Sexual morality (1)Sexual morality Do we really need

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>Sexual morality (1) Sexual morality (1)

>Sexual morality Do we really need to put sexual relations and issues into moral Sexual morality Do we really need to put sexual relations and issues into moral or immoral? Why is it more than privacy? Why is it sometimes a subject of law? What is sexual education? Can we say of it as “normal” or “abnormal” or “unacceptable”? Why do different sexual standards apply for men and women?

>Sexual morality Main Issues: Pre-marriage sex Extra-marriage affaires Sexism (women and homosexuals discrimination in Sexual morality Main Issues: Pre-marriage sex Extra-marriage affaires Sexism (women and homosexuals discrimination in jobs and society plus practices) Health related questions (HIV and AIDS) Rape and Sex trafficking Pornography Sexual Harassment

>Sexual morality There was different attitude of society towards sex and sexual behavior throughout Sexual morality There was different attitude of society towards sex and sexual behavior throughout history; Religion often changes/forms our attitude to it; There are different cultural standards of sexual “norms” and behavior.

>Sexual morality In the field of Sexuality and Ethics (as well as in other Sexual morality In the field of Sexuality and Ethics (as well as in other fields of applied ethics) there are three different ways for not ruling out some actions as immoral. The following examples (from Hinman) use the issue of homosexuality: Tolerance: e.g., “Don’t ask, don’t tell” Acceptance: Gays and lesbians should not be discouraged from expressing their sexual orientation Endorsement: gay and lesbian “lifestyles” should be presented as a valid and valuable option --e.g., in school curricula.

>Sexual morality and ethical theories: Utilitarian view: By case consider the alternatives and consequences; Sexual morality and ethical theories: Utilitarian view: By case consider the alternatives and consequences; who is going to be affected and whether he/she/they are going to get benefit or harm from the action; Ask of physical, psychological and social consequences; does short term pleasure outweighs the long term harm ?

>Sexuality and Ethics: Utilitarianism A list of Possible Negative Consequences: Physical harms (for example, Sexuality and Ethics: Utilitarianism A list of Possible Negative Consequences: Physical harms (for example, sexually transmitted diseases) Psychological harms (for example, being deceived; trauma) Social harms (for example, underestimating women’s contribution)

>Sexual morality and ethical theories Kantian views: Relations would have to be freely entered; Sexual morality and ethical theories Kantian views: Relations would have to be freely entered; Any form of coercion prohibited; Any from o threatening forbidden; Persuasion often can be also coercive; Various lying is also coercive.

>Sexual morality and ethical theories Naturalness views: heterosexuality; Aim: reproduction; Often the issue is Sexual morality and ethical theories Naturalness views: heterosexuality; Aim: reproduction; Often the issue is discussed within marriage frames. * Arguments/questions: Isn’t the union of two people at different levels natural? What about contraception?

>Sexuality and Ethics: Premarital Sex Arguments against: Undermining of traditional morality and family values Sexuality and Ethics: Premarital Sex Arguments against: Undermining of traditional morality and family values (family as the pillar of society) Encouragement of promiscuity against stability Social disease and AIDS The fostering of guilt Having children

>Sexuality and Ethics: Pornography The difficulty of defining pornography as displaying obscenity (US legislation), Sexuality and Ethics: Pornography The difficulty of defining pornography as displaying obscenity (US legislation), where the word obscenity refers to something morally offensive – according to the general and prevailing standards of morality in a particular culture, society or group – and lacking any ‘serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value’ (LAPS test). * Is it really clear what is obscene?

>Sexuality and Ethics: Pornography Arguments Against: It is degrading to humans It has and Sexuality and Ethics: Pornography Arguments Against: It is degrading to humans It has and can further escalate to a greater level of criminality (involving children, for example) It is degrading family values It is degrading women

>Sexuality and Ethics: Pornography and Feminism Feminists critique of pornography: Most of pornography involves Sexuality and Ethics: Pornography and Feminism Feminists critique of pornography: Most of pornography involves a degrading portrayal of women It can create a climate of support for attitudes that harm women Sex discrimination