- Количество слайдов: 16
SHORTENED WORDS: CLIPPED WORDS consist in the reduction of a word to one of its parts. demo – demonstration dub – double frig/fridge – refrigerator mike – microphone TV - television
Final clipping (the beginning of the prototype is retained): ad. advert – advertisement coke – coca-cola gym – gymnastics/gymnasium lab – laboratory veg – vegetables Initial clipping (the final part of the prototype is retained): phone – telephone chute – parachute cello – violoncello Medial clipping (middle part of the word left out): maths – mathematics specs - spectacles
Final and initial clipping may be combined and result in curtained words with the middle part of the prototype retained: flue – influenza frig/fridge – refrigerator tec – detective
BLENDS (blendings, fusion or portmanteau words) are words with the first constituent represented by a stem whose final part may be missing and the second constituent by a stem of which the initial part is missing). transistor = transfer + resistor bloodalyzer = blood + analyzer breathanalyzer = breath + analyzer
Additive blends which are transformable into a phrase consisting of the respective complete stems combined by the conjunction smog – smoke and fog smaze – smoke and haze brunch – breakfast and lunch Restrictive blends are transformable into an attributive phrase where the first element serves as modifier of the second positron – positive electron telecast – television broadcast slanguage – slanguage spam – spiced spam
WHAT IS AN ABBREVIATION? An abbreviation is a shortened word or phrase used in place of the whole word. Commonly used in many different fields of language including science, politics, business, history, technology, etc.
Even though abbreviations may only be made up from a few letters of the word, it is often read as the whole word: Dr. , Sq, govt, M, fig, Mrs. Almost any word can be abbreviated, but military, government, and scientific names are most common. All the elements on the periodic table have an abbreviation.
ACRONYMS Abbreviations using the initials of a word There are two types of Acronyms where you read each letter: Acronyms which are read like an ordinary English word: BBC, USA, USSR, HMS, SOS, TV, HTTP UNESCO, Laser, Radar, NASDAQ, AWOL, NASA It started in the 1830’s as a trend and became popular in English again in the 1930’s. Was especially popular with English writers such as J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis
OTHER ABBREVIATIONS Latin abbreviations: abbreviated words in Latin that are commonly used in English: A. M. - ante meridiem, in the morning. E. G. - exempli gratia, for example. i. e. - id est, that is. P. M. - post meridiem, in the evening
People’s names- Many people choose to abbreviate their names formally, especially writers: H. G. Wells- Herbert George Wells JFK- John Fitzgerald Kennedy J. P. Morgan- John Pierpont Morgan Robert E. Lee- Robert Edward Lee
INFLUENCE OF TECHNOLOGY Today with the internet and mobile phones people are abbreviating words more than ever before to be more efficient and convenient. BRB, LOL, OMG, P 2 P, W/E, <3, WTF A lot of people tend to get annoyed when people do this as they do not think it is proper, though some words such as LOL are quite popular to all English speakers
1337, thxs, 10 Q, BFF, D/L, LMAO, lulz, sk 8, h 8, TTYL, OMG, G 2 G
DIFFERENCES IN ABBREVIATIONS In the past, British people used to put the correct punctuation in all of their abbreviations, but stopped doing this in newspapers as it was considered a waste of ink. In the U. S. periods are used in the names of countries and important things but not in household items like TV’s or PC’s. You do not have to use punctuation, but ALWAYS CAPITOLIZE ACRONYMS WITH TWO LETTERS.
EXAMPLES Dr. Smith, meet Prof. James. OMG it’s my BFF Jill! Capt. Jones went down Lenina Ave. to meet Mr. Brown. Today, abbr are very common: tech, mil, and govt. instit.
SOME COMMON ABBREVIATIONS: A. D. , Ave, AWOL, B. C. , C, Capt. , dept. , E, ed, est. , etc (et cetera), grad. , inst. , Jr. , l, M. D. (medicinae doctor), M, Mrs. , Ms. , NASA, NATO, N, pop. , rpm, S, USA, USMC, W, WHO, YMCA. All the states in the US have their own abbreviations.