SHOPPING and SERVICES 1. Shopping facilities 2. Methods of shopping and payment 3. Advertising 4. Services
Do you agree with the following statements? Explain. Shopping is a necessity. Shopping is a woman thing.
Brainstorm the vocabulary connected with the following subtopics: Types of shops Advertising Methods of shopping and payment SHOPPING Reasons for shopping Services
What do you think about shopping? Choose a sentence typical for you. I love shopping, I think it is fun. I hate shopping, it is a waste of money and time. Doing shopping is OK, if it useful and necessary.
Name the shops in the pictures below. What can you buy there? 1. 3. 2. GROCER’S 5. GREENGROCER’S 9. BOUTIQUE CHEMIST’S 11. FLORIST’S BOOKSHOP 8. 7. 10. SHOE SHOP OFF LICENCE BUTCHER’S 6. 4. PET SHOP 12. STATIONER’S NEWSAGENT’S
Describe the differences of the shopping facilities in the pictures. 1. shopping mall 2. supermarket 3. corner shop Which shopping facility do you prefer? Why?
Describe the methods of payment in the pictures. What are their advantages and disadvantages? 1. 3. 2. What method of payment do you prefer? Why?
Look at the advertisements below. What is being advertised? 1. 3. 2. 4.
Name the following services. How often do you use them? 2. . 1. 3. 5. 4. 6. 8. 7. Which services are the most expensive?
You are planning to start your own business. Prepare a short presentation on your own shop/service. Include the hints below. type of shop/service goods location number of employees opening hours attractions for potential customers