- Количество слайдов: 8
SFT Group Meeting December 7 th , 2007 1. 2. 3. 4. SFT Group News Pere Mato Report on the CMS Performance Task Foce Danilo Piparo Highlights on 2007 IEEE NSS Stefan Roiser AOB
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s Staff Movements n Departures q q q n Stefan Gieseke left in October Mikhail Kosov and Alex Howard are leaving end of December Rob Veenhof is leaving end of December Danilo Piparo is leaving end of December Torbjorn Sjostrand is leaving end of February Foreseen Arrivals q q Vladimir Uzhinskiy as Paid Associate to work on Geant 4 Antonio Zugaldia as Fellow to work in ROOT-Math (tbc) Katarzyna Dziedziniewicz as Fellow for the R&D WP 8 Carlos Aguado Sanchez as Fellow for R&D WP 9
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s DCRB results for SFT n The PH Departmental Contract review started end of September q q n Results known from last week q q q n 11 candidates for 4 positions (slots) 4 candidates from SFT ‘Official’ letters will be ready for next week Predrag recommended for Indefinite Contract (IC) in PH Witek has been offered a position in IT Big loss for the group q Some restructuring of the SFT activities will be needed to cope with the manpower reduction
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s Group summary expenses – Quarter 3 -4 (*) Not final yet Next year budget: 415 k. CHF ± carry over
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s PH R&D Projects in SFT n Two R&D projects have been proposed in the analysis, simulation and computing area q q n WP 8 - Parallelization of software frameworks to exploit multi-core processors q q n Initially described in the White Paper under Theme 3 Presentation in PH Faculty meeting 15 th November http: //ph-dep. web. cern. ch/phdep/Info. Communication/Faculty. Meeting. html The proposal is to do this work in a coordinated manner among the LHC experiments minimizing duplications Asked Vincenzo to coordinate this activity WP 9 - Portable analysis environment using virtualization technology q q Challenging R&D activity with huge potential practical benefits to the LHC experiments Asked Predrag to coordinate this activity
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s Audio Conferences n The automated CERN audio conference system q q n No operator required More control possibilities Callback possible Reasonable quality Scheduling conferences q q You need to be authorized (cost involved) Nathalie and Pere are currently authorized
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s Christmas Dinner n SFT Christmas dinner will take place on Thursday 13 th December at 19. 30 in "Le Refuge de Florimont” q q q Kindly organized by Nathalie If you have not yet register do it as soon as possible Transportation can be organized by the needs
SFT S o F T w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t f o r E x p e r i m e n t s A. O. B n VPN service q q Despite of our use cases IT has decided to discontinue the VPN service on Tuesday 29 th January 2008. They provide all sort of workarounds for each use case n n EVO video conference system q 32/1 -A 24 is also equipped for EVO q Encourage to migrate from VRVS to EVO q n Sometimes very inconvenient Training required, user registration, creation of EVO communities The Group has subscribed to Python Magazine q Paper (not yet there) and Online (details can be obtained from Nathalie)