Скачать презентацию SESSION NO R 1 31 THURSDAY March Скачать презентацию SESSION NO R 1 31 THURSDAY March


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SESSION NO. : R 1. 31 THURSDAY, March 6, 2008 ROOM NO. : 331 SESSION NO. : R 1. 31 THURSDAY, March 6, 2008 ROOM NO. : 331 Overview Dana K. “Deke” Smith, FAIA Executive Director, building. SMART alliance 1

About National Institute of Building Sciences • 1974 - NIBS - Public Law 93 About National Institute of Building Sciences • 1974 - NIBS - Public Law 93 -383, Sect. 809 – Bridge between Private and Public Construction – Non-governmental – Unique 501 c 3 Organization • 1992 - Facility Information Council Mission – "improve the performance of facilities over their full life-cycle by fostering common and open standards and an integrated lifecycle information model for the A/E/C & FM industry. " • NIBS Related Products – – – Construction Criteria Base Whole Building Design Guide National CAD Standard National BIM Standard 2

Agenda • Scope of BIM – Open Interoperability – Full Lifecycle Implementation – Attaining Agenda • Scope of BIM – Open Interoperability – Full Lifecycle Implementation – Attaining Lowest Overall Cost – Optimum Sustainability – Energy Conservation – Environmental stewardship • building. SMART alliance™ • How to be Part of the Solution 3

Simple Message BIM is a tool building. SMART is the approach • Build building Simple Message BIM is a tool building. SMART is the approach • Build building electronically before you build it physically • Collect information once and re-use throughout the facility lifecycle • Cut out non-value added effort (waste) 4

Simple Message • building. SMART will deliver… – a facility sooner – a lower Simple Message • building. SMART will deliver… – a facility sooner – a lower cost higher quality facility – a facility with few or no change orders – a more energy efficient facility – a more sustainable facility – a more environmentally responsible facility All these have been demonstrated they are not empty promises… 5

What is a Building Information Model? National BIM Standard Definition of BIM – A What is a Building Information Model? National BIM Standard Definition of BIM – A Building Information Model (BIM) is a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. As such it serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life-cycle from inception onward. – A basic premise of BIM is collaboration by different stakeholders at different phases of the life cycle of a facility to insert, extract, update or modify information in the BIM process to support and reflect the roles of that stakeholder. The BIM is a shared digital representation founded on open standards for interoperability. 6

What is a BIM? – Physical & Functional Characteristics View Legal Geospatial Data Financial What is a BIM? – Physical & Functional Characteristics View Legal Geospatial Data Financial Data Designer Data Image Graphisoft Owner / Occupier Data BIM Sustainers Data Specifier Data Environmentalist Data 7

What is a BIM? - Lifecycle Information View Laws and regulations CAD software -Building What is a BIM? - Lifecycle Information View Laws and regulations CAD software -Building regulations -Building specifications -Drawings, calculations -Architect, engineer, … VRML Knowledge databases -Visualisation, 3 D models -Best practise knowledge -Own practice Simulations Briefing -Functional req. -Estimates -Conditions -Requirements Demolition, refurbishment -Rebuild -Demolition -Restoration Building Information Model -Comfort -Ventilation, heating -Life cycle cost -Light, sound -Insulation -Fire, usage -Environment -Life time predictions Facility management -Letting, sale, operations -Maintenance -Guaranties Specifications Construction management -Scheduling -Logistics, 4 D -Specification sheets -Classification standards -Estimates, accounting Procurement -Product databases -Price databases 8

What is BIM? – Interoperability View Architect Civil Engineer Structural Engineer Building Owner Facilities What is BIM? – Interoperability View Architect Civil Engineer Structural Engineer Building Owner Facilities Manager Architect HVAC Engineer Govt. Constr. Manager Civil Engineer Building Owner Facilities Manager Structural Engineer Industry Exchange Standard HVAC Engineer Govt. City Constr. Manager © 2007 OSCRE, Americas, Inc. 9

What is a BIM? – Stakeholders View Execution Stage Procurement Stage Construction Documents Stage What is a BIM? – Stakeholders View Execution Stage Procurement Stage Construction Documents Stage Design Stage Project Delivery Selection Stage Conception Stage Owner Planner - Scoping, Simulation Environmentalist Realtor Appraiser Mortgage Banker Designers Engineers - Energy Analysis, LEED Conflict Analyst Cost & Quantity Estimators Specifiers Contract Specialist & Lawyers Graphisoft Utilization Stage Facility Managers Maintenance & Sustainment Safety & Occupational Health Plant Operator Renovation & Restoration Space Manager Security Manager Network Manager CIO Risk Manager Insurer Occupant Support & Way finding First Responders Disposal Recycling Archivist Construction Contractors Sub-Contractors Fabricators Suppliers & Manufacturers Code Officials 2 yr Closure Stage 100+ Years 1 Yr 10

What is a BIM? - Business Model Execution Stage Procurement Stage Construction Documents Stage What is a BIM? - Business Model Execution Stage Procurement Stage Construction Documents Stage Design Stage Project Delivery Selection Stage Dollars Expended on Facility Conception Stage Utilization Stage Closure Stage Optimized approach with virtual modeling and analysis Typical approach failing to do routine maintenance with reduced change orders & delivery time and lower and having to replace items earlier and more often operating and sustainment costs The savings we are currently Typical design/build approach with required experiencing with faster delivery maintenance and fewer change orders The yet untapped $avings 2 yr 100+ Years 1 Yr 11 Courtesy of DKS Information Consulting, LLC

Why Change Now? • NIST in 2004 identified $15. 8 B lost to lack Why Change Now? • NIST in 2004 identified $15. 8 B lost to lack of interoperability $4. 8 trillion 2008 ✗ • $3 trillion industry with possible 30% waste • 40% of global raw materials are consumed by buildings • Facilities consume 40% of the energy • 65. 2% of total U. S. electricity consumption • Facilities contribute 40% of the emissions • Facilities contribute 20% of land fills • U. S. is no longer the worlds largest Source: CII & LCI 2004 consumer…but we did not slow down 12

BIM - What is in it for me? 1. A more valuable product for BIM - What is in it for me? 1. A more valuable product for your clients 2. Higher quality facilities 3. Lower energy usage 4. Shorter delivery time 5. Lower lifecycle costs 6. Ability to offer more services 7. Fewer change orders and RFI’s 8. Better environmental stewardship 9. Supports a more sustainable product 10. A documented record of facilities and infrastructures prior to, during and after construction. 13

What is BIM? – Business Process Change Geospatial Data Fabrication Product Selection Invoicing/ Payment What is BIM? – Business Process Change Geospatial Data Fabrication Product Selection Invoicing/ Payment Ordering/ Delivery Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Planning Design Construction Operations Sustainment Code Compliance Checking Legal Data Engineering Analysis Computer Aided Facility Management Project photos courtesy of Dennis R. Shelden, Ph. D. , Chief Technology Officer, Gehry Technologies. The picture is of the Disney Conference Hall, designed by Frank Gehry. 14

Ceiling Integration – Disney Concert Hall by Frank Gehry Far More Than Visualization Photo Ceiling Integration – Disney Concert Hall by Frank Gehry Far More Than Visualization Photo courtesy of Dennis R. Shelden, Ph. D. , Chief Technology Officer, Gehry Technologies. The picture is of the Disney Conference Hall, designed by Frank Gehry. 15

GM Business Process Model Owner ARCH SPEC ARCH Preliminary Design Model SIM COST SAFE GM Business Process Model Owner ARCH SPEC ARCH Preliminary Design Model SIM COST SAFE OPER Working Design Model APPROVED ARCH PWR CONSTRUCT MECH Delivered Model SUP ELEC FAB GC STRU OPER IOC FR CIVIL After All Clashes Have Been Resolved Lock the Model and Build It 16

Case Study Design 18 Design Reviews GC Bids GC Awd 3 4 Construction 2 Case Study Design 18 Design Reviews GC Bids GC Awd 3 4 Construction 2 55 Field Changes 4 Conventional Design/Bid/Build (80+ weeks, 60 Weeks if fast tracked) Field Changes Construction Design 12 48 1 Conventional Design/Build (60+ weeks, 50 Weeks if fast tracked) Design 10 -12 Field Changes Construction 38 0 3 D Collaborative Design/Build (48 weeks, 38 Weeks if fast tracked) General Motors Flint Engine 500, 000 SF Plant addition 17

Multiple Types of Analysis from the Same Model Global V 6 engine plant for Multiple Types of Analysis from the Same Model Global V 6 engine plant for General Motors – Flint, MI (Courtesy: GHAFARI Associates) 18

Case Study: BIM in support of historic preservation Martinez & Johnson Architects 3 D Case Study: BIM in support of historic preservation Martinez & Johnson Architects 3 D laser scan of existing historic theatre 19

Case Study: BIM in support of historic preservation Martinez & Johnson Architects Construction drawings Case Study: BIM in support of historic preservation Martinez & Johnson Architects Construction drawings developed from BIM model from scan data 20

Case Study: BIM in support of historic preservation Martinez & Johnson Architects Finished result: Case Study: BIM in support of historic preservation Martinez & Johnson Architects Finished result: the renovated theatre 21

Case Study Daniel Libeskind’s Denver Art Museum Contrary to the belief of some BIM Case Study Daniel Libeskind’s Denver Art Museum Contrary to the belief of some BIM does not stifle creativity… …in fact it enables it. 22 Slide courtesy of C. Eastman

A Visual Reason For BIM Daniel Libeskind’s Denver Art Museum 3 D 2 D A Visual Reason For BIM Daniel Libeskind’s Denver Art Museum 3 D 2 D Visualization with Conflict Analysis Reality 23 Slide courtesy of C. Eastman

Case Study Daniel Libeskind’s Denver Art Museum Visualization during design and construction Better integration Case Study Daniel Libeskind’s Denver Art Museum Visualization during design and construction Better integration of systems and conflict analysis 24 Slide courtesy of C. Eastman

Visualization with Information Courtesy Benjamin D. Hall Interdisciplinary Research Building 25 Visualization with Information Courtesy Benjamin D. Hall Interdisciplinary Research Building 25

BIM for Facility Management Copyright Sydney Opera House. Courtesy Utzon Architects/Johnson Pilton Walker (Architects BIM for Facility Management Copyright Sydney Opera House. Courtesy Utzon Architects/Johnson Pilton Walker (Architects in collaboration), ARUP Sectional View of Sydney Opera House 26

Geospatial Relationship CAD Geospatially Located Building Information Model Copyright Sydney Opera House. Courtesy Utzon Geospatial Relationship CAD Geospatially Located Building Information Model Copyright Sydney Opera House. Courtesy Utzon Architects/Johnson Pilton Walker (Architects in collaboration), ARUP, with permission 27

building. SMART alliance: Vision and Mission • Vision – A global environment where all building. SMART alliance: Vision and Mission • Vision – A global environment where all participants can readily and transparently share, apply and maintain information about facilities and infrastructure • Mission – Improve all aspects of the facility and infrastructure lifecycle by promoting collaboration, technology, integrated practices and open standards 28

building. SMART alliance Purpose • Provide visibility to ongoing efforts • Identify interfaces • building. SMART alliance Purpose • Provide visibility to ongoing efforts • Identify interfaces • Identify gaps and overlaps • Support ongoing projects • Coordinate a fragmented industry to profoundly reduce waste (Materials and Time) • Demonstrate the power of an industry alliance all moving toward a common vision • To reduce United States construction industry waste by $200 B a year by 2020 29

Organizational Relationships NIBS Board of Directors IAI-International* Council Chapter NIBS President Board of Direction Organizational Relationships NIBS Board of Directors IAI-International* Council Chapter NIBS President Board of Direction building. SMART alliance™ Staff Alliance Programs External and Internal Projects From all members of the Alliance Sponsors and Members 30 * IAI-International has indicated that it will change its name to building. SMART International, but this action has not yet been completed

building. SMART International Interested Countries Russia India Brazil 31 Courtesy of Patrick Mac. Leamy, building. SMART International Interested Countries Russia India Brazil 31 Courtesy of Patrick Mac. Leamy, HOK

Relationships of Technical Products IDM International Framework Dictionary (IFD) Ensures all terms are same Relationships of Technical Products IDM International Framework Dictionary (IFD) Ensures all terms are same and allows translation Information Delivery Manual (IDM) Structural Mechanical Model View (MVD) Conflict Analysis Key: BIM – Information repository MVD – Presents only needed information IDM – How people communicate IFD – Ensuring common terminology Building Information Model (BIM) Ifc Based 32

2008 Alliance Goals • Internal Goals – To ensure that the building community understands 2008 Alliance Goals • Internal Goals – To ensure that the building community understands the organizational relationships of the Alliance with the International organization and projects that are part of the Alliance – To increase the visibility and number of projects that the Alliance is coordinating – Double the number of sponsors and members of the Alliance – Build and enhance a strong public information and communications initiative – Stand up a permanent Board of Direction by July 2008 – Expand staff availability – Ninety percent of funding collected for projects goes directly to support projects 33

Programs 1. Alliances & User Group Program (AUG) 2. Business Process Program (BPR) 3. Programs 1. Alliances & User Group Program (AUG) 2. Business Process Program (BPR) 3. Education Program (EDU) 4. Energy and Environmental Program (EEP) 5. Economic Issues Program (EIP) 6. Quality of Life Program (QLP) 7. Research & Development Program (RDP) 8. Real Property Program (RPP) 9. Standards & Technology Program (STP) 10. Visualization, Simulation and Analysis Program (VSA) 34

2008 Program Goals • Program Goals 1. Establish a network of user groups and 2008 Program Goals • Program Goals 1. Establish a network of user groups and share information between them on a regular basis 2. Support and promote best practice efforts and highlight them to the community. 3. Develop principals or guidelines that can be shared across the educational community 4. Build deeper relationships with like-minded, mission intersecting standards setting organizations across the building, environmental and energy communities 5. Develop a high level cost model identifying non-value added effort (waste) by phase 6. Ensure the work of the Alliance is accepted by the regulatory community, 7. Track existing R&D projects and set up an environment to identify R&D projects 8. Develop links between the spatial communities 9. Deliver NBIMS Version 1, Part 2. and NBIMS Version 2 well defined 10. Identify specific opportunities for simulation with the OBIX and MIMOSA community 35

2008 Partial List of Active Projects • • 2008 -BPR-01 2008 -BPR-02 2008 -BPR-03 2008 Partial List of Active Projects • • 2008 -BPR-01 2008 -BPR-02 2008 -BPR-03 2008 -BPR-04 2008 -BPR-05 2008 -EDU-01 • 2008 -EDU-02 • • 2008 -EDU-03 2008 -EDU-04 • 2008 -EDU-05 • • 2008 -EDU-06 2008 -EIP-01 2008 -QLP-01 2008 -RDP-02 2008 -RDP-03 2008 -RDP-04 BIMStorm™ Business Process Integration COBIE Consensus. Docs Integrated Practice (IP) Early Design Legal & Risk Group College & University programs Continuing Education Coordination Distance learning Common Education Principles University Physical Plant Coordination Vendor Training Coordination Cost Model / ROI SMARTCodes™ Architectural Precast BIM – Execution Planning Structural University Research & Development Compendium • 2008 -RPP-01 • • • 2008 -STP-01 2008 -STP-02 2008 -STP-03 • 2008 -STP-04 • 2008 -STP-05 • 2008 -STP-06 • 2008 -STP-07 • 2008 -STP-08 • 2008 -STP-09 • 2008 -STP-10 • • • 2008 -STP-11 2008 -STP-12 2008 -STP-13 GIS - BIM ifc Based Information Exchange AECOO Testbed High Performance Buildings Industry Foundation Class (ifc) Development Information requirements, Model view, data Validation (IMV) Framework Development Information Delivery Manual (IDM) International Framework Dictionary (IFD) Development ISO 15926 / ISO/PAS 16739 Harmonization Model View Definition (MVD) Development National BIM Standard, Version 1, Part 2 National CAD Standard, Version 5 Omni. Class Modifications UNIFORMAT Consolidation GSA Spatial Program Validation IDM/MVD into NBIMS 36

Why Join the Alliance? • • • Participate in projects defining the future Leverage Why Join the Alliance? • • • Participate in projects defining the future Leverage your implementation cost Reduce risk and time in implementation Learn from others successes and failures Obtain the latest practice information Attain a greater understanding of BIM Understand what is possible and what is not Don’t re-invent the wheel Identify others using BIM Lead don’t follow 37 © M. A. Mortenson Company

Standards: NBIMS V 1 P 1 • Delivered Dec 27, 2007 • International Core Standards: NBIMS V 1 P 1 • Delivered Dec 27, 2007 • International Core • National Specific – Omni. Class • Information Exchange Concepts • Standard Development Process • Information Assurance • Capability Maturity Model • References and Appendices • Over 30 contributors 38

Project and Product Relationship With NBIM Standard Org 1 Project Org 2 Project Org Project and Product Relationship With NBIM Standard Org 1 Project Org 2 Project Org 1 Project Org 3 Project STD Whitepaper Best Practice Org 5 Project Org 4 Project Org 6 Project Ad-hoc STD Org 4 Project Research STD R e q u e s t f o r C o n s i d e r a t i o n NBIMS Subcommittee NBIMS Subcommittee C o n s e n s u s P r o c e s s NBIM Standard 39

Information Dissemination Press, Conferences, Webinars and other methods 40 Information Dissemination Press, Conferences, Webinars and other methods 40

BIMStorm LA 41 BIMStorm LA 41

Tipping Point Prediction Time is of the Revolution essence Di sr up tio n Tipping Point Prediction Time is of the Revolution essence Di sr up tio n Evolution 42

Alliance Sponsors • Silver Level • Bronze Level • Alliance Level 43 Alliance Sponsors • Silver Level • Bronze Level • Alliance Level 43

How to join the Alliance? 1. Visit www. buildingsmartalliance. org 2. Apply on-line or How to join the Alliance? 1. Visit www. buildingsmartalliance. org 2. Apply on-line or contact: Deke Smith – dsmith@nibs. org (202) 289 -7800 or Peter Smeallie - smeallie@verizon. net 44

Questions? Deke Smith dsmith@nibs. org (202) 289 -7800 45 Questions? Deke Smith dsmith@nibs. org (202) 289 -7800 45

Thank You Deke Smith dsmith@nibs. org (202) 289 -7800 46 Thank You Deke Smith dsmith@nibs. org (202) 289 -7800 46