Скачать презентацию SHIPPERS AND FORWARDERS DEMANDS one year after Скачать презентацию SHIPPERS AND FORWARDERS DEMANDS one year after


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SHIPPERS’ AND FORWARDERS’ DEMANDS, one year after. . 8 TH IRU TRANSEURO ROAD TRANSPORT SHIPPERS’ AND FORWARDERS’ DEMANDS, one year after. . 8 TH IRU TRANSEURO ROAD TRANSPORT CONFERENCE Tallin, May 18 th – 21 st 2005 Marco L. Sorgetti: sorgetti@clecat. org

CONTENTS Clecat & Fiata essentials n Fiata and Clecat roles n Expectations of our CONTENTS Clecat & Fiata essentials n Fiata and Clecat roles n Expectations of our sector n SC engineering: a Customer driven mission in partnership n Conclusions n

WHAT IS CLECAT n n A 2002 Belgian Law Aisbl, FOUNDED IN 1958 Members WHAT IS CLECAT n n A 2002 Belgian Law Aisbl, FOUNDED IN 1958 Members are NATIONAL FEDERATIONS – – Freight Forwarders Transport service providers Logistic providers Customs Agents – – – Global players SME Family businesses COMPANIES Clecat is the permanent representation of Fiata in Brussels CLECAT’s CORE BUSINESS is EU LEGISLATION in progress

CLECAT POWERS n 25 European National Federations – Founding member states, – I, III CLECAT POWERS n 25 European National Federations – Founding member states, – I, III process of enlargement and beyond (BG, RO, TR, UKR) REPRESENTATION for over 19, 000 companies and businesses n Over 1 million workforce are directly represented by Clecat n

FIATA The International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations Fédération Internationale des Associations de Transitaires FIATA The International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations Fédération Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilés Internationale Föderation der Spediteurorganisationen • FIATA was founded in Vienna/Austria on May 31, 1926 by 16 founding Members. • FIATA has consultative status with ECOSOC, UNCTAD, UNCITRAL and UN/ESCAP and cooperates with a number of other international NGO’s • FIATA has – 95 National Association members in 86 different countries – over 4600 Individual Members in 150 different countries. FIATA IS THE UNIVERSAL VOICE OF FREIGHT FORWARDERS , i. e. : ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT WORLDWIDE ORGANISATIONS IN LOGISTICS

FIATA documents 4 FWR (FIATA Warehouse Receipt) 4 FBL (negotiable FIATA Multimodal Transport Bill FIATA documents 4 FWR (FIATA Warehouse Receipt) 4 FBL (negotiable FIATA Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading) 4 FWB (non-negotiable FIATA Multimodal Transport Waybill) 4 FCR (Fiata Forwarders Certificate of Receipt)

EXPECTATIONS AND CHALLENGES as service providers n Last year’s Freight Forwarders’ Day (Brussels Dec EXPECTATIONS AND CHALLENGES as service providers n Last year’s Freight Forwarders’ Day (Brussels Dec 2 nd) initiated a dialogue to draw the new picture of the SC, concluding that – Traders need measurable advantages to balance additional burdens in procedures with measurable benefits in performance – Clecat must claim a focal role for its Members as trade facilitators, enabling enhanced performance for clients and service providers alike

CHALLENGES AND EXPECTATIONS when working as partners n QUESTIONS FF’s INVESTIGATED: – Has demand CHALLENGES AND EXPECTATIONS when working as partners n QUESTIONS FF’s INVESTIGATED: – Has demand grown for road transport-based logistics in quantity or quality? – Have hauliers and road transport logistics providers been able to meet shippers'/customers' changing qualitative & quantitative requirements? – What is more important: the freight rate or quality (rapidity, security, no damage. . . )? – Is there a real demand for value-added complex services?

Has demand grown for road transport-based logistics in quantity or quality? Increase in both Has demand grown for road transport-based logistics in quantity or quality? Increase in both quantity and quality Quantity: impact of EU Enlargement Foreign exchange volumes (+300% figure), CZ For road transport volumes (30% – 40%), D Quality From an administrative perspective, elimination of waiting time at borders Shippers are being more and more demanding, in particular as regards delivery time Quality could be improved if we had: - Better and more adequate infrastructure (congestion problem) other - Better co-operation with shippers on one side and carriers on the

Hauliers’ and road transport logistics providers’ ability to meet customers' changing requirements n n Hauliers’ and road transport logistics providers’ ability to meet customers' changing requirements n n n Requirements generally met for quantities As for quality of services, less successfully, some examples: UK: Extremely hard to find hauliers offering other than same hit and miss-type services. Need specialists for regions and commodity (e. g. pharmaceuticals) to be successful. Belgium: Delivery by 08. 00 am not always necessary. Routine demands not always justified. JIT not always possible, due to the congestion problems in Europe. 1 in 9 EU deliveries goes wrong because of congestion (FIATA) The example of the German logistic market: 150 billion € – 45% is in the hands of service providers – Transport, transhipment and storage counts for 65% of volumes – share of the GNP is 7, 4% among most important D industries

QUALITY (rapidity, security, no damages. . . ) or LOW RATES? Freight forwarders’ service QUALITY (rapidity, security, no damages. . . ) or LOW RATES? Freight forwarders’ service (& challenge) consists in delivering the highest quality at the lowest price. However… Shippers should understand both elements are interlinked – cannot rescind them Freight rates may impact on the overall cost of the final product, but logistic costs are often overestimated. FF & carriers partnership = solution

Is there a real demand for value-added complex services? Still a rather limited percentage, Is there a real demand for value-added complex services? Still a rather limited percentage, there is a real demand, usually coming from big shippers, and growing, therefore: Ø carriers may wish to offer a wider range of services than transport only Ø FF & carriers may work at common projects in partnership Ø New MS’s carriers may wish to brush up their transport service to meet more demanding standards Adopt common best practices, share knowledge and pull barriers down!

CONCLUSIONS n n n Fiata & Clecat represent full range of services, have numbers, CONCLUSIONS n n n Fiata & Clecat represent full range of services, have numbers, influence and solid tradition Fiata & Clecat are in active dialogue with all institutions, EU and worldwide Fiata & Clecat are ideal brokers of information in all Trade Facilitation issues – With technical expertise, professional qualification and adequate investments Fiata & Clecat Members can be ideal “facilitators” and partners for carriers and shippers alike.

Thank you! Thank you!