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SEXTON FAMILY: House of Secrets SEXTON FAMILY: House of Secrets

The Story The Story

Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office

THE FAMILY Eddie Lee Sexton, Sr. , 51 THE FAMILY Eddie Lee Sexton, Sr. , 51

THE FAMILY Did prison time -- armed robbery in W. V. Beat gas attendant THE FAMILY Did prison time -- armed robbery in W. V. Beat gas attendant with a pipe



 Eddie Sr. bought many cars at a Used Car Lot. Stella always remained Eddie Sr. bought many cars at a Used Car Lot. Stella always remained in car Feet never hit the pavement.

A Dozen Kids at home. Seven boys and five girls. The Boys Willie Sexton A Dozen Kids at home. Seven boys and five girls. The Boys Willie Sexton Patrick Eddie Jr. Christopher Matthew James Charles

 The Girls Estella “Stella” “Pixie” Sherri Machelle Lana Kimberly The Girls Estella “Stella” “Pixie” Sherri Machelle Lana Kimberly

THE FAMILY “ Pixie” Sexton Good – age 24 daughter Joel Good, 24, Pixie’s THE FAMILY “ Pixie” Sexton Good – age 24 daughter Joel Good, 24, Pixie’s husband Skipper Good, infant son of Pixie

THE FAMILY Pixie -----2 daughters Sherri, 19 ---- 8 month old son Seven more THE FAMILY Pixie -----2 daughters Sherri, 19 ---- 8 month old son Seven more kids---15 people in the house

The house on Caroline Street 8149 CAROLINE STREET NORTHWEST CANTON, OHIO Built in the The house on Caroline Street 8149 CAROLINE STREET NORTHWEST CANTON, OHIO Built in the 1950’s. Featured in Better Homes and Gardens. 9 room Cape Cod style, fenced 3 sides Every bedroom door lock-plate had been kicked in Small trapdoors to the attic rafters: blankets / nests

THE HOUSE Basement: Two chains with metal rings hung from support beam. Neighbor says THE HOUSE Basement: Two chains with metal rings hung from support beam. Neighbor says “during lightning storms, children would run outside and ask Jesus to take them”

THE HOUSE Statue of Jesus in front yard Arms out stretched Both hands cut THE HOUSE Statue of Jesus in front yard Arms out stretched Both hands cut off Sexton, thought he was God

THE HOUSE Small metal cross at front door: “Peace to All Who Enter Here” THE HOUSE Small metal cross at front door: “Peace to All Who Enter Here”

THE HOUSE Sexton reports burglary to house: $20, 000 in items taken THE HOUSE Sexton reports burglary to house: $20, 000 in items taken

THE HOUSE Sexton reports nephew staying with him kidnapped by nephew’s brothers with guns…. THE HOUSE Sexton reports nephew staying with him kidnapped by nephew’s brothers with guns…. Had applied to become the guardian and receive nephew’s social security benefits.


THE FAMILY Stark County, OH Child Protection worker; “ It’s the stench of neglect”. THE FAMILY Stark County, OH Child Protection worker; “ It’s the stench of neglect”. 11 years & 1 dozen referrals, reports & investigations

THE FAMILY Not a single Sexton child disclosed anything Investigators called it, “ The THE FAMILY Not a single Sexton child disclosed anything Investigators called it, “ The Sexton Stare”

THE FAMILY Willie twice set the family home on fire. Children were given a THE FAMILY Willie twice set the family home on fire. Children were given a quarter each on school days To call home if any sibling spoke to anyone Sherri was pregnant, brother James kicked her in stomach She miscarried the next day



THE FAMILY Three boys ran away on separate occasions Dixie becomes pregnant. Ed Sexton THE FAMILY Three boys ran away on separate occasions Dixie becomes pregnant. Ed Sexton Sr. is the father She marries Joel Good. Machelle leaves home & starts to open up. “Dad beats the kids and mom. ” Ed Sexton, “ a good snitch is a dead snitch”

Future-Trons Eddie Sr. is trying to create a new race of humans he calls Future-Trons Eddie Sr. is trying to create a new race of humans he calls Future-Trons. He believes that he is descended from the giants spoken of in the Bible. So he marries and impregnates his daughters to create this new breed.

THE FAMILY They were kept home from school Otis Sexton, Eddie’s brother alerts authorities THE FAMILY They were kept home from school Otis Sexton, Eddie’s brother alerts authorities Possible incest in the family: Machelle at 12 yoa

THE FAMILY Every day a child was beaten. “You got the belt until you THE FAMILY Every day a child was beaten. “You got the belt until you were 16, then you graduated to the fist” , Machelle Lana, ”I had a twin sister, dad killed her”

THE FAMILY DHS Stark county takes 5 children into custody. For 1 st time THE FAMILY DHS Stark county takes 5 children into custody. For 1 st time the children speak of unspeakable things. Reports of sex with all the daughters Eddie was fixated on the boy’s butts. Children tied to their beds

THE FAMILY Eddie Sexton mastered the government system: Two oldest sons were on disabled THE FAMILY Eddie Sexton mastered the government system: Two oldest sons were on disabled social security. Eddie on disability. Food stamps ( EBT) Annual tax free household income $50, 000. 00

THE FAMILY Eddie barricades self and family and calls media. 3 hour standoff with THE FAMILY Eddie barricades self and family and calls media. 3 hour standoff with police. He was jailed without incident. Suspended 180 day sentence

THE FAMILY Joel Good and Pixie are married as she is pregnant. Joel is THE FAMILY Joel Good and Pixie are married as she is pregnant. Joel is often beaten for fun by the brothers…

THE FAMILY In Florida: Joel went to neighbor’s house Lash marks & burn marks THE FAMILY In Florida: Joel went to neighbor’s house Lash marks & burn marks on his back Joel; ” Pixie and the rest of them did it”

THE FAMILY Sexton gathered most of the younger kids and fled to Florida Stayed THE FAMILY Sexton gathered most of the younger kids and fled to Florida Stayed with a cousin in New Port Richey, rented a house and then; Onto Hillsborough River State Park, north of Tampa


THE FAMILY The F. B. I. issue warrants for Eddie & Estella Unlawful flight THE FAMILY The F. B. I. issue warrants for Eddie & Estella Unlawful flight to Avoid Prosecution

Skipper Good Skipper Good


THE MURDERS Park rules 8 people per site 14 people in a 24’ motorhome THE MURDERS Park rules 8 people per site 14 people in a 24’ motorhome Take shifts on being outside Could not exit home without permission



THE MURDERS Skipper was sick for 2 weeks. Was given daily adult Nyquil doses. THE MURDERS Skipper was sick for 2 weeks. Was given daily adult Nyquil doses. Physicians would term this; “a gross overdose”. Eddie refused for child to see a doctor Skipper cried most nights , all night

THE MURDERS Eddie yelled at Pixie to hush the child. Pixie covered the baby’s THE MURDERS Eddie yelled at Pixie to hush the child. Pixie covered the baby’s mouth and eventually smothered him. Laid him back down until the next morning. The baby was deceased. They held a family service that night. Waited until the next day.

THE MURDERS Skipper was dressed, placed in a gym bag, then two garbage bags THE MURDERS Skipper was dressed, placed in a gym bag, then two garbage bags and buried in the woods. Pixie’s brother marks a tree.

THE MURDERS Pixie placed a plastic rose several inches below the dirt. Skipper was THE MURDERS Pixie placed a plastic rose several inches below the dirt. Skipper was fathered by Eddie Sexton Sr. The grandfather was also the dad…………………. .

THE MURDERS 50 yards from camp, Joel buries his son. Bricks weigh down the THE MURDERS 50 yards from camp, Joel buries his son. Bricks weigh down the gym bag.




THE MURDERS Cause of death - Suffocation THE MURDERS Cause of death - Suffocation

THE MURDERS Eddie Sexton Jr. comes forward with claims he was raped by his THE MURDERS Eddie Sexton Jr. comes forward with claims he was raped by his father. The F. B. I. now starts a all out search. The Sextons enter the USF library in Sarasota, FL Searching for ; “sudden infant death” info

THE MURDERS Family relocates to Little Manatee River State Park THE MURDERS Family relocates to Little Manatee River State Park

THE MURDERS The Sextons befriend a disabled wheelchair bound man, Raymond Hesser. They ask THE MURDERS The Sextons befriend a disabled wheelchair bound man, Raymond Hesser. They ask a lot of questions about the title of his R. V. They plot to kill him and take his identity for his disability checks.

THE MURDERS Joel Good, Pixie’s husband: Wants to go home. Upset Worries Eddie Sexton THE MURDERS Joel Good, Pixie’s husband: Wants to go home. Upset Worries Eddie Sexton Eddie orders Willie to kill Joel

THE MURDERS They walk in the woods. Willie attacks Joel with a rope tied THE MURDERS They walk in the woods. Willie attacks Joel with a rope tied with two small branches. Death by strangulation





THE MURDERS Otis Sexton continues to press authorities to pursue his brother Eddie Sexton THE MURDERS Otis Sexton continues to press authorities to pursue his brother Eddie Sexton Sr. . Eddie sits outside Otis’ house, planning to murder him.

Orville Sexton, Canton, Ohio At first was reluctant. Advised Det. of long distance phone Orville Sexton, Canton, Ohio At first was reluctant. Advised Det. of long distance phone call from FL. F. B. I. notified

THE MURDERS F. B. I. began surveillance on the motor home and the Sextons THE MURDERS F. B. I. began surveillance on the motor home and the Sextons Two Sexton boys attempted to break into the FBI van while the agents were in it.

THE MURDERS Eddie took family to Winn Dixie As he turned the car off, THE MURDERS Eddie took family to Winn Dixie As he turned the car off, he was drug out of the car. Joel & Baby Skipper Good were unaccounted for….

THE MURDERS Willie & Pixie return to Little Manatee. They try to convince Hesser THE MURDERS Willie & Pixie return to Little Manatee. They try to convince Hesser to travel with them. Hesser lies about going to Camper’s World for repairs and flees. That decision saves his life.

Eddie Jr. learns about the baby’s death. Det. Ready is notified and the murder Eddie Jr. learns about the baby’s death. Det. Ready is notified and the murder investigation begins. Skipper Sexton (Eddie’s son) flies to Tampa with Det. Ready Shows both burial sites.

Stories of Eddie chopping up dead fetuses, cooking them for dinner. Virtually forced sex Stories of Eddie chopping up dead fetuses, cooking them for dinner. Virtually forced sex on all 12 children. Abused all 12 children Dead animal rituals

Sherri apparently had a baby. Eddie went into the bathroom and came out with Sherri apparently had a baby. Eddie went into the bathroom and came out with the baby deceased. A hole was discovered, but no body was ever found Over 100 rape / sodomy case were developed

Eddie is convicted of conspiracy to Commit Murder & 1 st Degree Murder Estella Eddie is convicted of conspiracy to Commit Murder & 1 st Degree Murder Estella is convicted in Ohio 8 counts of rape, pled on 11 other counts Sex with daughters Eligible for parole in 2011

Corporal Lee “ Pops” Baker, 35 yr veteran Corporal Lee “ Pops” Baker, 35 yr veteran

THE TRIALS Willie is found incompetent Pixie serves 2 years 7 months and returns THE TRIALS Willie is found incompetent Pixie serves 2 years 7 months and returns to Ohio.

Eddie to Death Row Eddie to Death Row

Eddie to Death Row Eddie Sexton dies on Death row on 12 -29 - Eddie to Death Row Eddie Sexton dies on Death row on 12 -29 - 2010

Eddie Lee’s Harvest Eddie Jr. admits self to mental hospital Sherri had a breakdown Eddie Lee’s Harvest Eddie Jr. admits self to mental hospital Sherri had a breakdown & divorce Skipper in jail on burglary Shelly miscarried her twins Willie ruled incompetent

Eddie Lee’s Harvest Dawn & Shasta, grandkids in foster care in FL James charged Eddie Lee’s Harvest Dawn & Shasta, grandkids in foster care in FL James charged with murder: Set couch & victim on fire. Det. Ready has a heart attack

Eddie Lee’s Harvest Eddie Jr. - 5 years later robs banks & stores 12 Eddie Lee’s Harvest Eddie Jr. - 5 years later robs banks & stores 12 years state prison Lowell Cauffiel – suffers from acute depression

SOURCES *Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office reports, interviews, photos *Stark County Sheriff’s Office reports *House SOURCES *Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office reports, interviews, photos *Stark County Sheriff’s Office reports *House of Secrets by Lowell Cauffiel *St. Pete Times ( Sue Carlton)