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Shanghai PRC A Historical Perspective of Rotary in China 1919 -2015 杜伟贤 (The Great Shanghai PRC A Historical Perspective of Rotary in China 1919 -2015 杜伟贤 (The Great and Wise One) Roaring early 20’s World War II early 40’s Siesta 50’s to early 90’s Provisional, 21 st century Depression 30’s Recharter late 40’s Revitalization late 90’s Full Status 8 th Feb 2006

The Architect and Builder of Rotary Paul P. Harris 19 th Apr 1868 – The Architect and Builder of Rotary Paul P. Harris 19 th Apr 1868 – 27 th Jan 1947 Chesley R. Perry 12 th Sep 1872 – 21 st Feb 1960 Secretary of RI 1910 - 1942

ON BOARD “EMPRESS OF RUSSIA” SHANGHAI, CHINA TO VANCOUVER, B. C. cablegram Mr. Chesley ON BOARD “EMPRESS OF RUSSIA” SHANGHAI, CHINA TO VANCOUVER, B. C. cablegram Mr. Chesley R. Perry, Secy. , July 20 th, 1919 International Association of Rotary Clubs, 910 South Michigan Ave. , Chicago, Ill. My dear Chesley: Referring to your letter of October 2 nd, 1918, relative to the organization of Rotary clubs in the Orient, you already know the results while at Manila last February and March. Since that time I have been roaming around the Far East, and while at Shanghai in June 1919, I appointed Dr. Julian Petit, a very energetic and popular citizen of Shanghai, Chairman of the Organizing Committee. At our first meeting on July 9 th, at which I presided, we had 5 members including Julian Petit. The next meeting was held on July 11 th and in addition to those already mentioned, a further seven were present.

Mr. Chesley R. Perry. July 20 th, 1919 At this meeting everything was arranged Mr. Chesley R. Perry. July 20 th, 1919 At this meeting everything was arranged to make organization complete at the next meeting to be held on the next Thursday. By the time I left on July 22 nd they had the names of at least 15 more good men to propose, so it looks good for a fine Club and possibly the finest in the Orient. As I will be in Seattle by August 1 st, and I am feeling highly elated to think I could carry out your wishes in helping to organize at least two Clubs in the Orient. I am, Yours Rotarily, RDP: CML Member and Ex-President Seattle Rotary Club.

RC Shanghai • The First Club in China Original Charter - #545 Organization Date: RC Shanghai • The First Club in China Original Charter - #545 Organization Date: July 1919 Admitted: 1 October 1919 Club Sponsor –Roger D. Pineo, Vice President, RC Seattle #4 37 Charter Members Charter President: Dr. Julian Petit, M. D. , “Surgery” Charter Secretary: George L. Treadwell, “Books” Charter Cancelled: 31 December, 1943 Post-War Renewal Organization Date: 29 November 1945 Admitted: 27 March, 1946 Charter Cancelled: 16 October 1951 New Millenium Provisional Club Status: 16 June 2001 #60725 - District 3450 • Full Status 2006

From Historical Binder Rotary Club of Shanghai, China 2 nd September, 1919: First Edition From Historical Binder Rotary Club of Shanghai, China 2 nd September, 1919: First Edition of Weekly Bulletin Pagoda September 1919: Queries over irregularities of Application to RI 1 st October, 1919: Club Admitted to Rotary International 27 th December, 1919: Despite numerous enquiries, copies of Rotarian had not been received - nor has Charter been received. Club Secretary writes to RI suggesting that when a new club is formed letters of greeting should be sent from other clubs to the new club. 15 th March, 1920: first entry regarding SERVICE “The Club is getting behind some big movements”. It has already contributed to the ‘Soup Kitchen’ for starving Russians. ” 12 th November, 1921: “Club has adopted a Scholarship fund which will be presented each year to the student who has served his school best during his four years. ” 28 th November, 1921: RC of Shanghai has begun the induction of native Chinese members into the Club.

Historic Meeting Places and Bulletin RC Shanghai: Pagoda The Astor House, 15 Huangpu Rd. Historic Meeting Places and Bulletin RC Shanghai: Pagoda The Astor House, 15 Huangpu Rd. now Pujiang Hotel, The Metropole Hotel, 180 Jiangxi Rd. 23 June 1921 Astor House Speakers: D. Y. Lin Special Forestry Commissioner John F. Stevens: Russian & Siberian Railways

RC Shanghai 1924 From The Rotarian Magazine Supporting Blind Students – making wicker and RC Shanghai 1924 From The Rotarian Magazine Supporting Blind Students – making wicker and rattan furniture

RC Shanghai – Active Social Life Picnic in Gordon Park RC Shanghai – Active Social Life Picnic in Gordon Park

RC Shanghai – 1924 -- Working with the Blind Boys Spell “R O T RC Shanghai – 1924 -- Working with the Blind Boys Spell “R O T A R Y”, 1924

RC Shanghai – 1929 -- Working with Children International Flag Day, 1929 RC Shanghai – 1929 -- Working with Children International Flag Day, 1929

RC Shanghai – 1934 -35 • Percy Chu elected President • RI Founder Paul RC Shanghai – 1934 -35 • Percy Chu elected President • RI Founder Paul Harris visited Shanghai • Planted a Friendship Tree in Gordon Park, Shanghai

RC Shanghai – 1935 • Christmas Banquet with American Film Association Immediate Past President RC Shanghai – 1935 • Christmas Banquet with American Film Association Immediate Past President Percy seated at the back

from the Rotarian Magazine April 1938 issue 1937: Japan Invades China Shanghai bombed 1 from the Rotarian Magazine April 1938 issue 1937: Japan Invades China Shanghai bombed 1 million refugees swamp into International Concession

RC Shanghai – 1937 The Troubles begin in Shanghai Rotarians do their Part to RC Shanghai – 1937 The Troubles begin in Shanghai Rotarians do their Part to Treat the Wounded

from the Rotarian Magazine April 1938 issue Rotarians continued their meetings at the Metropole from the Rotarian Magazine April 1938 issue Rotarians continued their meetings at the Metropole Hotel - sometimes under extreme conditions Talks were punctuated by • aerial bombardment • shelling • machine gun fire Talks included • World Politics and the Sino-Japanese Crisis • The Practical Policy for the pursuit of Peace • Is the Fourth Object of Rotary Practicable? • Personal Liberty, Security and the State • Functions of the Newspaper Press

Pages taken from Rotarian Magazine April 1938 issue Hastily thrown-up houses of matting shelter Pages taken from Rotarian Magazine April 1938 issue Hastily thrown-up houses of matting shelter thousands in refugee camps such as this one supported by the Shanghai Rotary Club. Nevertheless conditions are very cramped

from the Rotarian Magazine April 1938 issue The outlook for this mother in one from the Rotarian Magazine April 1938 issue The outlook for this mother in one of the Rotary Camps was not entirely bleak and smiles were starting to reemerge on the faces of children Others were not so fortunate

RC Shanghai – 1941 Rotary Sponsored Work Camp, circa 1941 RC Shanghai – 1941 Rotary Sponsored Work Camp, circa 1941

RC Shanghai – 1941 Last full meeting of Shanghai Rotary Club - 11 th RC Shanghai – 1941 Last full meeting of Shanghai Rotary Club - 11 th December 1941 - a fellowship meeting attended by 54 Rotarians of all 27 nationalities including 2 Japanese. At Board Meeting on 13 th December • decision taken to go into recess but maintaining informal contact • meetings continued through much of 1942 - in each others houses • great concern arose on how to distribute Clubs Charity funds to needy - permission from occupying power was needed. • 19 expatriate Rotarians were successfully repatriated during 1942/43 with help from Rotarians - including the Japanese members • 27 expatriate Rotarians were interned in Shanghai camps

RC Shanghai – War Years Condition of Internees deteriorated in 1944 and local Rotarians RC Shanghai – War Years Condition of Internees deteriorated in 1944 and local Rotarians successfully sent Christmas Parcels to interned Rotarians and their families. These were from “Thursday Tiffin Friends” 29 th September 1945: 30 members of Club (including many former internees) and 10 displaced Rotarians from other clubs meet informally for the first time after hostilities. 9 th November 1945: a total of 44 members + 10 displaced Rotarians and 4 visiting Rotarians attended first formal meeting. Shanghai Club was in discussion with RI over unpaid dues!!!! Problems Many members had seen their businesses destroyed and questioned whether they should remain Rotarians. Agreed Unanimously that for a period of six months all members if they wish may remain members of the Club without review of their Classification

RC Shanghai – Post War Years Following Communist take over: • Club de-chartered for RC Shanghai – Post War Years Following Communist take over: • Club de-chartered for second time in its history on 16 th October 1950 • Past President Chu - a widely respected International Banker interned by Communists and from the age of 60 to 81 subjected to “reform through labour”. • In 1957 accused of being “Rightist and Counter. Revolutionary” • spent the time sweeping floors and cleaning toilets

Rotarians meet in Shanghai 1993 PP Percy’s First Rotary Meeting (and Address) in at Rotarians meet in Shanghai 1993 PP Percy’s First Rotary Meeting (and Address) in at least 40 years From Left, PP Jackson Cheng, Percy Chu, Professor Yang, Founder of Wuxi Rotary and PP Richard Zi Rotary Club of Shanghai originally sponsored RC Taipei

RC Shanghai – 1997 Rotarians in Shanghai celebrate PP Percy Chu’s 100 th birthday RC Shanghai – 1997 Rotarians in Shanghai celebrate PP Percy Chu’s 100 th birthday PP Percy gives “ 3 centuries” speech at joint meeting in Beijing My friends often asked me about the paths to longevity. When I was eighty, I used to say “exercise your body and mind frequently, eliminate worries and then you won’t feel old. ” When I reached ninety, I ventured to say further “Don’t get angry, don’t feel sad, be free and happy. ” This is a way to longevity. Don’t you agree? Zhu Bo-Quan(Percy Chu)

Provisional Rotary Club: 1998 - 2006 • November 1998 – begin monthly meetings – Provisional Rotary Club: 1998 - 2006 • November 1998 – begin monthly meetings – PP Percy’s last meeting • • March 1999 – semi-monthly meetings October 2000 – weekly meetings November 2000 – RI Delegation visits China March 19, 2001 -- PP Percy Chu passes away • September 2001 – RC Shanghai granted Provisional Club status • Keith Tovey first visited Club in November 2004 • KTs second visit in July 2006 just after Club gained full status.

The Third Charter The Third Charter

Statistics of Club as of 30 th June 2015 Members 82 Honorary 11 Average Statistics of Club as of 30 th June 2015 Members 82 Honorary 11 Average Age 45 Nationalities 18 Average Attendance 24 Average Number of Visiting Rotarians 8 20% Female Average Number of Guests 5 The Four-Way Test 四大考验 Of the things we think, say or do: 1. Is it the truth? 是真的吗 2. Is it Fair to all Concerned? 是公平的吗? 3. Will it build Goodwill and better Friendships? 是善意的 并促进友谊吗? 4. Will it be Beneficial to all Concerned? 是对大家有利吗?

Weekly Magazine of the Rotary Club of Shanghai Weekly Magazine of the Rotary Club of Shanghai

Examples of Projects of Rotary Club of Shanghai Youth Study Awards – Percy Chu Examples of Projects of Rotary Club of Shanghai Youth Study Awards – Percy Chu Scholarships • Aim to do a least two weeks community service projects in the poorer parts of China in the course of the academic year. • Successful Applicants must attend a Leadership Development programme organised by the Rotary Club • Expected to submit a report to relate their community service experience to the Rotary Club and to the ideals of Past President Percy Disaster Relief The Rotary Club of Shanghai has been the coordinating and logistics centre for Shelter Boxes for three evacuated as Typhoon More than 1 million people recent major disasters in China: 2008 – Sichuan earthquake affecting 5 million people Chan-hom smashes into Anhui which destroyed nearly 1500 eastern China with waves 2009 – following typhoon bigger than six-storey buildings. homes 2010 - Qinghai earthquake - 90% of homes had collapsed. 2015 - ? ? ? Typhoon Chan Hom – July 2015 ? ? ?

Other Recent Projects by the Rotary Club of Shanghai Cataract Surgeries • Provided financial Other Recent Projects by the Rotary Club of Shanghai Cataract Surgeries • Provided financial support for cataract operations in remote regions of China. • In 2010 -11 they supported 658 operations in Guiyan province • Expanded the scheme to Shandong Province in 2011 -12. Ningxia Province Water Project in Yanchi Village • with the Rotary Clubs of Menands and Glenville in New York State, • Tackled severe arsenic poisoning in the drink water. • Water shipped in by tanker, cost 1/3 rd of the income of the villagers. • New pipelines for a reservoir were laid by the villagers with support from members of the three Clubs. • Running water provided • Cost of water less than one-tenth • Now extended to three other villages.

Other Recent Projects by the Rotary Club of Shanghai Rotoract Club Chartered December 2007: Other Recent Projects by the Rotary Club of Shanghai Rotoract Club Chartered December 2007: 20+ members Active series of projects • migrant schoolchildren field-trips, • food collections, • impoverished private school renovations, • Supporting 2150 children in orphanages in North Korea. • Water Projects in China • etc. Fundraising via a masked ball Rotary Club of Shanghai has sponsored seven Interact Clubs

Developments in Rotary in China in 2013 -15 Formation of 5 further Clubs – Developments in Rotary in China in 2013 -15 Formation of 5 further Clubs – all still being open only to expatriate members or residents of Hong Kong or Macau Shanghai Beijing • • • Chengdu Suzhou Shanghai Pudong Lujiazui (Thursday evening) Fresh Start Rotary Club of Shanghai (Friday breakfast) Shanghai West (Wednesday evenings) • There also plans for a further 16 Clubs over next few years • Rotary is returning to China but still not for the local Chinese 杜伟贤 (The Great and Wise One)