgoin at the farm in Port-au-Persil, Quebec, showing off their colours!”
Submitted by: Debra, Grey Nuns Community Hospital “…wearing my Covenant Health jacket during a visit back home on the East Coast by the Bay of Fundy in Saint John, New Brunswick”
Submitted by: Alexis, Grey Nuns Community Hospital “Lake Titicaca Peru, August 2010” Note: image quality is poor…but the weather looks great!
Submitted by: Dolores, Grey Nuns Community Hospital , are r’s Squ te “St. Pe ity” C Vatican HONOU RABLE MENTIO N Greatest Distance 4446 Nau tical Mile s “Cinque “Tow isa er of P , Flo aly” nce, It re Terre, Po rtofino, It aly”
Submitted by: Dr. Rayani, Grey Nuns Community Hospital “Dr. Nargis Rayani in the Aga Khan Foundation charity walk across Canadian cities on May 30, 2010 in Edmonton.
“Hug the Hospital Event – Misericordia” WINNER! Largest team (Over 200 participants!)
Submitted by Jean, Grey Nuns Community Hospital HONOU RABLE MENTIO N Greatest Distance 4657 Nau tical Mile s “Taken in Tunisia, Africa on May 6, 2010”
Submitted by Jocelyn, St. Mary’s Trochu agonoy, s taken May 1 in H “This picture wa r fiesta” ilippines during ou Bulacan, Ph HONOU RABLE MENTIO N Greatest Distance 5867 Nau tical Mile s “One of the popular fiesta dishes is Lechon Baboy. . ”.
Submitted by Killam Health Centre WINNER! Most Creative “This is a representation of each department of the Killam Health Centre, Rural Hospital – Colors in a Rural Theme. We had a blast doing this – wearing our jackets/vests and cowboy hats (we even had some real manure on our boots!)”
Submitted by Marilyn, Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital, Castor “Marilyn, Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital, Castor with her husband, Dennis at the River Jordan, Israel. ” HONOU RABLE MENTIO N Greatest Distance 5480 Nau tical Mile s
Submitted by Nilda, Misericordia Community Hospital "Misericordia of Florence” - Florence, Italy”
Submitted by Paulos, St. Michael’s Health Centre HONOU RABLE MENTIO N Greatest 6831 Nau Distance tical Mile s “All people in the pictures are my extended family members. ”
Submitted by Sandra, Edmonton Acute HONOU RABLE MENTIO N Most crea tive “I had a tailor make a Covenant Health jacket for my little puppy. It was made from a real Covenant Health jacket and has the logo, zippers, tags, pockets etc. !”
Submitted by Tim, St. Michael’s Health Centre “This was taken August 30, 2010 on vacation, from the balcony of our hotel room in Venice, Italy…”
Submitted by Zamisar, Grey Nuns Community Hospital WINNER! Greatest distance from Covenant Health provincial office in Edmonton 7187 Nautical Miles “Zamizar, posing by the harbour in Sydney, Australia”
Submitted by Darlene, Misericordia Community Hospital “It's a picture taken in the Cloud Forest of Costa Rica”
Submitted by Debbie, St. Michael’s Health Centre “Debbie and her husband, Alex were on the West Kootenay Lake, BC where she caught a 9 pound Gerard Rainbow Trout. (24 inches long!)”
Submitted by Trevor and Kim Grey Nuns Community Hospital “Photos taken at Butchart Gardens, Victoria, BC”
Submitted by Monique, Provincial Office “Gold medal from the Vancouver Olympics”
Submitted by Gillian, Misericordia Community Hospital HONOU RABLE MENTIO N Most crea tive “These photos were taken on Alcatraz Island, San Francisco on Sunday, May 2 nd, 2010
Submitted by Surgery Team, Grey Nuns Community Hospital “This picture was taken at Long Lake, AB during the Grey Nuns Surgery Program's 3 rd Annual Golf Tournament and Camping Weekend. ”
Submitted by Cindy, Banff Mineral Springs Hospital HONOU RABLE MENTIO N Greatest Distance 4259 Nau tical mile s “…a three generation photo (my mom, my son and me) in Shinjuku, Japan…the other two are taken at Yakitoir Alley in Shinjuku (Toyko) Japan.
Submitted by Donna, Grey Nuns Community Hospital ABLE HONOUR MENTION e ist Greatest D anc cal Miles 4288 Nauti “Roy and Donna at the Easter Market in Budapest”
Submitted by Rick, Edmonton Acute Care “On vacation in Oslo, Norway - Oslo Konserthus and Oslow's Royal Palace”
Thank you! • Thank you for Showing your Colours! • A total of 250 staff, physicians and volunteers from 9 of our 16 sites showed their colours across the province and around the world: Edmonton General Continuing Care Centre; Grey Nuns Community Hospital; Misericordia Community Hospital; Banff Mineral Springs Hospital; St. Mary’s Health Care Centre (Trochu); Killam Health Centre; Our Lady of the Rosary (Castor); St. Michael’s Health Centre (Lethbridge); Youville Home (St. Albert)
Thank you! • Thank you to the • Caritas Hospitals Foundation for donating the Earl gift certificates for the individual winners. • http: //www. caritashospitalslottery. ca/