Скачать презентацию Sexual incentives Even Freud stated that all of Скачать презентацию Sexual incentives Even Freud stated that all of

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Sexual incentives Even Freud stated that all of us are in the captivity of Sexual incentives Even Freud stated that all of us are in the captivity of sexual instincts, which is the main engine of our actions. Nowadays culture and morality have surrounded the sexuality of a person with such a high wall of bans that our unrealized desires have moved to the field of unconscious which influences human behavior. An advert, offering one or another good, try to free sexual desires from unconscious. For example, psychoanalysts claim that every woman has an unconscious desire to appear nude in a public place. And now imagine a billboard: a naked woman is sitting in a crowded drawingroom. The caption illustrates: “This is such a bra you don’t feel. So, a customer chooses not from practical or esthetic consideration in fact, but he (she) realizes in his (her) mind his (her) secret desire, identifying himself (herself) with the woman on the billboard.

The target impact here is mentioned-above unconscious desire and the bait is the appropriate The target impact here is mentioned-above unconscious desire and the bait is the appropriate caption. One may not feel a cloth because of its comfort, high quality, shape and size suiting. This means that the bait allows us not to take out on the level of consciousness desires, which a woman fears to confess even to herself. The things from feminine toilet, underwear, of course, are advertized in such a way that they cause sexual associations. For example, “In this bra I stopped the traffic”. Men connect their autos with the image of mistress, so it is not accidently that most women are jealous of cars (one may call this intuition). That’s why there is always a cutie near the car on a billboard. American psychoanalyst Dichter, who explores the reasons for consumer demand, is sure that all goods have sexual incentives. A pen symbolizes man’s body, cotton tissues are womanlike, steak is “sexier than a fried chicken”, and silk is the sexiest good.