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Shasta College Transfer Center TAG: YOU’RE IN! Transfer Admission Guarantee A Presentation by the Shasta College Transfer Center w w w. s h a s t a c o l l e g e. e d u/transfer/
Participating Universities Six University of California (UC) campuses offer guaranteed transfer admission to students from all California Community Colleges (CCC). Interested students must meet campus-specific requirements to qualify for a UC TAG. By participating in a TAG program, you can ensure your admission to a specific UC campus, some of which offer an early review of your academic record, early admission notification (no later than November 15, 2015 for a fall 2016 TAG), and specific guidance on major preparation and general education coursework. DAVIS IRVINE MERCED RIVERSIDE SANTA BARBARA SANTA CRUZ BERKELEY, LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO do not accept TAGs. w w w. s h a s t a c o l l e g e. e d u/transfer/
Who can file a TAG • • Transfer students do not have to participate in TAG to be considered for admission. Non-TAG students must also apply for UC admission during the appropriate application filing period (see www. universityofcalifornia. edu/apply). Only students transferring directly from a California Community College are considered for a TAG, including international students (those with a visa). The University of California defines a CCC transfer student as one who has completed over half of their units at a CCC. All UC TAG campuses require students to meet this definition. - Students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree, graduate degree, and/or professional degree cannot participate in TAG. - Students who have previously enrolled at a UC campus during a regular term (not including summer session) cannot submit a TAG application to return to that campus. w w w. s h a s t a c o l l e g e. e d u/transfer/
TAG Application • The TAG application is ON-LINE • Available at: https: //uctap. universityofcalifornia. edu/students/index. cfm • • • Submit September 1 st – 30 th. Students can only submit one TAG Qualifications vary depending on the UC Students self-report academic information You must still submit a UC application between November 1 st – 30 th even if you complete a TAG. • A TAG is not required for admissions. w w w. s h a s t a c o l l e g e. e d u/transfer/
TAG Application Be prepared: The information found on the TAG application includes: • • Term the student is applying for Campus & major Demographics Drop down menus to report schools, courses, units and grades, including AP (Advanced Placement) & IB (International Baccalaureate) • Report all courses and all schools w w w. s h a s t a c o l l e g e. e d u/transfer/
After the Application * Confirmation of completion sent via email (make sure to check your email often including junk folders) * Notifications (approve/deny) will be sent to you via email. A few campuses provide Early Notifications and Pre-Evaluation of coursework. 2016 – UCD, UCM, UCSC. * Early Notifications occur mid-November. All other campuses notify and evaluate in the spring, around April. * Indicate your participation in the TAG program on your UC application by the November 30 th deadline. For campuses that provide Early Notifications select your participation only if you have an approved TAG. w w w. s h a s t a c o l l e g e. e d u/transfer/
Eligibility • All participating UC campuses have a fall quarter TAG only, with the exception of UC Merced which offers a TAG for Spring 2017. • The deadline to complete all other TAG qualifications is by the end of Spring 2016 for Fall 2016 TAGS and by the end of Fall 2016 for UC Merced’s Spring 2017 TAGS. • Minimum UC transferable units required to submit a TAG is 30 semester units. • Minimum UC transferrable units required to fulfill a TAG is 60 semester units. • Some campuses require English Composition and Transfer math to be completed by Summer or Fall 2015. • IGETC completion is not required for TAG eligibility, with the exception of UC Riverside’s School of Business. • There are unit limits if you have college credit from a 4 -year school and also community college credit. w w w. s h a s t a c o l l e g e. e d u/transfer/
TAGS and Majors Fall 2016 TAGs • UC Davis – Major guaranteed, some excluded majors • UC Irvine – Major guaranteed, some excluded majors • UC Merced – Major guaranteed, some excluded majors • UC Riverside – Major guaranteed, one excluded major. • UC Santa Barbara – Some majors guaranteed, some excluded majors • UC Santa Cruz – Some majors guaranteed, no excluded majors w w w. s h a s t a c o l l e g e. e d u/transfer/
GPA Requirements Fall 2016 TAGs • UC Davis 3. 2 – 3. 3 UC Transferrable GPA (dependant upon major) • UC Irvine 3. 4 UC Transferrable GPA • UC Merced 2. 8 – 3. 0 UC Transferrable GPA (dependant upon major) • UC Riverside 3. 0 – 3. 5 UC Transferrable GPA (dependant upon major) • UC Santa Barbara 3. 2 UC Transferrable GPA • UC Santa Cruz 3. 0 UC Transferrable GPA w w w. s h a s t a c o l l e g e. e d u/transfer/
TAGs That Require Review TAGs that need to be reviewed by a CCC Counselor prior to UC review - UC Davis - UC Santa Cruz - UC Irvine (optional) If you are pursuing a TAG with one of these schools be sure to schedule an appointment with a counselor before submitting your TAG w w w. s h a s t a c o l l e g e. e d u/transfer/
What’s Next? 1. Start researching UC schools and majors on www. assist. org 2. Check out the UC TAG website for specific TAG requirements. http: //admission. universityofcalifornia. edu/transfer/guarantee/index. html 3. Schedule an appointment to see a counselor to discuss requirements and to make sure that you are on track for a TAG. The sooner the better but no later than the semester before you register for your last fall semester. 4. Check out the UC TAG website and begin the TAG application. 5. Schedule an appointment with a counselor in September before you submit your TAG to ensure that your application is completed correctly. w w w. s h a s t a c o l l e g e. e d u/transfer/
Questions? To schedule an appointment to see your Shasta College counselor Call 530 -242 -7724 w w w. s h a s t a c o l l e g e. e d u/transfer/