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SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 27, 2014 God says to Solomon, “Ask something SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 27, 2014 God says to Solomon, “Ask something of me and I will give it to you. ” “The Lord was pleased that Solomon” asked for an understanding heart instead of for long life or riches. For with such a request, God can work miracles. “All things work for good for those who love God. ” The desire of Solomon is what characterizes the heart of the man who sells all he has to buy the treasurebearing field. The desire of Solomon is what sets apart the merchant who risks his whole livelihood to buy what he judges to be the “pearl of great price. ” They can make these sacrifices with certainty because that treasure, that pearl corresponds to the deepest longings of the “understanding heart” – it is Christ himself. ST. MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST PARISH MINERSVILLE, PA www. St. Matthew. The. Evangelist. Parish. org Rectory Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10: 00 AM to 3: 30 PM Phone: (570) 544 -2211 Fax: (570) 54 -2317 SAINT MATTHEW THE EVANGELIST WELCOMES ALL No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family or marital situation; no matter what your past or present religious affiliation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, race, ethnicity, etc. ; you are Invited, Welcomed, Accepted, Loved and Respected at Saint Matthew the Evangelist Parish! SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR: Sr. Meg Cole (610 -866 -0581 x 19) VICTIM ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR: Wendy S. Krisak (1 -800 -791 -9209) WEEKDAY MASS AT 8: 00 AM MON – Living and Deceased Parishioners TUE – Thomas Davis (Annv) by Wife, Mary WED – Dolores Gennetti Perri by Julie Kubich THU – Josephine Mullock by Ronald and Paul Mullock FRI – Living and Deceased Members of the Parish Memorial Society SAT – 4: 00 PM – Thomas Milewsky by Susan Lorio SUN – 8: 30 AM – Living and Deceased Parishioners 10: 30 AM – Pogirski Family by Rose, Michael and Grandchildren The success of casinos and state lotteries is a ********************************************************************** witness to our THE WEEKLY CALENDAR: God is in his holy place, / God who unites those who hope that dwell in his house; / he himself gives might and strength to his people. somehow we SUNDAY, JULY 27 – SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: might strike it SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 8: 00 AM and 10: 15 AM. rich without THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS(FPC): effort. The Jesus told us to ask the Harvest Master to send laborers into chance of a his harvest. May the prayers of our participating families bear lifetime, the unfruit. Our thanks to MARY JANE APPLEBY for hosting the FPC hoped for Vocations this week. Sign up in Church Vestibule. occasion, is to FAMILY PERSPECTIVE: The man in today’s gospel “sold all he had” for discover in the treasure he found. Family relationships are “treasures” and demand our Jesus the total personal investment. Invest yourself in the “treasure” of your family. kingdom of PRO-LIFE REFLECTION: The battle rages between virtue and vice, grace heaven. In order and self-will, between good and evil. We are to live UP to the standards of to attain that God, not DOWN to the standards of this world. Join the pro-life movement which holds the promise of greater wealth. Woe to treasure we must today and help end abortion and euthanasia. those who take the risk of STEWARDSHIP: “We know that all things work for good for those who label as foolishness that which is profound speculator and love God, who are called according to his purposes. ” - Romans 8: 28. Do you wisdom, the ability sell all that we really trust God? Do you believe that all things work for good? Faith is a to appreciate and search for real wealth. “Ask have in order to challenge for everyone at times. Putting our trust in God, in everything we do, yourself”, says buy that means that God’s plan for our lives may be different than our plan. When one Newman, “if the Kingdom would disappear, would door closes, another one opens. Trust in God, His plan is always better. LAST you change WEEK YOU CONTRIBUTED: Sunday: $3, 613; General Repair: $439; anything in your life? If you see nothing that you Expenses: $4, 573. 56. Thank you for your generosity! would FRATERNAL CHARITY: ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD PANTRY– change, it is because you have risked nothing for Your donation of PEANUT BUTTER will allow the SVDP Society to help the Christ and needy. Volunteer to help our SVDP Society Outreach and God’s Bountiful the kingdom. ” // A life risked for Christ and the Table. Call Edward Butler at 570 -544 -2739 to volunteer. Kingdom is VOTIVES: (1) SANCTUARY: IMO Annie Socko (30 th Annv) by Daughter, the demand made by baptism. Social, Ann Marie. (2) ALTARS: BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: For the Health of professional, and even George Homa and Special Intention by Wife and Family; For the Health of family life, are lived with parameters. Only the Martha Rodgers by Flossie and Jane; Special Intention by Stan and Sally Christian life is Gober. DIVINE MERCY: IMO Joanne C. Tuson by Herman Schenck; Intention an absolute. The passion for Christ must for John; IMO Leonard Yurkonis (Birthday) by Wife and Daughters. BEFORE: submerge all other ST. JOSEPH: Special Intention. REREDOS NICHE: IMO Rev. Joseph F. controlling factors in our lives. For the one who Reilly by Parents. ST. LUCY: Special Intention. Call the Rectory (570 -544 wishes to 2211) to memorialize Vigils. N. B. All Festival of Lights Votives have been used. follow Christ must sell all, refusing to tolerate the FLOWERS: We gratefully ackowledge the flowers adorning the BVM Altar least IMO Annie Socko (30 th Annv) by Daughter, Ann Marie. As of today, our parishioners measure of hypocrisy or compromise. // Selling all SOUTH CASS FIRE COMPANY BREAKFAST: 7: 00 AM to 11: 30 AM. have raised $14, 739 from 137 for Christ parishioners representing MONDAY, JULY 28 – AUGUST VISITATION OF THE SICK: The homebound does not denigrate freedom. Sacrifice and 78% of our parish goal of of our Parish will be visited beginning today and continuing until completed. $18, 950. 55 and 22. 39% of our detachment are the Call 570 -544 -2211 to add someone to our list. total number of registered necessary consequences of attachment to Jesus in families. We need the support THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS: 5: 00 PM, Our Lady’s Chapel of whom are of all our parish families to St. Patrick Church, Pottsville. Veneration of a First-Class Relic of Saint Pauline all the measures of wisdom and knowledge. More reach our goal. If you have not made your pledge of Visintainer to follow. Call 570 -622 -1802 for information. than any support, you may drop off your pledge form in the collection basket or return it to the Rectory. Extra pledge great cause, Jesus excites within us great joy, all TUESDAY, JULY 29 – ST. MATTHEW RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM: forms are available at the back of Church. Please call the joy of 2014 -2015 REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW DUE. Additional Registration Forms Rectory or visit www. adbaa. org with any questions. the world: the joy of discovering the meaning of can be found in the Church Vestibule. Thank you for your support! life, the joy of WEDNESDAY, JULY 30 – DEVOTIONS TO ST. PEREGRINE: 8: 00 AM Mass. finding ourselves engaged in the adventure of THURSDAY, JULY 31 – “SOUNDS OF THE SPIRIT” CONTEMPORARY CHOIR: Call 570 -544 -2355 to join and for rehearsal times. Ask St. Peregrine to help cancer patients and their caregivers. holiness. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 7: 45 AM. Bring your children to Confession during the summer months. EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR: Immediately following today’s 8: 00 AM Mass, there will be Eucharistic Exposition, Adoration, and Benediction. Come and pray for vocations to the Priesthood and Consecrated Life from our Parish and Diocese KEVIN BRENNAN MEMORIAL SUMMER CARNIVAL: 5: 00 PM to Midnight, today and tomorrow, August 2, Nativity BVM School Campus. Live entertainment, food, kids and adult games. Sponsored by Nativity BVM Green and Gold Club. ST. JOSEPH PARISH FESTIVAL: Today through Sunday, 12: 00 Noon to 9: 30 PM, St. Ann’s Picnic Grove, Frackville. Enjoy homemade ethnic foods including: pierogies, bleenies, haluski, golabki (pigeons), kielbassi (w/sauerkraut), barbeque, bean soup, hamburgers, drinks, baked goods and more! Polka Mass at 11: 15 AM, August 3. Live music daily!, indoor yard sale and raffle drawings. 570 -874 -0610. 2014 Walk With Christ SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 3: 30 PM. Bring your children to Confession during the summer months.

 VII ANNUAL SUMMER FESTIVAL AUGUST 17, 2014 SOUTH CASS FIRE COMPANY PICNIC GROUNDS VII ANNUAL SUMMER FESTIVAL AUGUST 17, 2014 SOUTH CASS FIRE COMPANY PICNIC GROUNDS PRIMROSE, PA 12: 00 NOON TO 9: 00 PM Joe Stanky and The Cadets 12: 00 Noon to 4: 00 PM The New Individuals 5: 00 PM to 9: 00 PM ***************************************** (1) ACTIVITY COORDINATORS: As our Summer Festival approaches, we need our Parish’s total cooperation. Coordinators and Volunteers for our stands are needed. Please volunteer your time and talent. Call the Rectory (570 -544 -2211) if you can coordinate any particular area. We appreciate your help. Thanks to those who already volunteered as Coordinators: Adult Games of Chance: COORDINATOR NEEDED! Funnel Cakes: Debbie Klotunowitch (570 -544 -2881) Bar: Wally Slifka (570 -544 -6636) Theme Baskets: Arlene Quesada (570 -385 -0248), Michelle Di. Renzo (570 -544 -2518) Office: Janet Purcell (570 -544 -6624) Grounds: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Bingo: Ken and Mary Ann Eichenberg (570 -544 -2581), Matthew Kroznuski (570 -544 -2589) Kitchen: Women and Men of the Parish French Fries: Tom Mundy (570 -544 -5320) Entertainment: Greg Senich (570 -544 -2355) Bleenie Stand Set-up: Ice Cream: Jack Hudock (570 -544 -4002) Set-Up/ Take Down: Ken Eichenberg (570 -544 -2581) and as many Volunteers as possible Children’s Games: Amy Eades (570 -544 -9595) Raffle / Chances: Marilyn Homa (570 -544 -2595) Coffee/Desserts: Karen Wank (570 -544 -6715), Vickie Marteslo (570 -544 -5063) Soda/ Ice Tea/ Water/ Candy: Ella Mae Kroznuski (570 -544 -2056), Theresa Grigalonis (570 -544 -6738) Hot Dogs/Hamburgers: Elaine Stine (570 -5445628), Mary Ellen Renninger (570 -622 -7907) Ticket Booth: Peggy Butler (570 -544 -5294) 50/50: Gloria Paltanavage (570 -544 -4964) (2) PARISH MAILING: You have received Booster and Raffle Tickets and a Donation Envelope for the Kitchen Collection in the mail. Please support your Parish and ensure our Festival’s success! (3) SIGN-UP SHEETS: Are in the Church Vestibule. Could you please help us by volunteering for two hours or more of your time? Keep our Parish’s heart beating by your involvement! (4) FESTIVAL KITCHEN: The kitchen is the heart of our Summer Festival. We really need your help in the preparations the week before the Festival, and on the actual day of the Festival. Give us a hand! (5) BOOSTER TICKETS: Each adult received one Ticket ($5. 00 each) redeemable at the grounds for food purchases the day of the picnic. Please purchase yours! (6) RAFFLE TICKETS: Each adult received ten Chances ($1. 00 each). Prizes are: 1 st-$1, 000 Cash; 2 nd through 5 th -$100 Cash. Please purchase or sell yours! This will ensure our Summer Festival’s success! (7) BASKET OF CHEER: We are looking for donations of new, unopened bottles of wines and other spirits. Call Marilyn (570 -544 -2595) or Michelle (570 -544 -2518). (2) (8) KITCHEN COLLECTION DONATION: Use the (3) envelope that was sent you to help with pre- (4) picnic expenses. Write your Name / Amount on it. (5) Put your donation in the Sunday Collection. Thanks! (6) (9) CHILDREN’S GAMES: We need young People (7) from the ages of 10 and up to run the games. Also, we (8) could use your donation of gently used or new stuffed (9) animals, happy meal toys, glasses/mugs for dime toss (10) game. Items can be left in the Vestibule of the Church. (11) Call Amy Eades (570 -544 -9595). (12)(10) THEME BASKETS: Donations of all types of theme baskets are needed. If you want to donate but need a basket, or a suggestion, call Michelle Di. Renzo (570 -544 -2518) or Arlene Quesada (570 -385 -0248). (13) (11) COMMUNITY SERVICE: We will be glad to verify (14) Community Service for any picnic activity. SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 – HOLY ANGELS PARISH PICNIC: Today 5: 00 PM to 12: 00 Midnight; Saturday, August 3, 4: 00 PM to 12: 00 Midnight, Church of the Holy Angels, Kulpmont. Homemade food, games, basket bonanza, bake sale and more! Entertainment each night by “ Joe Stanky and his Cadets” and “The Shoreliners”. Call 570 -373 -1221. SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 – EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: 8: 00 AM and 10: 15 AM. THE FAMILY PRAYER CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS (FPC): LAWRENCE MURPHY (8: 30 AM) will host the FPC this week. Call 570 -399 -5056 or sign-up in the Church Vestibule. We need host families for August and September. SECOND COLLECTION ENVELOPE: (1) UTILITIES: Your donation will help pay for light, water, sewer, heating tapes, and the maintenance of all parish heating units, air conditioning, etc. (2) Please catch up with any Church envelopes you have missed. Your Church needs your consistent support to better serve you! ********************************************** MINISTERS AT MASS FOR THE 17 TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OFF. PROC. LECTORS E. MINISTERS ACOLYTES SAT 4: 00 PM Milewsky Frank Dave Anthony Lutchkus Family Melenchick Fogarty Frank Melenchick SUN 8: 30 AM Parishioners Tom Mundy Elaine Davis Emily Purcell Sharon Kolenick Abby Schoffstall Teresa Miller 10: 30 AM Pogirski Family Mary Jo Lori Jade Stickell Nabholz Hoffman Jesse Stickell ********************************************** COMING EVENTS: Please be sure to mark your calendar! AUGUST 7 – MONTHLY ROSARY: 6: 15 PM in our Church. Please join us! AUGUST 13 – GOD’S BOUNTIFUL TABLE: 11: 30 AM to 1: 30 PM, Fr. Anthony Ricapito Annex. Call Edward Butler (570 -544 -2739). AUGUST 17 – SMTE ANNUAL SUMMER FESTIVAL: 12: 00 Noon to 9: 00 PM, South Cass Fire Co. Picnic Grounds. Call 570 -544 -2211 to volunteer. AUGUST 20 – ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ MT. AIRY CASINO BUS TRIP: Pay $25; Rebate $25, free buffet. Bus leaves R&J 7: 45 AM; Quandel’s in Minersville 8: 15 AM. Bus departs casino 4: 00 PM. Call Julie (570 -5445231) or Millie (570 -628 -5413) for information. SEPTEMBER 8 – 11– ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ OUTER BANKS, NORTH CAROLINA BUS TRIP: $539 person (double occupancy) includes: 3 nights lodging, 3 breakfasts, 3 full course dinners, guided tour of Cape Hatteras, Roanoke Island Festival Park, Graveyard of the Atlantic, Wright Brothers National Memorial, Elizabethan Gardens, Bodie Island Lighthouse, souvenir gift, luggage handling, all taxes and meal gratuities, Motorcoach transportation. Your payment is your reservation. Call Julie (570 -544 -5231) or Millie (570 -628 -5413). SEPTEMBER 20 – FIFTH ANNUAL NUN RUN/FUN WALK: 10: 00 AM start, Sacred Heart Villa, Reading. Visit www. mscreading. org or call 610 -9292802 to sponsor and to register. Benefits the Missionary Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. SEPTEMBER 24 – ST. MATTHEW’S TRAVELERS’ HOLLYWOOD CASINO BUS TRIP: Pay $25; Rebate $30. Bus leaves R&J 7: 45 AM; Quandel’s in Minersville 8: 15 AM. Bus departs casino 4: 00 PM. Call Julie (570 -5445231) or Millie (570 -628 -5413) for information. ********************************************** NATIVITY BVM SCHOOL NEWS: 1) In search of a Head Boys/Girls Cross Country coach and Boys Junior High Basketball and Freshman Basketball coach. Interested candidates should send resume, certifications, and all clearances to Nativity BVM High School; Attn: Mrs. Lynn Sabol, Principal; One Lawtons Hill, Pottsville, PA 17901. Call 570 -622 -8110 for more information. 2) Nativity BVM High School Seniors were offered a total of $4, 135, 652. 00 in scholarships and awards. This amount averages over $89, 000 per student. $1, 665, 874. 58 in scholarships and award money was accepted by Nativity’s 2014 graduating seniors, an average of $36, 000 per year! We are still accepting enrollments for the 2014 -2015 school year. Call Jenn at 570 -622 -8110 to receive information or to set up a tour. ST. JOSEPH CENTER FOR SPECIAL LEARNING, INC. , POTTSVILLE JOB OPENINGS: 1) Program Coordinator for Transition Learning and Assessment: Coordinate and oversee program for transition learning and assessment for students with special needs in simulated work settings and community based jobs. 29 hours per week, $10 per hour, 36 weeks per school year. Training provided. Education background preferred. . 2) School-age Pre-vocation Aide/Adult Program Direct Service Worker Substitute: This is a combined position. Assist students with special needs as part of in-house pre-vocation program. 20 hours per week, $8. 75 per hour, 36 weeks per school year. Also be available as on-call Direct Service Worker substitute for Adult Habilitation Program, which may require additional hours per week as well as occasional summer hours. Forward resume and references no later than August 6, 2014 to St. Joseph Center for Special Learning, Inc. principal Mrs. Julia Leibensperger, 2075 West Norwegian Street, Pottsville, PA 17901, or email stjosephcenter@comcast. net. . CYO VOLLEYBALL SIGN-UPS: Any girl in grades 3 -8 interested in playing please email Tammy Gerenda at tamger 11@yahoo. com. You must: be a member of our church; attend weekly Sunday Mass; and be enrolled in Religious Education classes or attend catholic school to participate. Also, we are looking for a coach to help out the program.