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Sexual Morality STDs Teenage Sexuality Pregnancy Abortion Pornography Rape Prostitution Sexual Tourism Sexual Orientation Marriage
W. H. O. • (Worldwide 1996 -2000) Couples with unmet family planning needs* • Maternal deaths#. 5 Million • Unwanted Pregnancies 75 Million every year • Abortions 50 Million every year • Severe maternal morbidity# 20 million • Prenatal mortality# 7. 6 Million • Unsafe abortion# 20 million • People living with AIDS* 34. 3 million (1996 -2000) • People newly infected with HIV* 5. 4 million (1996 - 2000) • Curable sexually transmitted diseases# 333 million • Female genital mutilation# 100 -140 million
Sexually Transmitted Diseases STDs • Curable • Incurable
Curable • • Chlamydia Gonorrhea Syphilis Trichomoniasis
Chlamydia • Chlamydia is currently one of the most common STD— about 4 million cases of Chlamydia occur in the USA each year. However, about half of all men and three-quarters of all women who have Chlamydia have no symptoms and don't know that they have the disease. It is easily cured if detected in time. It is also, and possibly more importantly, the biggest preventable cause of blindness in the world.
Gonorrhea • Gonorrhea is among the most common curable STDs in the world caused by a bacteria. • Infection with gonorrhea increases the risk of becoming infected with HIV. • This is likely due to weakening of the mucosal surface secondary to the gonorrhea infection. Note, however, that this effect is by no means limited to gonorrhea and there is increased risk of HIV transmission with co-infection of most (STDs).
Syphilis • The route of transmission for syphilis is almost invariably by sexual contact. • The signs and symptoms of syphilis are myriadbefore reliable blood test it was often confused with other diseases. • In the United States, about 36, 000 cases of syphilis are reported each year, and the actual number is presumed to be higher. About threefifths of the reported cases occur in men.
Trichomoniasis • Trichomoniasis, is a common STD that affects 2 to 3 million Americans yearly. It is caused by a single-celled parasite. • Trichomoniasis is primarily an infection found in the urethra in men, and the vagina in women.
Trichomoniasis continued • Trichomoniasis, like many other sexually transmitted diseases, often occurs without any symptoms. Men almost never have symptoms, while 20% of women are asymptomatic.
Incurable • Herpes • Hepatitis B • HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
Herpes • The ways in which herpes infections manifest themselves vary tremendously among individuals. The following are general descriptions of the courses outbreaks may take in the oral and genital regions.
Oral to Genital • Oral herpes can be passed from one partner to another and oral herpes can be spread to genital herpes thru oral sex.
Hepatitis B • Originally known as serum hepatitis, Hepatitis B has only been recognized as such since WWII, and has caused current epidemics in parts of Asia and Africa. • Over one-third of the world's population has been or is actively infected by hepatitis B virus (acronym HBV).
HBV • Hepatitis B is largely transmitted through exposure to bodily fluids containing the virus. This includes unprotected sexual contact, blood transfusions, re-use of contaminated needles and syringes, vertical transmission from mother to child during childbirth, and so on. • Hepatitis B infection may lead to a chronic inflammation of the liver, leading to cirrhosis.
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) • HIV is transmitted through intercourse, oral sex, blood transfusion, the sharing of contaminated needles in health care settings and through drug injection, and between mother and infant during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding according to a leading international health care source UN AIDS
HIV continued • People who become infected with HIV may have no symptoms for up to 10 years, but they can still transmit the infection to others. It should be emphasized that one can not diagnose HIV based on symptoms alone. The only reliable way to know if a person has become infected is by taking an HIV test.
Faces of AIDS
How Many Teens are Having Sex? • One quarter of high school freshman girls and just over half (52%) of senior girls have had sex. • Less than a third (27%) of high school freshman boys and 59% of senior boys have had sex. • Nearly 9 of 10 students enrolled in alternative high schools have had sex. • About 1 in 5 young people do not have intercourse while teenagers.
Sexual Intercourse • 45. 6 percent of high school students (48. 5 percent of males and 42. 9 percent of females) reported having had sexual intercourse • 60. 5 percent of twelfth graders, 51. 9 percent of eleventh graders, 40. 8 percent of tenth graders, and 34. 4 percent of ninth graders reported having had sexual intercourse • 6. 6 percent of students reported initiating sexual intercourse before age 13
Factors of Early Sexual Activity • Going steady with a girlfriend/boyfriend who is at least 3 years older – Males involved in teen childbearing are frequently not teenagers themselves. Adult men fathered over 50% of babies born to girls 15 -17 years old. – California statistics indicate that seven in ten births among teenagers are fathered by men older than age 20
Peer Pressure • Having sexually active peers – Teens who believed that most or all of their friends had ever had sex were much more likely to have sex themselves than teens who thought none or some of their friends had ever had sex
Parent or sister had a child in teens • Having a parent or older sister who gave birth as a teen – Teen girls whose mothers gave birth to their first child in their teens have sex and give birth earlier on average than girls whose mothers were at least 20 years old when they had their first child
Being raised by one Parent – Teens who are raised by both parents from birth have lower probabilities of having sex at each age than teens who grew up in any other family situation.
How Has the Media Affected our Young Peoples’ Decisions? • In 2003, 83% of the episodes of the top twenty shows among teen viewers contained some sexual content, including 20% with sexual intercourse. • 42% of the songs on the top 10 CDs in 1999 contained sexual content; 19% included direct descriptions of sexual intercourse. • On average, music videos contain 93 sexual situations per hour, including eleven "hard core" scenes depicting behaviors such as intercourse and oral sex.
Female Sexual Predators
Kansas : No one under 15 can marry • After a pregnant 14 -year-old from Nebraska drove to Kansas in 2005 to marry her 22 -year-old boyfriend, • (now serving time for having sex with the minor) • Kansas lawmakers decided it was time to set a minimum marriage age.
Nebraska • In the case of the Nebraska girl -- a person must be at least 17 to marry in that state -- the girl's mother gave permission for the couple to get married in Kansas last spring after learning that her daughter was pregnant. The couple's daughter was born a few months later, in August. • The groom, Matthew Koso, was charged with sexual assault and sentenced in February to 18 months to 30 months in prison for impregnating the girl.
NO Marriage under 15 • On May 4, 2006, the Kansas House vote 119 -0 to approve a bill that would prohibit anyone under the age of 15 from marrying in Kansas and would set strict limits for would-be brides or grooms under the age of 18.
15, 16, 17 • Under the legislation, a 15 -year-old could marry only if a district court judge decided it was in that person's best interest. • Those who are 16 or 17 could marry if they met one of three conditions: permission from a parent or legal guardian and judicial consent; permission from both parents and any legal guardian; or permission from judge if the parents are dead and there is no legal guardian.
In Georgia • In April of 2006, Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue set 16 as that state's minimum marriage after a 37 -year-old woman married a 15 -year-old boy, a friend of her teenage son. Lisa Lynnette Clark pleaded guilty in March to statutory rape and was sentenced to nine months in prison.
Teacher Accused Of Oral Sex On Her 9 -Year-Old Student • 10/13/2005 • SYLVESTER, Ga. -- A third-grade teacher accused of performing oral sex on a 9 -year -old boy, allowing students to peek down her blouse and slashing her wrists with glass in front of her students pleaded not guilty to the 24 criminal charges she faces.
Life + 100 • Georgianne Harrell, 24, was indicted last month on 24 charges of child molestation and reckless conduct. • Between August 2004 and May, authorities claim she abused a total of 7 students. She has resigned from the school. • If convicted on all charges, she could receive maximum sentences ranging up to several hundred years, prosecutors said.
Delaware teacher raped student 28 times! • An elementary school teacher accused of having sex with a 13 -year-old student has been arrested and charged with multiple counts of rape, authorities said.
Biology lessons? • The teacher allegedly had sex with the boy 28 times during the last week of March, and on at least one occasion allowed the boy's 12 -year-old friend to watch, authorities said. She also gave the students alcohol, according to New Castle County Police. • Rachel Holt, 34, a science teacher at Claymont Elementary School, was arrested early Tuesday and charged with rape, providing alcohol to a minor and unlawfully dealing with a child, authorities said.
Teacher's Arrest Raises Questions About Law • Former Miss Texas Contestant Allegedly Had Sex With 18 -Year-Old Student • DALLAS (June 11 2006) - The arrest of a high school teacher for allegedly having sex with an 18 -year-old student has raised questions about the age constraints of the state's three-year-old law criminalizing studentteacher sexual relationships. • Amy Mc. Elhenney, 25, was arrested May 25 and charged with having an improper relationship with a student. The Spanish teacher and former Miss Texas contestant faces up to 20 years in prison.
Consenting adults? • But some lawmakers say the Hebron High School student's status as a legal adult should exempt Mc. Elhenney from the felony charge. • State Rep. Helen Giddings, D-Dallas, wrote the Texas law in 2003 that criminalizes sex between educators and students. But she said she wanted the law to apply only to students 17 and younger - uncomfortable with making sex between two legal, consenting adults a felony. • "I feel differently about 17 -year-olds than I do about 18 year-olds, " Giddings said. "I don't necessarily believe the penalty for the two should necessarily be the same. "
No teacher student sex in Texas • But other legislators added amendments to Giddings' bill when it reached the floor of the House, making it illegal for educators to have sexual relationships with students of any age. Rep. Warren Chisum, R-Pampa, proposed dropping the age limit, arguing that teachers wield a power over students that diminishes the pupils' ability to consent. • "If they're a student, I just think they're off bounds regardless of their age, " Chisum said. "I felt like if we didn't do that, we just virtually made it open season on students that are 18 years old. "
3 trimesters, 40 weeks • 1 st Trimester 1 -12 weeks • 2 nd Trimester 13 -28 weeks • 3 rd Trimester 29 -40 weeks
1 st Trimester 1 -12 weeks • Heart Beat 6 -8 weeks • Brain wave Activity by 10 weeks • Implantation by 12 weeks
Implantation • This is when the amniotic sack connect to the uterus by means of the umbilical cord.
2 nd Trimester • Fetal Movement • Viability
Fetal Movement
Viability • Point at which a baby can survive out side of mother’s womb. About 24 weeks. • This Baby was born at 25 weeks in 1994.
5 years later… he started Kindergarten
3 rd Trimester 29 - 40+ weeks
Abortion Law 20 th Century By 1900 all states had laws regarding abortion after four months of pregnancy. By 1965 ALL states ban abortion.
Roe vs. Wade • All abortions are legal in 1 st trimester. • Abortions could only be prohibited in 2 nd trimester to save woman’s life. • Abortions could be limited in 3 rd trimester.
Since 1973 • Since 1973 there have averaged just under 1 Million abortions per year. • 50% of all abortions are performed on women that previously had an abortion. • About 60% of all abortions are performed by 20 weeks.
According to the WHO • • 75 million unwanted pregnancies annually. Approximately 50 million abortions 20 million unsafe abortions. http: //www. who. int/reproductivehealth/publ ications/RHR_00_13_RH_conflict_and_dis placement/RH_conflict_chapter 2. en. html
Planned Parenthood vs. Casey • In 1992 the Supreme Court revisited abortion law in a case from Pennsylvania. • A stringent law there required: • Informed Consent (24 hour waiting period) • Spousal Consent • Minor Consent • Limited Government funding of Abortion
“Undue Burden” • The court ruled that informed consent was Constitutional as well limitation on public funding. • The court claimed that spousal consent put an “undue burden” upon a woman.
“UNDUE BURDEN” • Murky, legal notion. • What is an undue burden? • Is it too much of a burden for a married woman to tell her husband? • Why is it okay to stress out a kid and have them tell their parents? • Is limiting 3 rd trimester abortions an undue burden? • Partial birth abortion laws have been struck down as unconstitutional because they violate this idea.
Partial Birth Abortion Law • September 8, 2004 • U. S. District Court Judge Richard Kopf in Carhart v. Ashcroft announced that the socalled 'Partial Birth Abortion Ban, ' passed by Congress and signed into law by George W. Bush in 2003, is unconstitutional and cannot be enforced.
Federal Appeal Ruling • In his 476 -page ruling, Judge Kopf wrote that the Act "does not allow, and instead prohibits, the use of the procedure when necessary to preserve the health of a woman. "
Partial Birth Abortion • Procedure used to end late term pregnancies.
Medical Emergency? • If a woman’s life is at risk an Emergency Caesarian birth can be performed in 15 minutes. • A partial birth abortion can take hours! • As the name implies, the woman gives birth, before the baby is killed.
Graphic Photo Next…
Partial Birth Abortion • 1/10 of 1% of all abortions take place after viabilityabout 10, 000 per year.
Medically Necessary • These abortions are justified on the basis that they are medically necessary. 95% of the time the medical diagnosis is depression.
Morally Relevant Differences • Miami Case • Orlando Case
Miami Case • In May 2003 judge ordered an abortion for a mentally handicapped woman in Miami. Doctors testified that she was taking medicine necessary for seizures that would affect the fetus- causing severe birth defects of death. If the woman stopped taking the medication she would die.
Orlando Case • The case was the same as the Miami case, expect the woman did not have a guardian, and the Governor of Florida tried to appoint a guardian for both her and her fetus!
Florida’s Abortion Law and Minors • The law, signed earlier this year by Gov. Jeb Bush, will require doctors to phone or meet with parents of most girls 17 or under 48 hours before performing an abortion on them. • If that's not possible, they can use certified mail 72 hours in advance. It wouldn't apply to girls who are married or have already had a child. The measure also lets judges grant a waiver based on a patient's best interests, her level of maturity or if she has been a victim of abuse by her parents.
3 ways around Notification • Medical emergency. • Minor already has a child. • Emancipated Adult status granted by Judge.
What is Pornography? • In its original meaning, pornography was literally "writing about prostitutes", from the classical Greek terminology for men who chronicled the well-known "pornai", or skilled prostitutes of ancient Greece.
Pornography • In more modern times, the term was adopted by social scientists to describe the work of men, who in the 18 th and 19 th centuries published treatises studying prostitution and proposing to regulate it. The term retained this meaning in the Oxford English Dictionary until 1905.
• The term then came to mean writing about anything sexual, especially in a base manner, when the creation, presentation, or consumption of the material was for sexual stimulation. The term now refers to sexually related material of all kinds, both written and graphical.
In the eye of the beholder • The definition of pornography is highly subjective, with generally accepted works of art such as Michelangelo's David being considered pornographic by some people.
History of Pornography • (The first Playboy cover featuring Marilyn Monroe in 1953)
History • Pornography has an extensive history. Sexually suggestive and explicit artwork is as ancient as artwork of any other content; explicit photographs date to very shortly after the invention of photography; and among the earliest films are works depicting nudity and explicit sex.
History • Nude human beings and sexual activities are depicted in some paleolithic art (e. g. Venus Figurines); • There are numerous pornographic paintings on the walls of ruined Roman buildings in Pompeii. One notable example is a brothel in which the various sexual services are advertised in murals above each door.
Late 20 th Century • In the second half of the 20 th century, pornography in the United States evolved from the so-called "men's magazines" such as Playboy and Modern Man of the 1950 s. These magazines featured nude or semi-nude women. • By the late 1960 s, however, these magazines, which by then included Penthouse, began to evolve into more explicit displays, eventually, by the 1990 s, featuring graphic depcition of sex.
• The first explicitly pornographic film with a plot that received a general theatrical release in the U. S. is generally considered to be Mona, a 59 -minute 1970 feature.
Legal Status of Pornogrpahy • The legal status of pornography varies widely. Most countries allow at least some form of pornography. • In some countries, softcore pornography is considered tame enough to be sold in general stores or to be shown on TV. Hardcore pornography, on the other hand, is usually regulated.
• Most countries attempt to restrict minors' access to hardcore materials, limiting availability to adult bookstores, mail-order, via television channels that parents can restrict, among other means. • Generally, disseminating pornography to a minor is often illegal. Many of these efforts have been rendered moot by the wide availability of Internet pornography.
Legal Status of Pornography by Country • Greece: Softcore magazines, calendars, and decks of cards are sold openly at roadside kiosks and tourist shops. Extreme or graphic pornography is generally restricted to adults or X-rated
Illegal in Singapore • Singapore: Illegal, including softcore publications such as Playboy. • United States: Hardcore material is legal at the Federal level unless it meets the Miller test of obscenity, which is rare. Prosecution for and tolerance of pornography varies widely from state to state and city to city.
Miller v. California • Miller, after conducting a mass mailing campaign to advertise the sale of "adult" material, was convicted of violating a California statute prohibiting the distribution of obscene material. Some unwilling recipients of Miller's brochures complained to the police, initiating the legal proceedings.
Facts and Conclusion • Question Presented: Is the sale and distribution of obscene materials by mail protected under the First Amendment's freedom of speech guarantee? • Conclusion: In a 5 -to-4 decision, the Court held that obscene materials did not enjoy First Amendment protection.
The Miller Test of Obscenity • It has three parts: Part 1: Whether the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest,
Miller part 2 Part 2: Whether the work depicts/describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by applicable state law,
Miller part 3 Part 3: Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. • The work is considered obscene only if all three conditions are satisfied.
I know it when I see it Justice Potter Stewart "I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that. "
Opposition to Pornography • Opposition to pornography usually comes from two sources: religion and feminism. • Religious conservatives decry pornography as immoral. They believe that God has reserved sexual intercourse for a man and a woman within the confines of marriage, and that both the production and use of pornography contribute to immoral behavior in society.
Feminist • Feminist critics generally consider pornography demeaning to women. They believe that depictions of sexuality for erotic purposes are degrading to their subjects, and contribute to the malecentered objectification of women. • It can also lead to the objectification of men!
Dolores’ View • ". . . you get these women who are struggling to have the female sex taken seriously for what they are as people, and then you've got these other women who are spreading their legs to make money. So you've got one person who's like, 'Listen to me, I'm a person, and I'm trying to get a life and do something, ' and another woman who's like, 'Hello, anyone like a piece of ass? ' " Dolores O'Riordan of the Cranberries
Rape • State laws generally define rape as vaginal, anal, or oral penetration involving force or threat of force.
Introduction: • Of all crimes, rape is one of the most under-reported, making it difficult to count. The National Women’s Study found that 84% of women did not report their rapes to police • The National Violence Against Women Survey estimated that 302, 091 women and 92, 748 men were raped in the 12 months prior to the survey administration
According to the National Violence Against Women Survey • 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men in the United States has experienced an attempted or completed rape at some time in their lives. • In 8 out of 10 rape cases, the victim knew the perpetrator.
College students & Rape • The National College Women Sexual Victimization Study estimated that between 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 college women experienced completed or attempted rape during their college years.
High School Students • According a national survey of high school students, approximately 9% of students reported having been forced to have sexual intercourse against their will in their lifetime. Female students (11. 9%) were more likely than male students (6. 1%) to report having been sexually assaulted.
Child Abuse in the USA • Based on a review of state records pertaining to child abuse and neglect, 86, 830 children in the United States experienced sexual abuse in 2001.
What are the consequences of rape? • Physical consequences of rape • -chronic pelvic pain, premenstrual syndrome, gastrointestinal disorders, and a variety of chronic pain disorders, including headache, back pain, and facial pain. • Rape victims can contract sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. • Over 32, 000 pregnancies result each year from rape in victims age 12 to 45 years.
Psychological consequences of rape • Psychological symptoms that are similar to those of victims of other types of trauma, such as war and natural disaster. Can suffer from shock, disbelief, denial, fear, confusion, anxiety, and withdrawal
Further Negative Consequences • Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are usually present immediately after a rape • Rape victims often experience anxiety, guilt, nervousness, phobias, substance abuse, sleep disturbances, depression, alienation, and sexual dysfunction.
Further Consequences • Women with a history of sexual assault are more likely to attempt or commit suicide than other women. • Rape can strain relationships because of its negative effect on the victim’s family, friends, and intimate partners.
What is prostitution? Prostitution is the sale of sexual services, such as oral sex or sexual intercourse. A person selling sexual services is a prostitute, a type of sex worker. In a more general sense of the word, anyone selling his/her services for a cause thought to be unworthy can be described as prostituting him/herself.
Stats regarding prostitution • 55% had been violently assaulted • 55% had a drugs problem • 54% suffered from mental health problems • 75% of women in escort prostitution have attempted suicide • Comprised 15% of all suicides reported by hospitals • 72% were currently or formerly homeless. • 92% stated that they wanted to escape prostitution immediately.
Decriminalization Doesn’t Decrease Trafficking • The legalization of prostitution does not equal a decrease prostitution trafficking. • Actually bringing the prostitution industry in line with all forms of labor has made prostitutes subject to labor laws which ban the employment of aliens without the correct visas/immigrations status.
Pros Of Making Prostitution Legal • (1) allowing law enforcement agencies to respond to more important crimes. • (2) freeing justice systems from nuisance cases. • (3) helping women who are trapped by prostitution. • (4) preventing teens from being ensnared into prostitution.
Proof • When data from countries that ban prostitution is compared with data from countries that do not, many startling discoveries can be observed. • Countries without anti-prostitution laws have less murders, less rapes, and prosecute/imprison less people. • HIV/AIDS is less of a problem; suicide rates are lower as are divorce rates, too.
Conclusion • The practice of prostitution, morally and ethically wrong to many people, remains a choice made by two consenting adults. Keeping prostitution illegal results in few benefits and prostitution continues to thrive with all the negative aspects. Making prostitution legal increases the probability of “safe” prostitution. Why continue to fight a losing battle that costs people in many ways.
Sexual Tourism
What is it? • Traveling to a place where one can pay for sexual activities, specifically prostitution and other forms of sexual exploitation of women in developing countries • Sex tourism is tourism, partially or fully for the purpose of having sex, often with prostitutes. Sex tourism is legal in any country in the world where prostitution is also legal. http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Sex_tourism
Going Global • On the web – for sex tourists to discuss and attain information – www. worldsexarchives. com as an example • Agencies – Big Apple Oriental Tours – G&F Tours – Many more
Destination • • Cambodia Thailand Costa Rica Mexico Brazil Taiwan Gambia …The List Goes On
“Workers” • Marginalized, Impoverished Women • 2 million children as young as five years old in child sex tourism http: //domino-201. worldvision. org/get_involved. nsf/child/globalissues_stp
U. S. Department of Justice Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section • "On this trip, I've had sex with a 14 year-old girl in Mexico and a 15 year-old in Colombia. I'm helping them financially. If they don't have sex with me, they may not have enough food. If someone has a problem with me doing this, let UNICEF feed them. " -Retired U. S. Schoolteacher • "Maria is. . . prostituted by her aunt. Maria is obliged to sell her body exclusively to foreign tourists in Costa Rica, she only works mornings as she has to attend school in the afternoon. Maria is in fifth grade. "
Clientele • Asian Men – Growing economic status • Primarily Western, White, Heterosexual Males – Business – Pornography – Military
RISKS • Physical Health – STDs • HIV/AIDS – – – Unwanted pregnancy Vaginal tearing Violence Rape Physical Abuse Confinement http: //www. arches. uga. edu/~haneydaw/twwh/traf. html
Risks: Mental Health • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder • Depression • Insomnia • Anxiety • Psychological Manifestations • Social rejection • Cultural Shock
Sexual Orientation • • Heterosexuality Homosexuality Bisexuality Across cultures there are different biological, historical and psycho-social components to sex and gender, no single label or description will fit all individuals in all cultures.
Heterosexuality • Heterosexuality refers to a set of genetic, chemical and behavioral conditions which lead to an overall attraction to members of the opposite sex in an erotic manner. Feelings of heterosexuality are influenced primarily by genes and the subsequent endocrine functions. One school of thought also holds that heterosexuality is influenced by environmental factors, and that one may be "made" heterosexual or homosexual by upbringing or therapy.
Literally the word means: • The word homosexual translates literally as "of the same sex, " being a cross between the Greek prefix homo- meaning "same" and the Latin root sex- meaning "sex. "
Ancient Greece • The Ancient Greeks believed: • A person could only find true love with an equal • Men were superior to women. • Therefore, a man could only find true love with….
Another Man • Socrates seduces Plato • Plato seduced Aristotle • Aristotle seduced Alexander the Great? !?
Homosexuality Continued • Since its coining, the term homosexuality has acquired multiple meanings. In the original sense, it refers to an innate sexual orientation characterized by aesthetic attraction, romantic love, and sexual desire exclusively or primarily for members of the same sex or gender identity. • It can also refer to the manifestation of that orientation in the sexual identity of an individual, an identity which may or may not be at odds with that person's sexual behavior. • Finally, it can refer to sexual relations with another of the same sex or gender regardless of one's sexual orientation or self-identification.
In other words Can you be homosexual, without engaging in homosexual acts? Does engaging in homosexual acts, Define you as homosexual? Think about prison?
Bisexuality • Bisexuality is a sexual orientation characterized by aesthetic attraction, romantic love and sexual desire for both males and females. It is usually contrasted with homosexuality and heterosexuality.
Marriage • Traditional Marriage • Same Sex marriage • Polygamy
Traditional Marriage • Traditionally, marriage has been a sacred bond between a man and a woman. • Historically, older men would marry women in there early teens. • Dowaries or payments from the brides family to the groom were also involved in the ritual. Dowaries are still paid in many countries today.
Same-Sex Marriages in the United States • Marriage between two people of the same sex • Often referred to as Gay Marriages • The push to obtain the legal protections of civil marriages such as health insurance, hospital visitation and social security survivor benefits for same-sex families has been taking shape since the early 1970 s
Legal in certain states • As of September 2005, the state of Massachusetts recognizes same-sex marriage, while California, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maine, New Jersey and Vermont grant people in same-sex unions a similar legal status to those in a civil marriage by domestic partnership or civil union • In 2003, Goodridge v. Dept. of Public Health ruled that Massachusetts ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional
Cons for Legalizing Same-Sex Marriages -George W. Bush • Most religions consider homosexuality to be a sin – Virtually every religion in the world, including all the major ones in this country, consider homosexuality unacceptable
G. W. • It weakens the definition and respect for the institution of marriage – Law allowing gay marriage would increase the number of joke or non-serious marriages, such as a couple of friends who want to save on taxes – It makes biological sense since only a man and woman can pro-create
G. W. conclusion • It weakens the traditional family values essential to our society – The building blocks of our society and the thing that makes it strong is the traditional family of man, woman, and children
Pros for Legalizing Same-Sex Marriages • Denying the right to marriage is a violation of religious freedom (civil and religious marriages are two separate institutions). – First Amendment clearly states that a person's religious views or lack of must be protected • Denying these marriages is a form of minority discrimination – Rights of minorities must be protected
Pros for Legalizing Same-Sex Marriages (cont…) Homosexuality is an accepted lifestyle; Research has been done that shows that homosexuality has a biological cause
Benefits • Marriage benefits (such as joint ownership, medical decision-making capacity) should be available to all couples – For example, if one member of a gay couple that has been together for 20 years gets critically ill, visitation rights may be denied since the other is not considered a "spouse or immediate family member" • It does not hurt society or anyone in particular – Society should not dictate what two people can or can't do when no one is being hurt in the process
Gay Marriage • Voters in California approved Proposition 22, in March 2000 which said: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. " • San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom directed officials there to issue marriage licenses for same-sex couples. The move drew thousands of couples to the city for highly publicized weddings before the state Supreme Court ruled that Newsom had exceeded his authority.
Governor Schwarzenegger
Schwarzenegger on Gay Marriage • "The governor believes the matter should be determined not by legislative action — which would be unconstitutional — but by court decision or another vote of the people of our state, " the statement said. "We cannot have a system where the people vote and the Legislature derails that vote. "
Schwarzenegger continued • The statement also said Schwarzenegger "believes that gay couples are entitled to full protection under the law and should not be discriminated against. " It did not offer his opinion on same-sex marriage, but when asked about it last year, the governor said, "I don't care one way or the other. " The California Supreme Court is likely to decide next year whether Proposition 22 and other state laws that define marriage are constitutional.
Polygamy • Several religious groups including Islamic and Christian groups allow men to marry several women.
American Polygamist • Warren Jeffs, a Mormon, was placed on the FBI’s 10 most wanted list for polygamist activities. • He is wanted in Arizona on criminal charges of sexual conduct with a minor. He also was charged in Utah with statutory rape as an accomplice.
Polygamy in America • Colorado Springs, Arizona has a large population of ploygamist families. Many of them are mormon. They maintain that the Mormon church made a mistake when it renounced polygamy a centruy ago.
Sexual Morality and Contact • From plain sex to marriage, there a myriad of issues involved in this complex topic.
At least 2 sides to the issue • A conservative view suggest that whether or not sex is natural, minors are not ready for the consequences of sexual activity and should abstain until they are older. • A progressive view is that sex is natural and that one should employ caution and responsibility in your actions. • Some view anything other than heterosexuality to be unnatural!
Moral Questions • Being responsible with yourself and others means understanding the risk and consequences of your actions. • Diseases can be transmitted by means of sexual contact, yet responsible behavior, such as using a condom can reduce the risk. • Before considering to engage in sexual activity you should ask yourself if you truly understand the possible consequences of your actions.
Moral Questions Continued • Is it immoral to engage in homosexual activities? • Is it immoral to engage in bisexual activities? • Is it immoral to engage in heterosexual activities?